Lowongan Kerja Pertani
About PT Pertani (Persero)
PT Pertani (Persero) – Pertani is reputable state-owned company (BUMN) in Indonesia that deals with agriculture products. The Company performing business in agriculture sector, both in upstream and downstram, including production and distribution of rice seed and palawija, fertilizer, and warehousing management. The Company was established in 1956 and based in Jakarta. The Company’s head office is located in Graha Gabah – Jl Raya Pasar Minggu Pertani No 1 Jakarta Selatan. PT Pertani (Persero) supported by 7 area marketing offices, loceted in Medan, Palembang, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Makassar, and Banjarmasin. The Company also manages 35 branch offices in all over Indonesia.
History of PT Pertani (Persero)
Formed Board of Food Production Company and the opening of the Land (BPMPT).
There is a change of BPMPT Being Governing Body General State Agricultural Company (BPU Pertani).
BPU Agricultural turned into the State Agricultural Company (PN Pertani).
PN Agricultural appointed as distributor of fertilizer to farmers with a share of more than 50% of the amount didistrbusikan throughout Indonesia.
PN Pertani status was upgraded to a limited liability company under the name Pertani (Persero).
To amend the Articles of Association of the Company by a Notary Imas SH.
Back to amend the Articles of Association of the Company by Deed Mintarsih Natamihardja, SH.
Formed Strategic Business Units and a Strategic Business Unit Rice Horticulture with the aim to improve company performance.
Strategic Business Units and a Strategic Business Unit Rice Horticulture began operation one year after forming.
PT Pertani (Persero) commissioned by the Government perform a public service to farmers in the form of Direct Seed Excellence (BLBU).
Assignment of public services by PT Pertani (Persero) expanded from only the seed, the 2008 plus fertilizer aid package in the form of Direct Fertilizers (BLP). The Company also has made a pioneering effort warehouse with Warehouse Receipt System (SRG), the first warehousing unit SRG is Haurgeulis Warehousing Unit, in a small village in West Java.
PT Pertani (Persero) to build a network-based information technology systems Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to establish an integrated management information system. Pioneering the development of agriculture Shop Sports Network Indonesia (TOPSINDO) in agricultural center, starting with the opening of the network’s first TOPSINDO Haurgeulis, West Java.
PT Pertani (Persero) actively participate in the implementation of motion-based Increase Food Production Corporation (GP3K) the realization of land in 2011 more than 280,000 ha. Early stages of development TOPSINDO conducted in 12 other locations in 11 provinces ranging from NAD s / d NTB, and to the north of s / d Central Sulawesi. The successful consolidation of warehouse management activities with the Warehouse Receipt System (SRG) is characterized by the increase in units to 34 units managed by SRG warehouse that can hold 8,000 tons of rice.
Company Contact
PT Pertani (Persero)
Jln. Raya Pasar Minggu
Pertani No. 1, Jakarta Selatan
DKI-Jakarta, Kode Pos 12760, Po Box 4256 Indonesia
(021) 7993108, (021) 7993203
Jobs Available
PT Pertani (Persero) are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic individuals for the following challenging positions as :
Rekrutmen Karyawan Baru PT Pertani (Persero)
Tingkat Sarjana (S1) dan Diploma (D3) Tahun 2017
Jobs Description
Education Background
- Bachelor Degree (S1)
- Agricultural Cultivation (Code : S1 BDP)
- Agribusiness (Code : S1 AGB)
- Germination (Code : S1 PBN)
- Civil Law (Code : S1 HKM)
- Economics of Accounting, Management (Code : S1 EKO)
- Computer Science Information Systems (Code : S1 ILKOM)
- Psychology (Code : S1 PS)
Diploma Degree (D3)
- Agricultural Cultivation (Code : D3 BDP)
- Agribusiness (Code : D3 AGB)
- Germination (Code : D3 PBN)
- Accounting (Code : D3 AKT)
- Taxation (Code : D3 PAJAK)
- Computer Science Networking Engineering (Code : D3 ILKOM)
- Civil Engineering (Code : D3 TNK SPL)
- Office Administration (Code : D3 ADM PKN)
- Graphic Design (Code : D3 DG)
General Requirements :
- Male or Female.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00 within 4.00 scales.
- Graduated from a leading university/college accredited “A” (PTN/PTS).
- Fresh graduate (age : S1 = 25 years old and D3 = 23 years old).
- Physically and mentally healthy (indicated by Doctor’s Certificate).
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
- Single/not married.
- Well behaved (have SKCK)
- Drug free.
- Do not have a tattoo.
- Have driving license class C (SIM C) and or class A (SIM A).
- Actively involved in organization activities (formal/non formal) is preferred.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Willing to be placed in all over Indonesia.
Required application documents :
- Application letter;
- Curriculum Vitae (CV);
- Legalized copy of diploma/SKL;
- Legalized copy of transcript;
- Color photograph size 4×6 (3 sheets);
- Copy of SKCK;
- Copy of KTP and KK;
- Medical certificate;
- TOEFL certificate (or equivalent);
Sites Reference
Submit Application
If you see yourself as a potential candidate, please send all required application documents above to :
PT Pertani (Persero) cq Divisi SDM – Gedung Graha Gabah
Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Pertani No 1, Jakarta Selatan 12760
or send by email to
Notes :
- Please mention the position applied on the email subject or envelope.
- Closing date 22 September 2017.
- All application will kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted
- Source
Lowongan Kerja Pertani brought to you by