Lowongan CPNS Setneg 2012
About Sekretariat Negara
Kementerian Sekretariat Negara Republik Indonesia or Setneg or the Ministry of State Secretariat of Republic of Indonesia is the ministry in Indonesian cabinet that has the tasks to provides technical and administrative support to the president and vice president in the organizing power of the state. The Ministry under and responsible to the president of Republic of Indonesia. The Ministry based in Jakarta and located in Jl Veteran 17 – 18 Jakarta. Since 22 October 2009, the Secretary of State (Mensesneg) held by Sudi Silalahi.
RI Secretary of State Regulation No. 1 Year 2005 regarding Organization and Working Procedure of State Secretary. The position of Secretary of State is the government agency headed by Secretary of State, located under and responsible to the President.
Task of the State Secretariat provide technical and administrative support to the President and Vice President in the conduct of state power.
In performing these duties, the State Secretariat of the functions of:
Provision of technical and administrative support to the President and Vice President in the execution of his duty holding power of the state;
Preparation of manuscripts of President and Vice President;
Domesticity and coordination of service delivery protocol to the President and Vice President;
Coordination of technical and administrative support to the President in carrying out the supreme power of the Army, Navy and Air Force;
The administration of the appointment, removal, and dismissal in and from the position or rank and Civil Servants in the State Secretariat and State officials;
Pemberiaan technical support and administration, and analysis of initiatives in order to permit the preparation and completion of the draft Law, Government Regulation in Lieu of Law and Regulation, as well as giving consideration to the Cabinet Secretary in the preparation of the draft Regulation of the President;
Implementation of other functions given the President and Vice President;
Implementation of other functions provided by the legislation.
Jl. Veteran No 17 – 18
Jakarta 10110
Jobs Available
Kementerian Sekretariat Negara invites the best Indonesian people to join as CPNS with following positions below :
Jobs Description
General requirements:
- Ages as low as 18 and as high as 28-year high
- Never been sentenced to imprisonment or confinement by a court decision which has had permanent legal force for committing a criminal act
- It’s never not honorably discharged at his own request or not with respect as civil servants or dismissed as private employees with respect
- Not a resident as a Candidate / Public Servant
- Have the education, skills, expertise and skills required
- Both Berkelakukan
- Physically and mentally healthy
Sites Reference
Closing date
- Registration online will open on 24 July 2012 and closed on 30 July 2012.
- Latihan Soal CPNS : Click Here
- Pengumuman lengkap : Click Here
- Tips TOEFL : Click Here
- Only selected candidates will be recruited.
- View advertisements : Source
Lowongan CPNS Setneg 2012 provided by lokercpnsbumn