Lowongan Kerja CPNS BPK – Formasi CPNS BPK – Persyaratan CPNS BPK
About Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK)
Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan – BPK is higher institutions in the state system Indonesian state has the authority and responsibility of checking the management of state finances . According to the 1945 Constitution , the CPC is a free and independent institutions .
CPC members elected by the House of Representatives with respect to consideration of the Regional Representatives Council , and was inaugurated by the President . Financial examination results submitted to the DPR , DPD and DPRD ( according to authorities ) .
History of B{K
Article 23 paragraph ( 5 ) of the Constitution of 1945 stipulates that the responsibility for checking on State Financial Audit Board held that an ordinance established by the Act . The test results submitted to the House of Representatives .
Under the mandate of the 1945 Constitution has been issued Letter of Determination dated No.11/OEM Government December 28, 1946 on the establishment of the Supreme Audit Board , on January 1, 1947 while domiciled in the city of Magelang . At that time the Supreme Audit Agency has only 9 employees and as Chairman of the Audit Board first is R. Soerasno . To begin the task , the State Audit Board in his letter dated 12 April 1947 94 – 1 has been announced to all agencies in the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia on the tasks and obligations in examining the responsibility of the State Treasury , for while still using the laws which apply first for the performance of duties Algemene Rekenkamer ( BPK Dutch East Indies ) , which ICW and IAR .
In Government Establishment No.6/1948 dated 6 November 1948, the seat of the Supreme Audit Agency transferred from Magelang to Yogyakarta . The capital of the Republic of Indonesia in Yogyakarta still have the Supreme Audit Agency in accordance with Article 23 paragraph ( 5 ) of the Constitution of 1945 was represented by its Chairman R. Kasirman were appointed by Presidential decree dated January 31, 1950 No.13/A/1950 commencing August 1, 1949 .
With the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS ) RIS Constitutional Charter is based on the date December 14, 1949 , the Supervisory Board established Financial ( based in Bogor ) which is one of the country RIS fittings , was appointed as Chairman of R. Soerasno starting on December 31, 1949 , who previously served as Chairman of the Audit Board in Yogyakarta . Financial Supervisory Board RIS based in Bogor occupies the former office Algemene Rekenkamer Nederlandsch Indië government during the Civil Administratie ( NICA ) .
With the formation of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1950 , the Board of Trustees Finance RIS which were in Bogor since the date of October 1, 1950 merged with the Provisional Constitution by the Supreme Audit Agency in 1950 and is based in Bogor occupies the former office of the Comptroller of the RIS . Personnel Board Comptroller RIS elements taken from the Supreme Audit Agency in Yogyakarta and from Algemene Rekenkamer in Bogor .
On July 5, 1959 Date issued Presidential Decree stating re-enactment of the 1945 Constitution . Thus the Supervisory Board of Finance based on the 1950 Constitution back into the State Audit Board under Article 23 ( 5 ) of the Constitution of 1945 .
Although the Supreme Audit Board to Board fickle Comptroller RIS RIS is based on the constitution of the Supervisory Board of Finance RI (UUDS 1950) , then returned to the State Audit Board by the Constitution of 1945 , but the foundations of the implementation of its activities is still using the ICW and IAR .
In the mandates of Economics and President of the Declaration of Parama Ambeg Arta , and in the MPRS Decree No. . MPRS No. 11/MPRS/1960 and resolution . 1/Res/MPRS/1963 have expressed the desire to enhance the State Audit Board , so it can be an effective means of control . To achieve this purpose, the date of October 12, 1963 , the Government issued Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. . 7, 1963 ( LN No. . 195 of 1963 ) which was later replaced by the Act ( PERPU ) No. . 6 of 1964 on the BPK New Style .
To replace the PERPU , issued Law no. 17 of 1965 which inter alia provides that the President , as the Leader of the Revolution inspection authority and the highest research for the preparation and management of the State Treasury . Chairman and Vice Chairman of BPK RI resident individual as Coordinating Minister and Minister .
Finally by the MPRS with the Status Assessment No.X/MPRS/1966 BPK returned to its original position and function as a state executive bodies . So that the underlying law BPK RI task needs to be changed and new end realized in 1973 by Law no . 5 1973 On the State Audit Board .
In today’s era of reform , BPK has received constitutional support of the MPR Annual Session 2002 which strengthens the position of the BPK as an external audit institution in the State Treasury , by the issuance of decrees which, among other No.VI/MPR/2002 reaffirmed the position of the Supreme Audit Agency as the only state financial institutions and external auditors need to be strengthened in its role as an independent and professional institutions .
To further strengthen the task BPK RI , RI CPC provisions governing the 1945 Constitution has been amended . Prior to amendment BPK only set in one paragraph ( article 23 paragraph 5 ) and then in 1945 the Third Amendment developed into a separate chapter ( Chapter VIII A ) with three chapters ( 23E , 23F , and 23G ) and seven verses .
To support its work, supported by a set of BPK Law on State Finance , namely ;
Act 17 of 2003 on State Finance , Law # 1 of 2004 on State Treasury ; Law. 15 of 2004 on Control of State Finance ; Law. 15 Year 2006 on State Audit Board .
Jobs Available
Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Republik Indonesia open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as :
Jobs Description
General Requirements:
- Indonesia Citizen (WNI)
- Aged a minimum of 18 years and a maximum of 35 years
- Willing to be placed in the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia
- Never dismissed with no respect of place of work
- Other requirements can be found at the website of online registration.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Registration is done online CPNS through national portal that is conducted independently by General applicants on 5 to 7 October 2016 with stages as follows:
- The Selection Of The Formation;
- Filling Registration Form on the selected formations;
- Data corresponding ID/KK applies. NIK, your name, date of birth, place of birth, and E-mail address;
- After filling out the registration form applicants will get the registration via e-mail konfirrnasi and setup the applicants get a user name and password as login access for uplink data completeness requirements for registration, and to get information leading to portal instances and forms, chosen;
- Registrant Login Access used received via e-mail a dart Panselnas to rnengakses the page
- Rekrutmen CPNS dilakukan secara nasional melalui Pan. Seleksi Nasional (Panselnas).
- CPNS test method using CAT, enthusiasts are expected to study the lattice grid CAT Tests on :
- Only shortlisted candidate will be notified.
- Source
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