
Lowongan Kerja Pupuk Kaltim
About PT. Pupuk Kaltim
PT. Pupuk Kaltim stems from fertilizer projects offshore in the two vessels owned by Pertamina and then appropriate Presidential Decree. 43/1975 the project was transferred to the ground. Then, through the Presidential Decree. 39/1976, Pertamina handed over its management to the Ministry of Industry.
On December 7, 1977, Fertilizer Kaltim officially established. The process of construction of the plant was carried out in 1979. To support the process of production, the factory has also been equipped with various facilities. The main raw material factories located in Bontang natural gas is piped along the 60 miles that stretched between Bontang and Muara Rhinos.
In addition to producing 2.98 million tonnes of urea and 1.85 million tons of ammonia per year, Pupuk Kaltim also produce other products, such as fertilizers and NPK Pelangi Zeorganik. Pupuk Kaltim also continue to develop the company’s market segments include industrial, farming, fertilizer needs for domestic food crop sector and exports.
As a company that became the foundation of strategic industries National Food Security Programme, Fertilizer Kaltim always strive to develop every opportunity to be able to maintain the continuity of the company. Supported four factory units and five units of Ammonia Urea plant is located in an area of ??approximately 493 hectares, Pupuk Kaltim determined to realize an industrial area of advanced and environmentally friendly.
Company Contact

Jl. James Simandjuntak No. 1
Bontang 75313
Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
Phone : +62 548 41202, 41203
Fax : +62 548 41616, 41626
Email :
Jobs Available
PT Pupuk Kaltim are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following positions below :
- Pupuk Kaltim Apprentice Challenge Batch 3
Jobs Description
Education Background
- IPA.
- Chemical Analysis.
- Networking Computer Engineering.
- Diploma Degree (D3)
- K3.
- Archive.
- Business Management / Administration.
- Library.
- Management of Commercial and Port Shipping.
- Electrical Engineering.
- Chemical Engineering.
- Mechanical Engineering.
- Physics Engineering.
- Civil Engineering.
- Information Technology / Informatics Engineering.
- Bachelor Degree (S1/D4)
- Agribusiness.
- Nutritionists.
- Accounting.
- Law.
- Communication.
- Public Health.
- Finance Management.
- Marketing Management.
- Industrial Engineering.
- Chemical Engineering.
- Mechanical Engineering.
- Civil Engineering
General Requirements :
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
- Never participated in Pupuk Kaltim Apprentice Challenge Program .
- Maximum age
- Maximum age of 30 years old for Bachelor Degree (S1/D4).
- Maximum age of 27 years old for Diploma Degree (D3).
- Maximum age of 23 years old for SMA/SMK.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00 out of 4.00 for S1 and D3.
- Minimum average national exam score of 7 for SMA/SMK.
- Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please fill-in application form below :
Notes :
- Application should be submitted no later than 12 June 2019.
- All applications will be treated confidentially.
- Only short listed candidates will be notified.
- Source
Info Lowongan Kerja Pupuk Kaltim brougth to you by