Program Internship PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)



Lowongan Kerja Magang PT Pos Indonesia

About PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero)

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) – Pos Indonesia is a leading state-owned company that deals with postal services. The Company has been operating in Indonesia since 1745 and originally registered as PTT Bureau. PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) was launched in 1995 to focus on mail, parcel and logistics services as well as in financial services.

PT Pos IndonesiaHistory

History records the existence of Pos Indonesia so long, Kantorpos first established in Batavia (now Jakarta) by the Governor-General GW Baron van Imhoff on August 26, 1746 in order to better ensure the safety of the letters, particularly those trading from offices in outside Java, and for those coming from and going to the Netherlands. Since then, the postal service has been born to assume the role and function of public services.

After Kantorpos Batavia established, then four years later established Kantorpos Semarang to hold regular postal communication between the two places and to speed up delivery. Postal route when it is through Falkirk, Cirebon and Pekalongan.

Status Change Pos Indonesia
Pos Indonesia has several times changed the status from the Bureau of PTT (Post, Telegraph and Telephone). Business entity headed by a Chief Surgeon is not a commercial operation and function is more directed to hold a public service. The development continues until the status of a State Enterprise of Posts and Telecommunications (Postel PN). Observing the times where the postal and telecommunications sector is growing very rapidly, then in 1965 changed to the State Company of Post and Giro (PN Pos and Giro), and in 1978 turned into Perum Post and Giro that since this was confirmed as a single entity in conducting the postal service and giropos both for domestic and foreign relations. Housing status for 17 years, then in June 1995 turned into a limited liability company with the name of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero).

Over time, Pos Indonesia has now been able to show his creativity in the development of the field of postal Indonesia by leveraging its network infrastructure to reach about 24 thousand service points, reaching 100 percent of city / county, nearly 100 percent of districts and 42 percent of urban / rural, and 940 Indonesia’s transmigration remote locations. Along with the development of information, communication and technology, networking Pos Indonesia has had 3700 Kantorpos online, and include mobile elektronic post in several major cities. All points are chain connected to each other by a solid and integrated. ZIP code system was created to facilitate the post processing where every inch of the area in Indonesia can be identified accurately.

Company Contact

PT Pos Indonesia

Jobs Available

PT Pos Indonesia is one state that is quite famous in Indonesia are engaged in service opportunities for the nation’s best people to join with PT Pos Indonesia:

  • Program Pemagangan Intake S-1

Jobs Description


  • Candidates who have passed Undergraduate Program (S1) up to 2 years (2015-2016) or final year S1 students who have completed the final exam or thesis.
  • Majoring in the following discipline
    1. FISIP
    2. Communication Management
    3. Communication Studies
    4. Business Administration
    5. Industrial Engineering
    6. Business Management

Sites Reference


Submit Application

If you match the profile and are interested in this exiting internship opportunity, please apply in confidence by filling online application form at :


  • Application should be submitted no later than 26 September 2016, 15.00 West Indonesia time.
  • Application will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will receive responses.

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