Lowongan Kerja KPU Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta



Lowongan Kerja KPU DIY

About Komisi Pemilihan Umum

Komisi Pemilihan Umum – KPU is the state agency that organizes elections in Indonesia. In brief as possible, the Commission present a fourth KPU established since 1998. Reform Commission first era (1999-2001) established by Presidential Decree No. 16 of 1999, consisting of 53 members, from the government and political parties. The first Commission appointed by President BJ Habibie. KPU second (2001-2007) established by Presidential Decree No. 10 of 2001, 11 members, from the academic elements and NGOs. The second Commission appointed by President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) on 11 April 2001.


The third Commission (2007-2012) established by Presidential Decree No. 101 / P / 2007, which contains seven members from the members of the Provincial Election Commission, academics, researchers and bureaucrats inaugurated on October 23, 2007 minus Syamsulbahri which nevertheless appointed by President because of legal problems.

To deal with the implementation of the 2009 General Election, KPU image should be changed so that the Commission can function effectively and to facilitate the implementation of free and fair elections. Implementation of free and fair elections is an important factor for the elected representatives of the people more qualified and able to express the aspirations of the people. As a member of the Commission, as the moral integrity of the election administration is essential, in addition to being a driving force KPU also make the Commission more credible in the eyes of the public because it is supported by a personal and fair.

Exactly three years after the end of election in 2004, came the idea in the government and parliament to improve the quality of elections, one of the organizers of the quality of the elections. As organizers of the elections, the Commission demanded an independent and non-partisan.

For that upon the recommendation of the Parliament initiative and together compose the government ratified Law No. 22 Year 2007 regarding the Election. Election organizers before the existence of Article 22-E of the Constitution of 1945 and Law No. 12 of 2003 on the Election of DPR, DPD and DPRD, Law Number 23 Year 2003 on the Presidential and Vice-President.

In Law Number 22 Year 2007 regarding the Election set on Election organizers are carried out by a General Election Commission (KPU), which is national, permanent and independent. National character reflects that the area of ??work and responsibility as an organizer Election Commission covers the whole territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Nature still shows the Commission as an institution that performs continuous although limited by a certain period. Self-contained nature asserts Election Commission in organizing free from the influence of any party.

An important change in the law No. 22 Year 2007 regarding the Election, include arrangements regarding Election management bodies Members of the House of Representatives, Regional Representatives Council, and Regional House of Representatives; Election of President and Vice President; as well as the General Election of Regional Head and Deputy Head of the previously regulated in some legislation was later refined in 1 (one) laws are more comprehensive.

In Law No. 22 Year 2007 regarding the Election set on KPU, Provincial KPU, and Regency / City as an institution of the general elections and the Election Supervisory Body as permanent electoral watchdog agency. KPU responsible in their duties in accordance with the legislation and the provision of in all phases of the elections and other tasks. Commission report to the President of the House of Representatives.

Law Number 22 Year 2007 regarding the Election also regulates the status of the election committee that includes PPK, PPS, KPPS and PPLN and KPPSLN which is the organizer Election ad hoc. The committee has an important role in the implementation of all phases of general elections in order to oversee the establishment of Election direct, general, free, confidential, honest, and fair.

In order to realize the KPU and Bawaslu integrity and credibility as Election, formulated and established the Election Code. In order for the Election Code can be applied in general elections, established the Honorary Board of KPU, Provincial KPU and Bawaslu.

In the Law Number 12 Year 2003 concerning General Election of DPR, DPD and DPRD, the number of members of the Commission is 11 people. With the enactment of Law No. 22 Year 2007 regarding the Election, the number of members of the Commission was reduced to 7 people. Reduction of the number of members of the Commission from 11 to 7 do not fundamentally change the division of tasks, functions, powers and obligations of the Commission in planning and implementing stages, timetables and mechanisms Election of DPR, DPD, DPRD, Election of the President / Vice President and Regional Head Election and Deputy Head.

