Pendaftaran Taruna Akmil
About Akmil TNI AD
Military Academy cadets receiving program is one of the strengths of personnel development activities to meet the needs of officers who are prepared to man the Army organization.
Successful achievement of revenue targets Akmil Taruna, is determined by the implementation of the campaign / publication and selection, which refers to the applicable provisions in the revenue officer’s career soldiers and executed in a coordinated manner with orientation for prospective cadets Akmil quality of the entire region proportionately.
As the elaboration of program acceptance and guidance on the implementation of FY 2012 revenues Akmil Midshipman at both the regional and central levels, should be made in the implementation of the plan (Renlakgiat) on receipt Akmil Midshipman.
Jobs Available
TNI Military Academy Admission Requirements
- Indonesian citizen.
- Faithful and devoted to God Almighty.
- Loyal to the Unitary Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945.
- Aged at least 17 years and 9 months and a maximum of 22 years at the time of the opening of school on August 1, 2012.
- Physically and mentally healthy.
- Not being lost the right to be a soldier by court decisions that have permanent legal force.
- It has no criminal record issued in writing by the Police (at the time a candidate has followed the examination of Psychology).
- The man, not a member / ex-soldier military / police and military servants.
- Certified SMA / MA program IPA or equivalent, provided the value of UAN as follows:
- Graduates in 2008 s.d. , 2010. Passed National Final Examination with an average grade of not less than 6.5 (out of 10 subjects). For those candidates who use glasses / contact lenses with a maximum size of 1 diopters, the average value of not less than 7.5.
- Graduates in 2011. Passed National Final Examination with an average final score (combined national test scores and school test scores) at least 7 and no score below 6. For those candidates who use glasses / contact lenses with a maximum size of 1 diopters, the final value of the average (combined national test scores and school test scores) at least 8 and no score below 7.
- Graduates in 2012 will be determined later.
- Have never been married and could not marry during the first study.
- Have a height of at least 165 cm and has a weight balanced according to applicable regulations.
- Willing to undergo bond First Department (IDP) for 10 years.
- Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
- There should be a letter of consent from a parent / guardian.
- For those who obtain a diploma from another country, must be approved by the Kemendikbud.
- Not tattooed / pierced and tattooed ex / ex pierced ears or limbs other than that caused by the provision of religious / traditional.
- Obey all the rules free of corruption, either directly or indirectly. If proven to violate the law as intended, then it must be willing to not pass and or removed from Dikma, if the violation is found to be in the future when the education first.
TNI Military Academy Registration Location
No | Panda/Sub Panda | Alamat | No Telp |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
1 | KodamI/BB | ||
Panda Medan | Jl. Binjai Km 7.5 Medan | 061-8451300 | |
Sub PandaSiantar | Jl. AsahanKm 3.5 Pematang Siantar | 0622-7550071 | |
Sub Panda Padang | Jl. Samudera No 1 Padang | 0751-23365 | |
Sub PandaP. Baru | Jl. Perwira No. 1 Pekanbaru Riau | 0761-33031 | |
Sub PandaSibolga | Jl. Datuk Hitam No. 1 Sibolga | 0631-22805 | |
2 | KodamII/Swj | ||
Panda Palembang | Jl. UripSumoharjo Palembang | 0711-713868 | |
Sub PandaBengkulu | Jl.Pembangunan 3 Bengkulu | 0736-21446 | |
Sub PandaJambi | Jl. Dr AK Gani No 3 Kel Pasar Jambi | 0741-63053 | |
Sub PandaLampung | Jl. TeukuUmar 85 Bandar Lampung | 0721-702074 | |
3 | KodamIII/Slw | ||
Panda Bandung | Jl. BoschaNo. 4 Bandung | 022-2038102 | |
Sub Panda Cirebon | Jl. BrigjenDarsono Cirebon | 0231-2022176 | |
Sub PandaSerang | Jl. MaulanaYusuf No. 9 Serang Banten | 0254-200726 | |
