Lowongan Kerja PT PLN Dis Jabar Banten



Lowongan Kerja SMK PLN Jabar Banten

About PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) – PT PLN (Persero)

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) – PT PLN is a well-established state-owned enterprise in electricity power service, owned by the Government of Republic of Indonesia through the State Minister for SoE. PT PLN (Persero) is based in Jakarta and supported by 47 business units in all over Indonesia and 12 direct owned subsidiaries. Based on PT PLN (Persero) Consolidated Financial Statements 2012, the Company has also shown encouraging achievements in 2012. PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) maintains total assets worth of Rp540.70 trillion for the year ending December of 2012, or experienced growth of 15.58% from Rp467.78 trillion in previous year.

PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Barat dan Banten – Early in Earth’s electrical Parahyangan have existed since the Dutch colonial government still entrenched in the ground level of Sunda. In 1905, in the West Java city of Bandung, established company that manages the supply of electricity for the public interest. The company name Bandungsche Electriciteit Maatschaappij (BEM).

Along the way, BEM on January 1, 1920 of the Company be changed to Gemeenschapplijk Electriciteit Bedrijf Voor Bandoeng (GEBEO) the establishment of which was confirmed by notary public Mr. Hendrik Adriaan Van Ophuisen with No. 213 on December 31, 1949.

After the colonial powers into the hands of the Government of Japan, in the susceptible period 1942 – 1945, power distribution implemented by Java Denki Djigyo Bandoeng Shi Sha Sha the working area around the island of Java.

After Indonesian independence in 1957 to the early control of the management of electricity supply across the country are handled directly by the Government of Indonesia. December 27, 1957, GEBEO taken over by the Government of Indonesia which was then confirmed by Government Regulation. 86 In 1958 j.o. Government Regulation no. 18 of 1959.

Subsequently, in 1961 through Law. 67 formed Governing Body General Electricity Company (BPU-PLN) as head of unit container PLN. Correspondingly, PLN PLN Bandung was turned into a unitary Exploitation XI BPU-PLN in West Java, Jakarta and Tangerang outside Jakarta.

In the 1970s issued Government Regulation no. 18 Year 1972 on General Electric Company State PLN to mention the status of the General Electric Company State. Then, based on PLN Exploitation Announcement No. XI. 05/DIII/Sek/1975 dated July 14, 1975, PLN Exploitation XI renamed to General State Electricity Distribution Company in West Java.

Entering the 1990s, with the Indonesian Government Regulation No.. 23 of 1994 on June 16, 1994, the General State Electricity Distribution Company of West Java was changed to a Limited Liability Company (Persero) with the name of PT PLN (Persero) Distribution West Java from the date of July 30, 1994.

To meet the changing demands and electricity development from year to year tends to increase, then out the decision of the Directors of PT PLN (Persero) No.. 28.K/010/DIR/2001 dated February 20, 2001 on which the legal change of name of PT PLN (Persero) Distribution West Java to PT PLN (Persero) Distribution Business Unit in West Java.

In the end, with reference to the decision of the Directors of PT PLN (Persero) No.. 120.K/010/DIR/2002 dated August 27, 2002, PT PLN (Persero) Distribution Business Unit West Java again changed its name to PT PLN (Persero) Distribution West Java and Banten, in which jurisdiction covers the provinces of West Java and Banten Province , until today.

The total area of ??PT PLN (Persero) Distribution West Java and Banten (PLN DJBB) reaches more than 42 196 km ² covering West Java and Banten provinces, except Tangerang.

The number of consumers that reach more than 9 million subscribers, or 22% of the amount of PLN customers nationwide, making PLN PLN DJBB is the largest unit in Indonesia.

Territory and such a large workload, managed by Implementing Units and Service Area Network (APJ) and the Area Manager Distribution (APD), with the following composition:

  1. Area Pelayanan Jaringan (APJ) : 17 Unit
  2. Area Pengatur Distribusi (APD) : 1 Unit
  3. Unit Pelayanan dan Jaringan (UPJ) : 100 Unit
  4. Unit Pelayanan dan Jaringan Prima (UPJ Prima) : 7 Unit
  5. Kantor Pelayanan (KP) : 191 KP

As for the Implementation Units are:

  1. APD Bandung
  2. APJ Bandung
  3. APJ Banten Utara
  4. APJ Banten Selatan
  5. APJ Bekasi
  6. APJ Bogor
  7. APJ Cianjur
  8. APJ Cimahi
  9. APJ Cirebon
  10. APJ Depok
  11. APJ Garut
  12. APJ Gunung Putri
  13. APJ Karawang
  14. APJ Majalaya
  15. APJ Purwakarta
  16. APJ Sukabumi
  17. APJ Sumedang
  18. APJ Tasikmalaya

Company Contact

  • www..pln.co.id/disjabar

Jobs Available

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following positions which will based in PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Barat & Banten and all Java area :

  • Penerimaan Pegawai PT PLN (Persero) Tingkat Pelaksana 2016

Jobs Description

Education required

  • Operator/Teknisi : SMA IPA/SMK Electricity Engineering (Code : OPT/TKS)
  • Administrasi/Kesekretariatan : SMA IPS/ SMK Administration, Secretary (Code : ADM)

General Requirements

  • Single/Unmarried and willing not to get married during the “Diklat Prajabatan” training program.
  • Male (OPT/TKS), Male/Female (ADM).
  • A maximum of births in 1996, already 17 years old in August 2016.
  • The average value of report cards in the 1st semester of grade 10 to 2nd semester of grade 12
  • Operator/Teknisi : Average value of report cards = 6.5. For those who do not have a diploma, the average value of report cards grade 10 (1st semester) to grade 12 (1st semester) = = 6.5.
  • Administrasi/Kesekretariatan : Average value of report cards = 6.5 (Must have graduated and have a diploma).

Application should contains the below documents :

  1. Application letter, addressed to Panitia Rekrutmen PT PLN (Persero);
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV), please ensure your contact telephone number included in your CV;
  3. Copy of birth certificate/surat kenal lahir;
  4. Legalized copy of diploma;
  5. Legalized copies of report card grade 10 (1st semester) to grade 12 (1st semester);
  6. Legalized copy of SKHUN;
  7. Not married letter from local village office;
  8. Color photograph 4×6 (3 sheets, please write your name on the backside of photograph);
  9. Stamped statement Rp. 6000; – which states that :
  10. Not involved in drug abuse and other addictive substances and is not involved in criminal actions,
  11. Do not smoke,
  12. Not married and willing not to get married during the “Diklat Prajabatan” training program.,
  13. Does not have official ties with any other institutions or company.
  14. Notice letter of health condition and not color blind from doctors;

All documents above must be put in a folder and write position code on the top right of folder.

Sites Reference

  1. www.pln.co.id

Submit Application

Interested in this opportunity, please send all required documents above to :

Panitia Rekrutmen PT PLN (Persero)
PO BOX 1001 DEPOK 16400 (11 – 30 April 2016).


  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be followed up
  • Source

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