Lowongan Dosen Unisda Lamongan
About Universitas Darul Ulum (Unisda)
Universitas Islam Darul Ulum Lamongan – UNISDA is a private university in East Java and is one of the Universities of Nahdlatul Ulama.
History intrinsic UNISDA has a long history but a short time, it is none other than that established the idea of a Higher Education has been around since the time of his life Almaghfurlah KH.SOEFYAN Abdul Wahab.
Him as a progressive Islamic scholars and have a high awareness of education, as it has the desire to establish educational Cleaner, ideas began to flow from his mind in the seventies, but before the idea was realized in the year 1983 he was called to Allah SWT, 3 years after terjemahhan of it as intended idea dirintislah by law: Masykuri Shodiq BA (Alm) establishment of a college that begins with the formation of a study group of students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) Undar Jombang PLS courses (Education Out of School) and the United Nations (Psychology Education and Guidance) in COTTAGE BOARDING MATHOLI’UL ANWAR in 1985. Since then the idea of ??founding a college in boarding school Matholi’ul Anwar closer to reality.
Faculty / Program
- Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
- Faculty of Mathematics
- Faculty Of Economics
- Faculty of Islamic Studies
- Faculty Of Agriculture
- Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
- Faculty Of Law
- Faculty Of Engineering
- Teaching Certificate Program
- Graduate School
Contact Unisda

Universitas Islam Darul Ulum Lamongan – UNISDA
Jln. Airlangga 03 Sukodadi Lamongan Telp.(0322) 390497 Faks.(0322) 390929
Jobs Available
Universitas Darul Ulum Lamongan open an opportunity for the citizens of our beloved Indonesia for a career in the world of education to fill the following positions:
No | Jabatan Dosen Prodi | Jenjang | Kualifikasi Ijazah |
1 | Matematika | S1 | S2 |
2 | Pendidikan Matematika | S1 | S2 atau S3 |
3 | Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia | S1 | S2 atau S3 |
4 | Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris | S1 | S2 atau S3 |
5 | Pendidikan Bahasa Arab | S1 | S2 |
6 | Pendidikan Agama Islam | S1 | S2 atau S3 |
7 | Ekonomi Syariah | S1 | S2 |
8 | Manajemen | S1 | S2 atau S3 |
9 | Akuntansi | S1 | S2 atau S3 |
10 | Ilmu Hukum | S1 | S2 |
11 | Teknik Sipil | S1 | S2 |
12 | Arsitektur | S1 | S2 |
13 | Agroteknologi | S1 | S2 |
14 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | S2 |
15 | Ilmu Pemerintahan | S1 | S2 |
16 | Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia | S2 | S3 |
17 | Pendidikan Agama Islam | S2 | S3 |
Job Description
- S1 and S2 linear from an accredited university
- S2 maximum age = 30 years; S3 = 40 years.
- The minimum GPA of 3.00 at the time of S1 and S2 minimum of 3.25 at the time of
- Well-behaved and well physically and spiritually
- Had a strong motivation for further study soon doctoral programs (those that still S2)
- Not located as ID / PNS or Master Air NUPTK.
- Not having a Home Base NIDN at other universities.
- Not going through the employment agreement / contract employment / bond to another agency.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Hand-written application addressed to the Rector UNISDA Lamongan to attach:
- Photocopy of diploma and transcripts that have ratified the competent authority as much as one sheet.
- For graduate applicants Foreign Universities, must attach the Decree Establishing and graduate equivalency diploma assessment of university campuses Foreign Affairs of the Directorate General of Higher Education.
- Certificate of good health spiritual.
- Affidavit is not under employment agreement / contract employment / bond / teacher berNUPTK at other institutions.
- Recent photograph in black and white, size 4 X 6 4 pieces
Please submit your application to:
Rektor Universitas Islam Darul ‘Ulum Lamongan
Cq. Kepala BAUK
Jl. Airlangga 03 Sukodadi Lamongan melalui pos atau jasa kurir.
- If it has been appointed as a Lecturer fixed salary approaching PNS
- Application received no later than February 1, 2015 date.
- Source
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