Sub PandaGarut | Jl.Bratayudha 65 Garut | 0262-232690 | |
Sub Panda Bogor | Jl. MerdekaNo. 64 Bogor | 0251-323266 | |
4 | KodamIV/Dip | ||
Panda SMATN | Jl. Purworejo-Magelang Km 5, Magelang | 0293-364195, 364047 | |
Panda Semarang | Jl. P.Kemerdekaan Watugong Semarang | 074-7474738, 7472249 |
Sub PandaPurwokerto | Jl. Jendral Sutoyo No 2 Sawangan Purwokerto | 0281-694925 | |
Sub Panda Yogyakarta | Jl. Ring Road Barat Demak Ijo Yogyakarta | 0274-562020 | |
Sub Panda Surakarta | Jl. Adi Sucipto No 210 Manahan Surakarta | 0271-719101 | |
5 | KodamV/Brw | ||
Sub Panda Surabaya | Jl. A Yani Wonocolo Surabaya | 031-324600 | |
Sub Panda Malang | Jl. Belakang RSSA No 1 Malang | 0341-324600 | |
Sub PandaMadiun | Jl. Dr Sutomo No. 1 Madiun | 0351-454377 | |
Sub PandaMojokerto | Jl. VeteranNo 3 Mojokerto | 0321-321900 | |
6 | KodamVI/Mlw | ||
Panda Balikpapan | Jl. JendSudirman Balikpapan | 0542-425342 | |
Sub Panda Banjarmasin | Jl. Jend Sudirman No 7 Banjarmasin | 0511-4366930 | |
7 | KodamVII/Wrb | ||
Panda Makassar | Jl. Urip Sumoharjo KM 7 Makassar | 0411-853108 | |
Sub Panda Manado | Jl. A Yani 19 Sario Manado | 0431-862011 | |
Sub PandaPalu | Jl. Pramuka No 44 Palu | 0451-421333 | |
Sub PandaKendari | Jl. DrsAbdullah Silondai 41 Kendari | 0401-321444 | |
8 | KodamIX/Udy | ||
PandaDenpasar | Jl SudirmanDenpasar | 0361-234758 | |
Sub PandaNTB | Jl. Malomba Mataram | 0370-632268 | |
Sub PandaNTT | Jl.Lalamentik Kupang | 0380-632268 | |
9 | KodamXII/Tpr | ||
Panda Pontianak | Jl.Adisucipto km 6 Sei Raya Kab. Kubu Raya Pontianak | 0561-723583 | |
Sub PandaPalangkaraya | Jl. Imam Bonjol No 5 Palangkaraya | 0536-3221300 | |
10 | KodamXVI/Ptm | ||
Panda Ambon | Jl. A YaniAmbon | 0911-352585 | |
Sub Panda Ternate | Jl.Mononutu Ternate | 0921-328006 | |
11 | KodamXVII/Cen | ||
PandaJayapura | Jl.Diponegoro Kel Gurabesi Jayapura Utara | 0967-533854 | |
Sub Panda Biak | Jl.Majapahit Biak | 0981-21471 | |
Sub PandaSorong | Jl. PramukaI Sorong | 0951-331405 | |
Sub PandaMerauke | Komp Kodim Folder, Jl Folder (Belakang Kel Maro) Merauke | 0971-321707 | |
12 | PandaJaya | Jl. Mayjen Sutoyo No. 5 Cililitan Jaktim | 021-8090962 |
13 | Kodam IM | ||
Panda BandaAceh | Jl. Nyak Adam Kamil II No B-1 Banda Aceh | 0651-266786 | |
Jadwal Pendaftaran Akademi Militer TNI
No |
Tanggal/Waktu |
Kegiatan |
Keterangan |
1. | 6 Feb s.d. 30 Maret 2012 | Pengumuman/pendaftaran | |
2. | 2 April s.d. 29 Juni 2012 | Rik Uji Daerah (Psikologi 14-15 Mei) | |
3. | 2 Juli 2012 | Sidang pemilihan Panda/Subpanda | |
4. | 9 s.d. 22 Juli 2012 | Rik/Uji Pusat | |
5. | 27 Juli 2012 | Sidang pemilihan Panpus | |
6. | 1 Agustus 2012 | Buka Dikma |
Material Selection TNI Military Academy Registration
Inspection / Testing. Inspection / testing of candidates conducted 2 phase, 3 levels. Each candidate should and must undergo inspection / testing of the same kind and level stage.
Rik / Test level I and II / regional level.
Implemented in the area by the local Sub Panda and Panda, the kind / type of inspection / testing as follows:
Rik / Test level I.
Implemented by Sub Panda include:
Examination Administration.
Health Inspection I & II.
Inspection / testing Physical (Physical Freshness A, B, Pool and Posture).
Test Interview.
Examination of Psychology I (by Tim Rik Psi Panpus).
Rik / Test level II.
Implemented by Panda include:
Examination Administration.
Medical Examination III (Tim Rikkes Panpus) covering aspects of the laboratory, and eye surgery.
Inspection / testing Physical (Physical Freshness A, B, Pool and Posture).
Rik / Test level III / national level.
Conducted at the Army Kodiklat Pusdikajen by Panpus include:
Examination Administration.
Health Inspection IV.
Inspection / testing Physical (Physical Freshness A, B, Pool, posture / body anthropometric and adi).
Test Interview.
Psychological Examination II (psychology field).
Testing Knowledge / Academic.
- Ajen Kodam
- Ajen Korem
- Kodim
To register online, please go to page:
- OFFICERS inducted into the Army as a lieutenant TWO AND BEEN HELD S.ST.Han.
Penerimaan Taruna Akmil by lokercpnsbumn