
Lowongan Kerja MK Non CPNS
About Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia
Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia – MK is a high state institution in the state system of Indonesia who are holders of judicial power together with the Supreme Court. Gazette of the early history of testing practices Act (judicial) began in the Supreme Court (MA) (Supreme Court) the United States is currently led by William Paterson in the case of Lawrence Hylton opponent Danil United States government in 1796. In this case, the Supreme Court rejected the petition for judicial review of Law tax on carriages Kertera Fire 1794 filed by Hylton and stated that a quo law does not conflict with the constitution or congressional action is deemed unconstitutional. In this case, the Supreme Court test the Act quo, but does not invalidate the law. Furthermore, when the Supreme Court led John Marshall in the case Marbury opponent Madison in 1803. Although at that time the United States Constitution does not provide for the granting authority to conduct a judicial review to the Supreme Court, but to interpret the oath of office which requires it to always uphold the constitution, John Marshall considers MA authorities to declare a law contrary to the constitution.

As theoretically, the existence of a new Constitutional Court was first introduced in 1919 by the legal experts from Austria, Hans Kelsen (1881-1973). Hans Kelsel stated that the constitutional implementation of the legislation can be effectively guaranteed only if an organ other than the legislature is given the task to test whether a product was constitutional law or not, and is not allowed if it is unconstitutional according to the organ. For that there should be a special organ called the Constitutional Court (constitutional court).
Article 24 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution, judicial power is carried out by a Supreme Court and judicial bodies underneath it in the general courts, religious courts, military courts, administrative courts, and by a Constitutional Court. Under these provisions, the Constitutional Court is a judicial power in addition to the Supreme Court. The judicial power is an independent power to organize judicial administration to uphold the law and justice. Thus, the Constitutional Court is a judicial institution, as a branch of the judiciary, which is prosecuting the case-specific matters under its authority under the provisions of the 1945 Constitution.
Pursuant to Article 24C paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution which is reaffirmed in Article 10 paragraph (1) letter a to d of Law 24/2003, the authority of the Constitutional Court is a law against the 1945 Constitution; rule on the dispute the authority of state institutions whose authorities are granted by the 1945 Constitution; dissolution of political parties; and to decide disputes concerning the results of elections. In addition, under Article 7, paragraph (1) through (5) and Article 24C paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution which is reaffirmed by Article 10 paragraph (2) of Law 24/2003, the obligation of the Constitutional Court is to give a decision on the opinion of the House that the President and / or Vice President has violated the law, or misconduct, or does not qualify as the President and / or Vice President as stipulated in the 1945 Constitution.
Chairman of the Constitutional Court elected from and by the Constitutional Court for a term of 3 years. Chief Justice during the tenure of 3 years as stipulated in Law 24/2003 is a little strange, because the Constitutional Court’s own tenure is 5 years, so that means for a second term of the Chief Justice in the Constitutional Court tenure ended prematurely (only 2 years) ,
Chief Justice who first was Prof. Dr. Asshiddiqie, SH, professor of constitutional law, University of Indonesia-born 17 April 1956, was elected at an internal meeting between members of the judges of the Constitutional Court dated 19 August 2003. Jimly again elected as chairman for the period 2006-2009 on August 18, 2006 and sworn in on 22 August 2006 with Deputy Chairman Prof. Dr. M. Laica Marzuki, SH. Judge along with seven other founding members of the first generation MK, Prof. Dr. Asshiddiqie, SH and Prof. Dr. M. Laica Marzuki successfully lead this new institution so rapidly evolving into a model for modern and reliable court in Indonesia. At the end of the term of office of Prof. Jimly as Chairman, MK successfully seen as an icon of Indonesia’s reform success. For this achievement, in August 2009, the President confers Bintang Utama Mahaputera to the judges this first generation, and even Star Adipradana Mahaputera for former Chief Justice, Prof. Jimly Asshiddiqie.
Jobs Available
Mahkamah Konstitusi is seekung the best Indonesian people to join as positon below :
- Calon Hakim Konstitusi pada Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia
Jobs Description
- Indonesian citizen;
- Doctors and Masters graduate with basic Bachelor (S1) a high educational background of law;
- Fear God and morality;
- The lowest age of 47 years and more than 65 years on 1 April 2017;
- Physically and spiritually capable of performing their duties and obligations;
- Never sentenced to imprisonment by a court decision which has become final and binding;
- Not being declared bankrupt by a court decision; and
- Have work experience in the legal field of at least 15 years.
Registration Procedures:
Letter on paper stamped Rp6.000,00 addressed to the Constitutional Judge Selection Committee candidates proposed by the President, accompanied by:
- Statement of Readiness for the Constitutional Court;
- Curriculum Vitae;
- Copy of diploma which has been legalized by the competent authority;
- List of assets and sources of income;
- copy of TIN
- Copy of Identity Card;
- Recent photograph of three (3) pieces 4×6 colored;
- Statement experienced at least fifteen (15) years in the legal field, on paper stamped Rp6.000,00;
- Affidavit not been sentenced by a court decision which has become final and binding for a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment of five (5) years or more, on paper stamped Rp6.000,00;
- A statement is not bankrupt by a court decision;
- Writing Examinasi / Analysis of the Decision of the Constitutional Court at least ten pages and a maximum of twenty pages, with letters Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 spacing, A4 paper.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Segistration dossier can be delivered by way of a direct transfer to Sekretariat Panitia Seleksi Calon Hakim Konstitusi proposed by the President, with the address:
Kementerian Sekretariat Negara, Gedung I lantai 2, Jl. Veteran No. 18, Jakarta Pusat 10110;
or email ke alamat:
- Registration began on February 22, 2017 until March 3, 2017, 09.00 am – 16.00 pm on weekdays
- Community Groups / Professional Organizations / Universities
- Community groups / professional organizations / universities can nominate candidates for the Constitutional Court in writing in accordance with the requirements of the letters A and B mentioned above.
- Application file that has been received by the Selection Committee not returned;
- During the selection process, the Registrant is free of charge and the committee does not bear the costs incurred by the Registrant;
- The Selection Committee did not serve the correspondence and other correspondence;
- The decision of the Selection Committee are final and can not be contested;
- Results of the administration will be announced on March 10, 2017 through the national public daily and the website of the Ministry’s Secretariat (
- Form and announcement needs more information, please see the page:Source
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