Lowongan Kerja Pegawai Pusat Investasi Pemerintah (PIP)



Lowongan kerja pip

About Pusat Investasi Pemerintah (PIP)

Pusat Investasi Pemerintah or PIP or the Indonesian Investment Agency is one of the Indonesian agency under the Ministry of Finance which has the task to carry out operations within the investment management of the Government of Republic of Indonesia. The Institution was established under the Minister of Finance Regulation No. 52/PMK.01/2007. PIP’s head office based in Jakarta and located in Djuanda I Tower, 18th floor – Jl Dr Wahidin No 1 Jakarta 10710. Currently the Institution lead by Soritaon Siregar as the Head of the Indonesian Investment Agency and supported by 3 division units, namely Investment Portfolio I Division, Investment Portfolio II Division, and Finance and General Division.

Along with the implementation of reforms in state finances are marked by Act number 17 of 2003 on State Finance, Act No. 1 of 2004 on State Treasury, as well as Law Number 15 Year 2004 on the Audit of the Management and the State Financial Responsibility , was born the new role assumed by the Government is implementing an investment. This role is carried out related to the existence of market failure in the provision of public goods with the ultimate goal to promote the general welfare.

The provisions in Article 41 of Law No. 1 of 2004 on State Treasury mandates the government to implement a long-term investment with the aim of providing economic benefits, social benefits and other benefits. Fulfill the mandate of the Act, then followed up with the issuance of Government Regulation (PP) No. 8 of 2007 regarding Government Investment. However, in accordance with the development of the situation, it was felt necessary to revise the regulation to provide greater opportunities for cooperation in the form of investment by increasing government investment. Furthermore, as a result of these revisions has been the Government Regulation (PP) No. 1 of 2008 regarding Government Investment on 4 February 2008. Fundamental changes in PP. 1/2008 compared with PP. 8/2007, that the PP is to accommodate the shape and type of investment that always develop according to the perekomomian world, serves as the legal umbrella of investment cooperation between the Government of Indonesia and foreign countries, and the desirability of promoting the State’s economy through government investment, the government investment agency can be more advanced and developing an investment management institution like other countries, such as Temasek and Khazanah.

At first, the investment management unit to implement the Task Force The government is the Government Investment Board (SKS-BIP). Unit is a government investment service which is under the control of Directorate of Investment Fund Management (Dit. PDI), Directorate General of Treasury, Ministry of Finance SKS-BIP form of organization is the Public Service Board (BLU) stages according to the status of Minister of Finance Decree No. 1005/KMK.05/2006 dated December 20, 2006 on Determination of Investment Board to implement the Government Financial Management Pattern of Public Service.

Along with regulatory changes through PP. 1/2008 on Investment and Government in the framework of checks and balances in the management of government investment, government regulators and operators to separate the functions of government investment into different institutions. Executing the function of the regulator is the Directorate General of Treasury, Investment Management, while the operator was established to carry out the functions of the Government Investment Center under the Ministry of Finance with the technical guidance by the Directorate General of Treasury and administrative guidance by the Secretary General. During its development, the Directorate of Investment Fund Management (Dit. PDI) were combined with the Directorate of forwarding loan (Dit. PPP) to the Directorate of Investment Management Systems, with consideration of common tasks.

Formation of the Government Investment Center was held with Minister of Finance Regulation No. 52/PMK.01/2007 dated May 16, 2007 on the Organization and Administration of the Government Investment Center. PIP organization in FMD is expressed in the form of Public Service Board (BLU). Status as BLU Staged as it was originally attached to the SKS-BIP, then after the formation of PIP and an increase in performance has been increased to full BLU. BLU status change is determined by the Minister of Finance through the Minister of Finance Decree No. 91/KMK.05/2009 dated March 27, 2009 on Stipulation of Government Investment Center at the Ministry of Finance as the Government is implementing Financial Management General Services Agency. PIP will continue to advance further adjusting the organization in line with increasing duties and responsibilities to fulfill.

Company Contact

Pusat Investasi Pemerintah (PIP)
Address :
Djuanda I Tower, 18th floor, JL. Dr. Wahidin No.1, Jakarta (10710), Indonesia.
Telephone : +6221-3861432
Fax : +6221-3861479
Email : pip@pip-indonesia.com

Jobs Available

Pusat Investasi Pemerintah invites the best Indonesian people to join as following positions :

  1. Kepala Satuan Pengawasan Internal (SPI)
  2. Staf SPI

Jobs Description

1. Technical Requirements

  • Minimal S-1 Graduates from Leading Universities, required the Department of Accounting
  • Grade Point Average / GPA PTN and PTS min 3.0 min 3.2
  • Work Experience Head of SPI: the auditor in KAP or as an internal audit in the Bank / Securities / Financial Institutions and a minimum of 7 years in the financial
  • SPI Staff Work Experience: Minimum 2 years as an Auditor in the KAP
  • Can be spoken and written English
  • Preferably have an understanding of accounting, auditing, standards and taxation system
  • Have the analytical skills, logical thinking, good communication, working under pressure, work with team, discipline, rigorous, high integrity

2. Non Technical Requirements

  • Gender: Male / Female
  • Age: For maximum head of 45 year SPI
  • For maximum SPI Staff 30 Years
  • Physically healthy and has no disabilities (Disable) with proven results Certificate Doctors and General Check Up
  • If there are substantial differences in data between Soft Copy (Online) and Hard Copy (the applicant) at the time of document verification will lead participants Ruling and CAN NOT continue to the next stage of selection
  • The decision to call the applicant and determining the outcome of selection is the sole authority of the Government Investment Center and can not be contested.

Sites Reference

More about Pusat Investasi Pemerintah click : www.pip-indonesia.com

Submit Application

Application can be submitted via e-mail:


or send to :

Kantor Pusat Investasi Pemerintah
Jl. Imam Bonjol No.61
Gedung Graha Mandiri, Lantai 5, Jakarta Pusat

Closing date

Periode Registrasi Online atau pendaftaran di Kantor Pusat Investasi Pemerintah tanggal 23 Juli s.d. 13 Agustus 2012


  • Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan diproses lebih lanjut, yaitu untuk dilakukan assesment melalui TPA, Psikotest, dan Wawancara
  • Peserta tidak dipungut biaya dalam proses rekrutmen calon pegawai.
  • Source advertisement : Source

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