Lowongan Kerja Bank BTN Cabang Banjarmasin



Lowongan Kerja BTN KC Banjarmasin


Bank Tabungan Negara – BTN is an Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises which was first established in 1987. At that time the bank was still named Postspaar Bank located in Batavia. Furthermore, Japan suspend operations of the bank and changed its name to Chokin Kyoku. The Indonesian government took over and changed the name back into Postal Savings Bank in accordance with the Emergency Law No. 9 of 1950. A few years ago precisely in 1963, the bank was again renamed the State Savings Bank, commonly known by BTN.

Five years after that, the bank switch status to a state-owned banks through Act No. 20 of 1964. In 1974 BTN offers a special service called the mortgage or mortgages. This service is devoted to the BTN by the Ministry of Finance with the issuance on January 29, 1974. The service was first performed on 10 December 1976. Subsequently in 1989 BTN also been operating into commercial banks and started to issue bonds. In 1992 the legal status of the company changed to a company BTN (Persero).

Moreover, precisely two years later in 1994, BTN is also licensed as a Foreign Exchange Bank. The advantages of BTN seen in 2002 which put the BTN as a commercial bank with a focus on subsidies for housing loans. This is evidenced by the issuance of the Minister for State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) dated August 21, 2002.

In 2003 BTN restructure the company. Restructuring the company conducted a thorough says so in the approval of CPR by SOE Minister’s letter dated March 31, 2003 and the Decree of Directors of Bank BTN December 3, 2004. Do not stop there, in 2008 BTN also have to register transactions Collective Investment Contract Asset-Backed Securities (KIK Eba) Bapepam. BTN Bank was the first bank in Indonesia to do so. Subsequently in 2009, BTN perform initial recording and listing transactions in Indonesia Stock Exchange. With the vision of “to be the leading bank in the financing of housing” Bank BTN in fact has become one of the leading banks in Indonesia.

Embryo of BTN begins with the establishment Postspaarbank in Batavia in 1897. In 1942, during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia, the bank was frozen and replaced with Tyokin Me or chokinkyoku. After the proclamation of Indonesian independence of the bank was taken over by the Indonesian government and converted into the Post Office Savings. Names and forms the company subsequently changed several times until finally in 1998 changed to the name and official forms that apply today.


COMPANY contact

Menara Bank BTN
Jl. Gajah Mada No.1
Jakarta 10130Contact Center

Jobs Available

PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following positions :

  • Funding Officer

Job Description

Requirements :

  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
  • Male/Female, not older than 30 years old.
  • Minimum requirement of Associate Degree (D3).
  • Fresh graduate from any disciplines.
  • The candidate with technical background and experience in marketing is preferred.
  • Good looking, friendly and energetic.
  • Minimum height of 155 cm (Female) and 165 cm (Male), proportional weight.
  • Have polished communication skills.

Application should contains the below documents :

  1. Application letter, addressed to PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk Up. Consumer & Commercial Funding Unit – Bank BTN KC Banjarmasin;
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV);
  3. Passport photograph 4×6 (1 sheet);
  4. Copy of ID Card;
  5. Copy of diploma;
  6. Copy of SKCK.

Sites Reference

  1. www.btn.co.id

Submit Application

If you are interested and competent in accordance with the requirements, please bring all application documents above directly to :

PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk KC Banjarmasin
Jl. RE Martadinata No 4 Banjarmasin 70111.


  • Closing date 24 April 2016.
  • All applications will be treated as strictly confidential.
  • Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja BTN Banjarmasin  brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com