PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk – Graduate Development Program Holcim 2013



Lowongan Kerja Graduate Development Program  Holcim

About PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk

PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk – Holcim Indonesia is a pioneer and an innovator in Indonesia’s fast-developing cement sector, as the market for homes, commercial buildings and infrastructure expands. We are the only provider of a fully integrated range of 10 cement types, concrete and aggregates. We are building a unique franchise, Solusi Rumah, to deliver complete, affordable housing solutions and upgrades, drawing on the skills of over 11,500 Holcim-trained masons, 399 franchisees as of mid-2011 and a growing telesales presence.

Our products are sold in more than 15,000 retail stores across Indonesia. Holcim Beton was first to market with SpeedCrete®, a fast-setting concrete that slashes time on repair work to roads and developments, while our MiniMix phone service allows same-day ready-mixed concrete delivery; we were also first with mobile concrete batching plants.

Our construction industry seminars on best practices in large-scale concrete pouring for multi-storey building foundations are literally ground breaking. We are pioneers in creating a professional centre of excellence in vocational and managerial skills, the Holcim Academy, drawing students from across Southeast Asia.

We serve our home market of the island of Java from two major production sites and a grinding station with a combined finished cement capacity of 8.3 million tonnes per annum. A third production site in Tuban, East Java, of 1.7 mtpa is currently being constructed and is expected to open in 2013. We operate multiple concrete batching plants, two stone quarries and an extensive logistics network of warehouses and silos.

Our Geocycle team provides a total solutions waste disposal model for industry, municipalities and agriculture, providing our customers with peace of mind that comes with the safe collection, storage and disposal of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste. As our reputation has grown, we have become solutions providers to a wide range of industrial and municipal users who number among the largest companies in Indonesia. Working under the principles of reduce, reuse and recycle, our team of consultants also helps companies minimize their waste footprint. Geocycle pioneered safe disposal of CFC ozone depleting gases – the first facility in Southeast Asia. We earn carbon credits under the UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism for co-processing biomass, thus eradicating CO2 emissions from decomposition of discarded agricultural waste.

In 2011, our Cilacap Cement Plant was one of only a few businesses in Indonesia to receive a “Gold” PROPER rating from the Ministry of Environment, the highest award in Indonesia for environmental and waste management and the second time the plant has achieved this result. Our Narogong Plant holds a Green PROPER Rating.

The same year, we have attained first place in the Green Industry Awards for the second year, and the Golden Flag occupational health and safety award for the third time consecutively. We are also the only business to receive an Ozone Award recognising our ongoing work to safely dispose of ozone depleting substances.

For community relations, Holcim programmes were recognised by corporate social responsibility awards from non-profit Dompet Dhuafa Foundation and local governments.

Company Contact

PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk
Menara JAMSOSTEK lt.15 North Tower Jl. Gatot Subroto kav.38 Jakarta Selatan 12930

Jobs Available

PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk have following positions to offer for the right person that can grow together as :

Graduate Development Program (GDP)

Graduate Development Program (GDP) is an education program specifically designed to prepare fresh graduates to qualify for permanent hire with Holcim and be our future leaders, through intensive development program.

For GDP 2013, PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk open opportunity in the following functions:

  1. Manufacturing
  2. Corporate Technical Service
  3. Logistics
  4. Commercial

Jobs Description

General Requirements

  • Fresh graduates (graduate this year or 2012) or not having more than 1 year working experience that possess:
  • Good Team Work
  • Care & Communicative to Energize People
  • Open Mind, Ability to Learn, Innovative to Think the Business & Deliver Results
  • Self-Starter & Have Integrity to Act as Role Model
  • Other basic requirements:
  • GPA = 3.20
  • Active in extracurricular/organization activities

Education Background :

  • For Commercial : Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, and Industrial Engineer.
  • For Manufacturing & Corporate Technical Service : Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining, Geology, Chemistry Engineering and Civil Engineering.
  • For Logistics & Export : Naval Engineering, and Industrial Engineering.
  • For FICO : Accounting.

Hoclim Campus Career Builder & GDP Selection

  1. UGM (Jogjakarta): 18 June 2013
  2. ITS (Surabaya): 02 July 2013
  3. UNBRAW (Malang): 03 July 2013
  4. UNPAD (Bandung): 16 July 2013
  5. UI (Jakarta): 23 July 2013

Submit Application

Should you are interested, please drop your application form or your CV to :



  • You need to indicate your function preferences (1 or 2) in order of priority in the application form.
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process
  • Source

Lowongan KerjaGraduate Development Program  Holcim brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn