Lowongan Kerja Fasilitator Kawasan Perdesaan Kemendesa


Kemendesa 2

Lowongan Kerja Fasilitator Kemendesa

About Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia (Kemendesa)

Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia – Kementerian Desa – Kemendesa is the ministry in The Government of Indonesia in charge of managing rural development and rural areas, rural community empowerment, accelerating the development of disadvantaged areas, and transmigration. Ministry of Rural, Rural Development, and Transmigration is under and is responsible to the President. The Ministry is headed by a Minister of Rural, Rural Development and Transmigration since October 27, 2014 held by Marwan Ja’far.

Kemendesa 2

State Minister for Acceleration of Eastern Indonesia Development was established by the Cabinet of Mutual Cooperation in the reign of President Megawati Soekarnoputri. During the government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the ministry was renamed the Ministry of Rural Development to Accelerate State and then to the State Ministry of Rural Development. In the era of President Joko Widodo in the Cabinet work, this ministry was renamed the Ministry of Rural, Rural Development and Transmigration.

Ministry of Rural, Rural Development, and Transmigration has the task of government affairs in the field of rural development and rural areas, rural community empowerment, accelerating the development of underdeveloped regions, and resettlement to help the President in running the state government. In performing its duties, the Ministry of Rural, Rural Development, and Transmigration functions:

  • formulation, establishment and implementation of policies in the field of rural development and rural areas, rural community empowerment, development of certain regions, the development of disadvantaged areas, completion, settlement, and the development of resettlement areas;
  • coordinate the implementation of project, construction, and providing administrative support to all elements of the organization in the Ministry of Rural, Rural Development, and Transmigration;
  • management of property / wealth of the country which they are responsible;
  • supervise the performance of duties in the Ministry of Rural, Rural Development, and Transmigration;
  • implementation of technical guidance and supervision of the implementation of the Ministry of Rural, Rural Development, and Transmigration;
  • implementation of research and development, education and training, and management of information in the field of rural development and rural areas, rural community empowerment, development of certain regions, the development of underdeveloped regions, and resettlement; and
  • the implementation of a substantial support to all elements of the organization in the Ministry of Rural, Rural Development, and Transmigration.

Contact Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia

Kantor 1:
Jl. TMP Kalibata No.17,
Jakarta Selatan,12750, DKI Jakarta,
Telp : 021 – 7994372

Kantor 2:
Jl. Abdul Muis No.7, RT.2/RW.3, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta,
Telp : 021 – 3500334

Jobs Available

Kemendesa is now calling the best Indonesia people to join as position below :

  1. Fasilitator Kabupaten
  2. Fasilitator Kecamatan

Jobs Description

Fasilitator Kabupaten


  • S1 or D3 from all fields of science
  • Can empower communities, assistant social work, community care, community organizing
  • Can create reports in accordance with a predetermined format
  • Able to apply computer equipment at least Microsoft Office
  • Based in the local site

Fasilitator Kecamatan


  • S1 / D3 of all science, special areas of Papua and West Papua least high school / vocational equivalent
  • Can empower communities, assistant social work, community care, community organizing
  • Getting to know the culture and customs duty location, preferably speaking areas duties
  • Able to use computer
  • Based in the local site

Sites Reference

  1. www.kemendesa.go.id

Submit Application

For those who are interested and meet the requirements, addressed to the application file:

Satker Ditjen Pembangunan Kawasan Perdesaan
d/a Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah tertinggal, dan TRansmigrasi, Republik Indonesia
Cq PPBJ-Seleksi Fasilitator Pendampingan Eekonomi Masyarakat Kawasan Perdesaan
Gedung B Lantai 3, Direktorat Pembangunan ekonomi kawasan perdesaan
Jl. TMP Kalibata No. 17 Jakarta Selatan 12740

of send by email to :

  • Pempkp2016.jawa@gmail.com : for the province Jawa Barat, Banten, Jawa Timur, DKI Jakarta, Jawa Tengah, DIY
  • Pempkp2016.sumatera@gmail.com : for the province Aceh, Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Barat, Sumatera Selatan, Riau, Jambi, Bengkulu, Lampung, Bangka Belitung, Kepulauan Riau
  • Pemkp2016.kalimantan@gmail.com for the province Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Utara.
  • Pemkp2016.sulawesi@gmail.com for the province Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Barat, Gorontalo, Maluku, Maluku Utara
  • Pemkp2016.bali@gmail.com for the province Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur
  • Pemkp2016.papua@gmail.com for the province Papua dan Papua Barat


  • Closing date : 24 June 2016 (Post Stamp)
  • Hasil seleksi administrasi akan diumumkan di website kementerian desa, pembangunan daerah tertinggal dan transmigrasi www.kemendesa.go.id
  • Rekrutmen Fasilitator Kementerian Desa tidak dipungut biaya
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja Fasilitator Kementerian Desa brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com