Penerimaan Sarjana Penggerak Pembangunan
About Pemuda Sarjana Penggerak Pembangunan di Perdesaan (PSP-3)
Pemuda Sarjana Penggerak Pembangunan di Pedesaan – PSP-3 is a government program that lasted as long as 2 years . The program is the flagship program of the Ministry of Youth and Sport is designed to enhance the leadership role , independence , and pioneering youth , especially educated youth who have completed their undergraduate education 1 .
The program is believed fully that the PSP – 3 Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs is a step in the government’s strategy of reducing the accumulation of human resources has a higher education in urban areas . Periodically so that rural areas can become the foundation for economic growth center in the future . This program is also expected to increase the confidence of scholars to participate directly in building the village and make the village as a center to organize a more settled life . So that in the future the gap between the city and the lives of people in rural areas to be reduced .
Since the program is the PSP – 3 Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs rolled out , the role of the educated youth are urgently needed , especially in the field of Human Resources ( HR ) . As a flagship program planned systematically and continuously , by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the program appears to be a serious need to be managed , consistent , transparent and accountable . Why not, because the participants PSP – 3 Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs classified all educated youth scholars from various disciplines . Accordingly PSP – 3 program the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs part of the government’s commitment to establish centers of economic growth initiated by scholars through the culture and spirit of entrepreneurship in rural areas . Center of economic growth based on the development of agriculture , fisheries , animal husbandry , agriculture and natural resources much more available . So that the later can mengakselarasi settlement of social problems , especially to reduce unemployment and alleviate poverty , in an effort to achieve a society that is more prosperous , equitable and dignified .
PSP – 3 program is one of the pioneering youth development programs to improve their participation in society in mendinamisasi change and renewal through the development in rural areas . Through this program the PSP – 3 is expected to be a pioneer in moving society , especially the youth in rural areas to change the orientation of job seekers into job creators . Including innovation and accessing sources of progress , as well as improving the performance of public services in order memandirikan village government and welfare of the villagers .
Jobs Available
Pemerintah Provinsi Riau through Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga (DINPORA) invites qualified candidates to fullfill the position as follows :
- Program Pemuda Sarjana Penggerak Pembangunan Perdesaan Provinsi Riau
Job Description
Qualification :
- Maximum age 26 years per 1 April 2016
- Copy of diploma S1 that has been legalized (applies to all departments)
- Copy of Identity Card (KTP) Riau Province
- Photograph size 3×4 sheets of 2
- Not married evidenced by the Certificate of the local municipality (original)
- Willing not to marry during the term of the contract evidenced by a stamped statement 6000
- Healthy Body and Spirit, evidenced by the Certificate of Doctor Government Regulated Health (original)
- Drug-Free Certificate from the Government Hospital (having passed the selection) original
- Good behavior, evidenced by the Certificate Note from local Police (SKCK original)
- Organizational experience evidenced by Certificate / Certificate of the organization (if the organization has the experience)
- Unbound as government and private employee during the contract period become participants PSP3, evidenced by a stamped statement 6000
- Support / recommendation from community leaders / Lecturer College that the person concerned as Youth Potential
- Willing to be placed in the village location of jobs and did not leave the village where they place during the contract period (Statement stamped 6000)
- Willing to sign a contract (as evidenced by an affidavit stamped 6000)
- Not in college Postgraduate (S2)
- PSP3 has never participated in a program funded by the Government (APBD / APBN, evidenced by a statement stamped 6000)
Placement :
- Kota Pekanbaru
- Kota Dumai
- Kabupaten Siak
- Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi
- Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti
- Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir
- Kabupaten Rokan Hilir
- Kabupaten Bengkalis
Sites reference
Submit Application
Please fill the form : Formulir Pendaftaran (Download HERE) and Biodata (Download HERE)
Send application files directly convey (the Registration Form, Biography and Other Files Completed) to :
Bidang Pemuda, Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga Provinsi Riau, Jl. Dr. Soetomo No. 114 Pekanbaru.
- Closing date : 9 March 2016
- Contact Person :
- Sri Maharani D, ST ( 0821 7125 8182 )
- Eliwon Feriyanus, S.Pd, M.Si ( 0852 7199 7734 )
- Source
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