Pengumuman Alokasi Formasi CPNS Kemenkes Tahun 2012



Daftar Alokasi CPNS Kemenkes 2012

About Kemenkes

Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia (Kemenkes) or the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia is the ministry in the Government of Indonesia in charge of medical affairs. The Ministry’s head office located in Jl HR Rasuna Said Blok X.5 Kav. 4-9 Jakarta. Since 14 June 2012 Nafsiah Mboi lead The Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia and Ali Ghufron Mukti as deputy minister. The Ministry supported by 4 Directorate Generals (DG), consist of : DG of Nutritious Care and Maternal & Children Health, DG of Health Effort Care, DG of Diseases Control & Environmental Health, DG of Pharmaceutical Services & Medical Devices.

Kemenkes open oportunities to join as CPNS with following positions :

  1. Dokter
  2. Perawat
  3. Dosen
  4. Sanitarian

General Requirements

  1. WNI, Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.
  2. Lowest age of 18 years old and a maximum of 35 years old on the date of 1 October 2012.
  3. Well-behaved and never sentenced to prison or jail.
  4. Never been honorably discharged at his own request or not with respect as PNS / Member TNI / police and private employees.
  5. Not a resident as a Candidate / PNS, Candidate / Member TNI / police, members / officials of political parties and not being bound to the agreement / contract with other agencies.
  6. Able-bodied.
  7. For applicants who apply to filling vacancies for doctors / dentist / doctor specialist / specialist dentist should have STR as a physician / doctor dentist / specialist / specialist dentist.
  8. Willing to carry out tasks on work placement unit min 5 (five) years.

Daftar Alokasi CPNS Kemenkes 2012 provided by lokercpnsbumn