
Lowongan Kerja PTPN XII
About PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero) – PTPN XII
PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero) – PTPN XII is a State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) with the overall status of the Limited Liability Company owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
PTPN XII established based on number 17 in 1996, set forth in the notarial deed Aaron Kamin, SH No. 45 dated March 11, 1996 and approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia with the Decree number C.2-8340 HT.01.01 dated August 8, 1996.
Deed of amendment company number 62 dated May 24, 2000 made by notary justisia Soetandio, SH and authorized the Minister of Law and Legislation of the Republic of Indonesia by Decree No. 01:04 22 950 HT C. 2000. Subsequently, the Notary Act No. 62 was changed to 30 Notarial Deed No. Habib Adjie, SH., Hum dated August 16, 2008.
PTPN XII has a vision “Agribusiness Company Being highly competitive and capable of sustainable growth and development”.
Its mission is:
- Implement business reforms, strategy, structure, and culture of the company to realize the professionalism based on the principles of good corporate governance.
- Increase the value and competitiveness of companies (competitive advantage) through innovation and increased productivity and efficiency in the delivery of quality products with competitive price and high quality services.
- Generate profits that can bring the company to grow and evolve to increase value for shareholders and other stakeholders.
- Develop agribusiness with good governance and care about environmental sustainability and social responsibility in the business environment (community development).
PTPN XII manage the plantation of 80,000 ha and spread throughout East Java which is divided into 3 regions and 34 units of the garden.
Direction of the development of the company is the creation of a company PTPN XII Wolrd Class in terms of sales value and the creation of good corporate governance.
Company Contact

PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero)
Kantor Direksi PTPN XII (Persero)
Jl. Rajawali no. 44
Jawa Timur
Jobs Available
PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero) is looking for qualified personnel with high motivation, initiative and integrity to seize theese career opportunities :
- PKWT Tenaga Pengelola Coffee Clinic
Job Description
Requirements :
- Indonesian Citizens (WNI).
- Female, maximum age of 23 years old on 1 June 2019.
- Minimum SMA/SMK or equivalent (Hospitality or Catering Vocational School).
- Good looking.
- Domicile in Surabaya.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Interested candidates need to register online to :
Notes :
- The applications must be submitted before 5 June 2019.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
- Source
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