Lowongan Kerja PTPN IV Medan



Lowongan Kerja BUMN PTPN IV Medan

About PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV (Persero)

PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV (Persero) – PTPN 4 is a state-owned company that active in coconut plantation sawit, tea, and kakao. This BUMN in Medan, North sumatra and opening stand up in 1996 as forge of some other companies. This company was established to operate in the field of Agribusiness and Agroindustry, by optimizing the resources available to produce high quality and competitiveness products and service, and to generate profit by applying the principles of limited company. The Company has its business activities focused in 2 plantation commodities; oil palm and tea.


PTPN 4 is a member of state-owned agribusiness giant, PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero). At present, 90% of its shares are held by PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero), and 10% remaining shares by the Government of Indonesia. The Company has its legal domicile in Medan and its head office is registered at J Letjend Suprapto No 2 Medan 20151. As of December 2014, PTPN 4 has 30 oil palm estate units, 3 tea estate units, 1 oil palm plasma estate unit spread in 9 regencies Langkat, Asahan, Simalungun, Deli Serdang, Serdang Bedagai, Padang Lawas, Labuhan Batu, Batubara and Mandailing Natal. The Company also supported by 16 palm oil mills, 2 tea processing plants, 1 tenera processing plant and 3 hospitals.

Company Contact


Jobs Available

PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV is pleased to announce the following vacancies for immediate recruitment

Fresh Graduate and Professional Program

  1. Staf Bidang Tanaman (TAN)
  2. Staf Bidang Teknik/Pengolahan (TEK)
  3. Staf Bidang Keuangan (KEU)
  4. Staf Bidangn Umum (UMM)

Jobs Description

Staf Bidang Tanaman (TAN)

  • Background in Bachelor Degree (S1) Agriculture (Agronomy, Agroteknologi, Agriculture Cultivation of Plantation, Soil Science, Land Resource Management, Plant Protection, Crop Pests, Plant Breeding, Seed Technology, Plant tissue isolation method/kultur jaringan, Agroclimatology, Meteorological-Geophysics, Social Economics of Agriculture).
  • Background in 4 years of Diploma Degree (D4) in Plantation Cultivation STIPAP.

Staf Bidang Teknik/Pengolahan (TEK)

  • Background in Bachelor Degree (S1) in Engineering (Mechanical Engineering, Electro Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Agricultural-Plantation Products Processing Technology).
  • Background in 4 years of Diploma Degree (D4) in Agricultural Products Processing Technology STIPAP.

Staf Bidang Keuangan (KEU)

  • Background in Bachelor Degree (S1) in Economics.

Staf Bidangn Umum (UMM)

  • Background in Bachelor Degree (S1) in Law (Civil Law / Criminal / Public Administration) and Psychology.

Requirements for fresh graduate positions

  • Graduated from a reputable university with minimum accredited B BAN PT (PTN/PTS).
  • Maximum age of 38 years old as of 1 April 2016 (born after the date of 31 March 1988).
  • Single/unmarried as evidenced by an unmarried affidavit on stamped paper.
  • Due to nature of work, required Male for TAN and TEK, and Male or Female for KEU and UMM.
  • Not color blind for TAN and TEK.
  • Healthy physical and spiritual, drug free.

Requirements for professional positions

  • Graduated from a reputable university with minimum accredited B BAN PT (PTN/PTS).
  • Maximum age of 35 years old as of 1 April 2016 (born after the date of 31 March 1981).
  • Required experience for minimum 3 years in the same field in large companies nationwide as evidenced by letters of reference / work description of the company.
  • Due to nature of work, required Male for TAN and TEK, and Male or Female for KEU and UMM.
  • Not color blind for TAN and TEK.
  • Healthy physical and spiritual, drug free.

Sites Reference

  1. www.ptpn4.co.id

Submit Application

Interested in this opportunity, please send your application letter, legalized copies of diploma and transcript, color photograph 4×6 (2 sheets), CV, copy of ID Card and unmarried affidavit on stamped paper (for fresh graduate positions) not later than 1 April 2016 to :

Lembaga Pendidikan Perkebunan (LPP) Kampus Medan, Assessment Center
Jl. Willem Iskandar (Jl Pancing), Medan 20222.


  • Please identify the job code you are applying clearly on the top left of your envelope.
  • Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja PTPN IV Medan brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com