Lowongan Kerja PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero)



Lowongan Kerja PTPN XI

About PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero)

PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero) – PTPN XI is the state-owned enterprises (SOEs) agribusiness plantations core business of sugar. The company is in fact the only state that seeking a single commodity, namely sugar, with contributions sekitar16-18% of the national production. Most of the raw material comes from the people who cultivated sugarcane farmers about through a partnership with the sugar factory (PG).

The establishment of the company in accordance Indonesian Government Regulation No.. 16 of 1996 dated 14 February 1996 and is a combination of PT Plantation XX (Limited) and PT Plantation XXIV-XXV (Limited), each of which is established by the Indonesian Government Regulation No.. In 1972 and No. 6. 15 In 1975. The Articles of Association of the Company that are based on Notarial Deed Harun Kamil SH,. 44 dated March 11, 1996, changes have been made and approved according to the Decree of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No.. C-21048HT.01.04.Th.2002 dated October 29, 2002.


Approval of Amendment to the Articles of Association in accordance with the format stuffing Deed Model II are stored in a database copy of the Deed No. 02 dated October 2, 2002, made by Notary Sri Rahayu Hadi Prasetyo SH, based in Tangerang.

However, in general most of the business units within the PTPN XI has been in operation since the colonial power in the East Indies. Headquarters PTPN XI itself a relic of HVA was built in 1924 and is a symbol of the sugar industry conglomerate that time. Recurrent forms of corporate restructuring changes and last occurred in 1996 in conjunction with the incorporation of 14 to 14 PTPN PTP.


PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero)
Jalan Merak 1, Surabaya 60175
Telephone +62-31-3524596
Facsimiile +62-31-3532525

Jobs Available

PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero) invites the best candicates to join as follow:

  • Karyawan Pimpinan / Staff

Job Description

Special Qualifications

  1. S1 Mechanical Engineering – Energy Conversion (TMK);
  2. S1 Electro Engineering – Flow Weak/PLC (TEL), Power Lines (TEK);
  3. S1 Civil Engineering – Building/Road Planning (TSP);
  4. S1 Chemical Engineering (TK);
  5. S1 Agricultural Technology (THP);
  6. S1 Agriculture – Agronomy (PA), Agrotechnology (PAT), Soil Science (PT), HPT (PH), Agribusiness (PAG), Mechanization (PM);
  7. D3 Informatics Engineering, Informatics Management for Karyawan Pelaksana (D3);
  8. S1 Criminal Law (HP), licensed proceedings will be an extra advantage;
  9. S1 Economics – Accounting (EA), Business/Marketing Management (EMP), HR Management (EMS).

General Requirements

  • Maximum age of 30 years old by 31 January 2016.
  • Only for Male (because of the nature of work) for the position number 1 -6
  • Possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 (for PTN) or 3.00 on a 4.00 grade scale (for PTS).
  • Physically and mentally healthy, not color blind, drug-free, well-behaved.
  • Willing to be placed in all working area of PTPN XI.

Required application documents:

  1. Application letter, CV, passport photo 4×6 (color);
  2. Legalized copies of diploma and transcripts;
  3. Copies of ID Card and KK;
  4. Notice letter of health condition, not color blind and drug free;
  5. SKCK.

Sites Reference

  1. www.ptpn11.co.id

Submit Application

If you are interested in working at PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero) and have met the requirements as mentioned above, please send all required application documents above not later than 15 February 2016 to :

Student Advisory Center ITS (SAC-ITS) – Gedung SAC,
Lt 1 Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya 60111,
Phone 031-5925880, 5994251 ext 1135.


  • Please identify the job code you are applying clearly on the top right of your envelope.
  • Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.
  • Source

Lowongan Keraj PTPN XI brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com