Lowongan Kerja Dewan Pengawas BPJS Kesehatan
About Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional (DJSN)
Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional – DJSN is the organizer of the National Social Security System (Navigation) mandated in Law No. 40 of 2004 on the Social Security Article 6 s.d. Article 12. The existence of DJSN confirmed by Presidential Decree No. 44 Year 2008 concerning the composition and organization of Working Procedure, Procedure for Appointment, Replacement, and Termination DJSN, and denganKepPres No. 110 / M of 2008 concerning the appointment of the Chairman and Members DJSN. Membership Status Changes DJSN set in President Order No. 115 / M of 2009 concerning Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional Membership and President Order No. No. 73 / M of 2011 on Termination and Appointment of Chairman and Members of Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional.
As for performing their duties, DJSN DJSN assisted by the Secretariat, as stipulated in the Regulation of Ministry of Welfare No.36 / PER / MENKO / Welfare / 2008 on the Organization and Administration of the Secretariat DJSN.
The composition of the Secretariat
National Social Security Council
In performing its duties, DJSN assisted by a Secretariat headed by a Secretary who is under and is responsible to the Chairman DJSN.
1. Organizational Structure Secretariat
DJSN secretariat consists of:
1. General Section consisting of:
- Subdivision Planning, Budget, and Reporting;
- Subdivision of Administration; and
- Subdivision of Finance.
2. The Inter-Agency Relations and Public Participation consisting of:
- Subdivision Inter-Agency Relations; and
- Subdivision Public Participation
3. The Social Security Policy Preparation consisting of:
- Preparation Subdivision Social Security Health Policy; and
- Social Security Policy Preparation Subdivision Employment.
4. The Monitoring and Evaluation Preparation Implementation of Social Security which consists of:
- Subdivision Preparation Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Social Security;
- Subdivision Preparation Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Security Employment; and
- Subdivision Data and Information.
5. Functional Group
Within the Secretariat may be established DJSN certain functional positions according to need.
2. Duties Secretariat
DJSN Secretariat has the task of providing administrative support and operational services to support the smooth implementation of Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional tasks that can be broken down as follows:
- General section has the task of carrying out the program planning, budgeting and reporting, administration and personnel management, and financial administration.
- Inter-Institutional Relations and Participation has the tasks of preparing cooperation between institutions and community participation.
- Social Security Policy Preparation section has the task of preparing the material and social security policy analysis of health and social security employment.
- Part Preparation and Evaluation of the Implementation Monitoring Social Security has the tasks of preparing and analyzing the results of the monitoring and evaluation of social security health, social security employment, as well as the management and service of data and information.
- Functional Group has the task of carrying out duties in accordance with their respective functional positions based legislation.
3. The function of the Secretariat
In performing its duties, the Secretariat DJSN the following functions:
- Strategic program planning, budgeting and reporting;
- Management of administrative, personnel and financial administration;
- Implementation of administrative support, operational services, and prepare material for inter-institutional relations and community participation;
- Implementation of administrative support, operational services, and preparation of material and social security policy analysis of health and social security of employment;
- Implementation of administrative support, operational services, and preparation of materials and analysis of monitoring and evaluation of social security health, social security and employment;
- And management of data and information services;
- Management of property / wealth of the State; and
- Implementation of other duties assigned by Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional.
Contact DJSN
Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 3
Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia, 10110.
Telepon : +62 21 3459444 ext. 422
Fax : +62 21 3459444 ext. 432
E-Mail :
Twitter : @djsnindonesia
Facebook :
Jobs Available
Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional (DJSN) is seeking the qualified Indonesian people to join as position below :
- Anggota Dewan Pengawas Kesehatan dan Anggota Direksi BPJS Kesehatan
Jobs Description
- Indonesian citizens
- Devoted to God who mas Esa
- Physically and mentally healthy
- Have integrity and a personality that is not dishonorable
- Has the appropriate qualifications and competence for the management of social security programs
- A minimum age of 40 years and maximum 60 years of age on December 31, 2015
- Not a member and served as a political party official
- Not being a suspect and was being accused in the proceedings
- Never been sentenced to imprisonment by a court decision that has obtained permanent legal force for committing a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment of 5 (five) years or more
- Never become a member of the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board of Commissioners or a legal person who is declared bankrupt because of the error in question
- Certified lowest Tier 1
- For prospective members of the Supervisory Board, has the competence and experience in the field of management, especially in the field of supervision of at least 5 (five) years
- For prospective members of the Board of Directors has:
- Competence in Economics, Finance, Banking, Actuarial, Insurance, pensiunm fund information technology, risk management, health management, occupational accidents and occupational diseases, and / or legal
- Managerial experience of at least 5 (five) years in the lead entity, the unit of work and / or professional organizations
Requirements Document:
- Registration form.
