
Lowongan BJB Syariah
About PT Bank BJB Syariah
PT Bank BJB Syariah – BJB Syariah is a reputable sharia public banking company in Indonesia. The Company was established in 2010 as a subsidiary company of PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk (Bank BJB), one of the largest regional development bank in Indonesia.
Bjb bank syariah standpoint begins with the formation of Division / Business Unit PT Bank Syariah by District Development West Java and Banten Tbk. on May 20, 2000, with a view to meeting the needs of the community of West Java start growing desire to use sharia banking services at the moment.
After 10 (ten) years of operation Division / Business Unit sharia, the management of PT Bank Development District West Java and Banten Tbk. the view that in order to accelerate growth and to support program efforts Sharia Bank Indonesia who require an increase Islamic banking share, then with the consent of the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Bank Development District West Java and Banten Tbk. decided to make the Division / Business Unit Shariah become sharia banks.
As a follow up the results of the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Bank Development District West Java and Banten Tbk. then on January 15, 2010 was established based on the sharia bank bjb Establishment Act Number 4 made by notary Fathiah Helmi and have been endorsed by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights AHU.04317.AH.01.01 No. 2010 January 26, 2010.
At the time of sharia stance bjb bank has paid-in capital of Rp.500.000.000.000 (five hundred billion rupiah), the ownership of the bank bjb owned by PT Bank Syariah District Development Tbk West Java and Banten. and PT Banten Global Development, with the composition of PT Bank Development District West Java and Banten Tbk. Rp.495.000.000.000 size (four hundred ninety five billion) and PT Banten Global Development of Rp. (five billion rupiah).
On 6 May 2010 the bank started its sharia bjb, having obtained license of Letter of Bank Indonesia No. efforts 12/629/DPbS dated 30 April 2010, to be implemented sooner cut off from the Division / Business Unit PT Bank Syariah District Development West Java and Banten Tbk. that a path will bjb sharia bank.
Then, on 21 June 2011, based on the Act No. 10 of the paid-in capital increase made by Popy Kuntari Sutresna Notary and have been endorsed by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights-AH.01.10 number AHU-23713 Year 2011 July 25, 2011, PT Global Development Banten paid-in capital increase of Rp. 7,000,000,000 (seven billion rupiah), to share the whole total of Rp. 507,000,000,000 (five hundred seventy billion rupiah), the composition of PT Bank Development District West Java and Banten Tbk. Rp.495.000.000.000 size (four hundred ninety five billion) and PT Banten Global Development of Rp. (twelve billion rupiah).
Until now bjb sharia bank with offices located in the city of Bandung, Jalan Braga No. 135, and has had 8 (eight) at a branch, 19 (nineteen) branch office assistant, 28 (twenty eight) network Mandiri Cash Machine (ATM ) spread in the district of West Java Province, Banten and Jakarta and 32,426 Shared ATM network. In 2012, the bank hoped bjb Sharia already has a total of 8 (eight) at a branch, 26 (twenty six) branch office assistant, 36 (thirty six) network Mandiri Cash Machine (ATM) spread in the district of West Java Province, Banten and Jakarta.
Company Contact
Jl. Braga No. 135 – Bandung 40111
Phone / Fax : (022) 420 2599 / (022) 421 2550
Email :
Jobs Available
PT Bank Jabar Banten Syariah now is seeking the candidates who are interested to learn and gaining hands-on experience in sharia banking industry :
- Programmer
Job Description
Requirements :
- Male/Female, Indonesian Citizen (WNI) with the maximum age of 30 years old.
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Informatics Engineering, Informatics Management (accredited BAN PT) with the minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Expertise with Structured Query Language (SQL), RDBMS (Progress Database (OpenEdge), DB2, Postgre SQL).
- Skilled in programming language (web based and mobile apps).
- No have family relationship with the employee of BJB Syariah.
- Physically and mentally healthy.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please send your application letter, CV, diploma/SKL and transcript, IT certificate (if any) to :
- (in single file PDF with the maximum file size of 2MB).
Notes :
- Please mention “PROGRAMMER 2019” in your subject line.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Source
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