Rekrutmen Dosen Itenas Bandung
About Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas)
Institut Teknologi Nasional – Itenas is the name of a private university in the city of Bandung. Itenas inaugurated in 1972 by R. Mansoer Wiratmadja as its first rector. Itenas has three faculties, namely the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, and the Faculty of Art and Design. Student dormitories, faculty housing, and office administrative center is not located on the main campus, but still within easy reach to be taken.
The intent and purpose of the establishment of the foundation is to conduct activities in the field of education with the broadest sense, including establishing colleges. With SK Board of Education Foundation Dayang Sumbi No. 01 / Kep / DS / 1972 dated December 14, 1972, established the National Academy of Technology (Atenas) which consists of majors: Architecture, Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical. At the time appointed Prof. R. Soetedjo, Ir., As director of Atenas.
In 1984 Atenas upgraded to National Institute of Technology (Itenas) and lift R. Mansoer Wiratmadja, Ir., As Rector ITENAS with SK Board of Education Foundation Dayang Sumbi No.01 / Kep / DS / 1984 dated January 3, 1984. History of the Institute technology Bandung (Itenas) is a development of the National Academy of technology, established in 1972 under the auspices tahub Education foundation Dayang Sumbi as an effort to contribute to the nation to join in efforts to educate the nation, especially in the field of engineering and design. Itenas campus located in the CCT Mustafa 23 Bandung. Until now the area of 5 hectares and 52 954 m2 of land owned by the building area of 41 205 m2. Itenas has 3 faculties with 13 majors. 300 permanent teaching staff who hold a post-graduate at home and abroad.
Faculty and Departments
Faculty is the education unit in ITENAS in which there is some study program (first department), both at the undergraduate, masters, and doctorate. Meanwhile, the school is the educational unit that has some programs but scientific-scholarly studies in courses that are not too far away.
Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI)
The purpose of education is to educate the faculty of industrial technology degree candidate / engineers to research, design, implementation, monitoring, and management in the industry economically, safely and nmyaman by considering environmental conservation efforts.
Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI)
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Department of Industrial Engineering
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Informatics Engineering
Faculty of civil engineering and planning (FTSP)
Purpose of Education faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning is to educate prospective graduate academic ability and high professional in the field of planning and civil engineering, able to work in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams in dealing with problems in the field of planning and civil engineering, possess leadership and entrepreneurial and able to innovate, and have the awareness to preserve the environment, both in professional and social life.
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning (FTSP)
- Department of Architecture
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Department of Geodesy / Geoinformatika
- Built Environment Engineering Department
- Department of Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Art and Design
The purpose of education faculty of art and design in general is to produce scholars who possess the expertise of art and design adequate and able to apply it professionally able to apply it in a professional and responsible in various fields of art and design.
Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD)
- Department of Interior Design
- Department of Product Design
- Department of Visual Communication Design
Jobs Available
Associated with the development of the campus Itenas Bandung, National Institute of Technology or Itenas need new energy to a career as:
- Teknik Mesin
- Teknik Industri
- Sistem Informasi
- Teknik Arsitektur
- Teknik Sipil
- Teknik Geodesi
- Perancangan WIlayah & Kota
- Teknik Lingkungan
- Desain Interior
- Desain Komunikasi Visual
Job Description
- Education min.S2 appropriate field
- TOEFL certificate or equivalent
- Age max 40 years unless the S3 and or Professor
- Cover Letters hope handwritten
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please submit your application to :
Rektor Itenas
Jl. P.H. H Mustapha Np. 23 Bandung, 40124
- Closing date : 23 January 2015
- Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up.
- Source
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