- Curriculum vitae.
- Photocopy of valid ID card.
- Recent color photographs 4 (four) pieces of 4×6.
- Photocopy of TIN.
- Photocopy of receipt submission of tax returns in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
- Photocopy of receipt submission LHKPN for applicants with the status of state officials.
- Photocopy of diploma and transcripts of college degree giver.
- To the Board of Directors:
- a. Certificates of competence in economics, finance, banking, actuarial, insurance, pension funds, information technology, risk management, health management, occupational accidents and occupational diseases, or law, or a certificate of work experience in the field of management of social security of the institution / institutions / agencies where the relevant law is being or has worked; and
- b. certificate of work experience at managerial level for at least five (5) years from the agency / institution / legal entity where the relevant work.
- For the Supervisory Board, a certificate of competence in the field of supervision, or a certificate of work experience of at least 5 (five) years in the field of supervision of the institution / agency / jurisdiction where the relevant entity is or ever worked.
- The original police records certificate and valid from the Chief of Police at the residence in question.
- Affidavit of were concerned that he was not a member and served as political party leaders.
- Affidavit of were concerned that he was not in the judicial process because of a criminal act.
- Affidavit of were concerned that he had not been sentenced to imprisonment by a court decision that has obtained permanent legal force for committing a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment of 5 (five) years or more.
- Affidavit of were concerned that he was never a member of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, or the Supervisory Board on a legal entity declared bankrupt because of the error in question.
- Affidavit of concerned about his willingness to relinquish positions in government or other legal entities for serving members of the Board of Trustees or Board of Directors.
- A written statement from concerned about the validity of the documents submitted.
Reference Sites
Submit Application
- Registration in person at the Secretariat of the Selection Committee BPJS done in hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. GMT.
- Each person can only register as a candidate member of the Supervisory Board or Board of Directors BPJS Health, and does not register as a candidate member of the Supervisory Board or Board of Directors BPJS Employment.
- Each applicant must fill out a form and complete the required documents. Form format can be taken directly at the Secretariat of the Selection Committee BPJS or downloaded via the website
- Prospective members of the Supervisory Board of the Government Elements proposed and registered by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health of each of at least two (2) members to the Selection Committee BPJS Health.
- Prospective members of the Supervisory Board of Workers element proposed by workers’ organizations at the national level which meets the requirements of representativeness to sit in a tripartite labor institutions to the Ministry of Labor.
- Furthermore, the Minister of Labour to register the candidate as much as eight (8) members to the Selection Committee BPJS Health.
- Prospective members of the Supervisory Board Employer elements proposed by the employers’ organizations at the national level to the Minister of Labour. Furthermore, the Minister of Labour to register the candidate as much as eight (8) members to the Selection Committee BPJS Health.
- Prospective members of the Supervisory Board of Element Community leaders proposed and registered directly by a public organization registered in the Ministry of Interior or authorized by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, and / or individuals concerned to the Selection Committee BPJS Health.
- Prospective members of the Board of Directors have registered with BPJS Kesehatan Selection Committee.
Registration dossier can be submitted in person or by registered mail to the address:
Sekretariat Panitia Seleksi BPJS Kesehatan
atau melalui e-mail ke alamat:
- Registration received no later than received on 19 November 2015 at 17.00 pm.
- Via e-mail registrant shall submit a letter original statement about the truth of the documents signed on the stamp Rp6000 to the Selection Committee at the BPJS Kesehatan while following competency test field.
- Registration is conducted from November 6, 2015 through the date of 19 November 2015 at 17.00 pm.
- Administrative selection results were announced on 23 November 2015 in the national print media and page
- Source
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