According to Law No. 22 Year 2007 regarding the Election, the composition of the Commission must pay attention to the representation of women at least 30% (thirty percent). KPU membership period of five (5) years from the oath / pledge.

Election guided by the principle: self-contained; honest; fair; legal certainty; orderly election organizers; public interest; openness; proportionality; professionalism; accountability; efficiency and effectiveness.

How the selection of candidates for members of KPU-according to Law Number 22 Year 2007 regarding the Election-is the President formed a Committee of Selection Team prospective member of the Commission dated May 25, 2007 consisting of five people who helped the president set a prospective member of the Commission which is then submitted to the House of Representatives to follow the fit and proper test. In accordance with the wording of Article 13 paragraph (3) of Law N0 22 Year 2007 regarding the Election, Candidate Selection Team Member Commission on July 9, 2007 has received 545 applicants interested in becoming a candidate member of the Commission. Of the 545 applicants, 270 people passed the administrative selection to take the written test. Of the 270 candidates who passed the administrative test, 45 candidates of members of the Commission passes a written test and a track record that was announced on July 31, 2007.

In Article 10 of Law No. 3 of 1999 on General Elections and Article 2 of Presidential Decree Number 16 Year 1999 on the Establishment of the Election Commission and Determination of the Organization and Administration of the Secretariat General Election Commission, explained that in order to carry out the Elections, the Commission has the task of authority as follows :

  • Plan and prepare for the upcoming general elections;
  • Receive, examine and establish Political parties are entitled to as participants in the General Elections;
  • Forming the Indonesian Election Committee, hereinafter referred PPI and coordinate the activities of the General Elections from the central level to at voting places, hereinafter referred to TPS;
  • Setting the number of seats in the DPR, DPRD I and DPRD II for each electoral district;
  • Establish the overall results of the General Elections in all electoral districts for the DPR, DPRD I and DPRD II;
  • Collecting and systematized the materials and the data on the results of the General Election;
  • Leading the stages of Election.

In Article 2 of Presidential Decree No. 16 of 1999 there are additional letters:

  • Other duties and powers stipulated in Law No. 3 of 1999 on General Election.

While Article 11 of Law No. 3 of 1999 also added that in addition to the duties and authority of the Commission as referred to in Article 10, no later than three (3) years after the general elections held, the system evaluates Election Commission.

Jobs Available

Komisi Pemilihan Umum Provinsi DIY is seeking the best candidates to join as :

  • Tenaga Pendukung Web Developer

Job Description

Requirements :

  • Graphic design – Needed to be able to make the header design and design support in the Commission website content DIY
  • Web programming language – needed to understand coding KPU website DIY
  • Database and database communication language – With an understanding of database structure, then the system and the Commission’s website is getting better and optimal DIY
  • Javascript framework – needs to be able to add an interesting detail, expressive, and interactive on the Commission website
  • HTML and CSS – With the mastery of HTML and CSS, will be able to optimize the website template design is cleaner and lighter to be accessed
  • Mobile platform – Due to the KPU website made compatible DIY anyway for devices, it is important to understand the programming platform for mobile

Power Support’s Web Developer will assist the management of the Commission website DIY, especially in terms of maintenance of the server, in the period of the contract that has been set. During the contract period, a web developer support personnel also provide knowledge and understanding needed simple website manager of the programming side.

Sites Reference

  1. www.kpu.go.id
  2. http://kpud-diyprov.go.id

Submit Application

If you are interested in a job at the DIY KPU, Please come directly with the application cover letter to the address:

KPU Provinsi DIY
Jl.Ipda Tut Harsono No.47 Yogyakarta 55165
Info lebih lanjut : Telp.(0274) 558005, 558006


  • DIY Provincial KPU recruitment process is free of charge
  • Caution against any form of fraud, Provincial KPU does not cooperate with any hotel and travel agency
  • Closing date : 21 March 2016.
  • Sumber

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