Lowongan BPPTI Kemkominfo
About BPPTI Kemkominfo
Balai Penyedia dan Pengelola Pembiayaan Telekomunikasi dan Informatika Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika – BPPTI Kemkominfo is a technical unit under the Directorate General of Post and Information Technology Operation (Dirjen Postel) Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. This unit was established in 2010 and based on the Regulation of Ministry of Communications and Information Technology No 18/Per/M.Kominfo/11/2010. Based on the regulation, BPPTI based in Jakarta and the main duty of BPPTI are carry out the provision and management, financing of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and also accessibility and services of telecommunications and information.
A Brief History
Birth of Law No. 36 of 1999 on Telecommunications has been a dramatic change in the climate of telecommunication monopolies to competition;
Telecommunication operation focused on the commercial area, while the non-commercial areas less attention, although telecommunications still have an obligation to provide universal service contribution in the form of the provision of telecommunications infrastructure in non-commercial areas;
Obligation to provide universal service contribution in the form of the provision of telecommunications infrastructure in a non commercial, more firmly regulated in Government Regulation No. 52 Year 2000 on Telecommunication as the implementing regulations of Law No. 36 Year 1999 on Telecommunication;
Based on the evaluation of the implementation of the universal service obligation / Universal Service Obligation (KPU / USO) which is implemented by the local fixed network operators, it was concluded that the implementation of the KPU / USO is not running optimally so that the government took the initiative and encouraged to take responsibility for KPU service obligations in the form of compensation other;
The government carry out development KPU / USO in 2003/2004 through the state budget, which in turn to accelerate national development particularly rural telecommunication infrastructure improvements to be considered to find legitimate sources of funding;
Through an agreement between the government and telecommunications providers agreed amount contributed KPU / USO at 0.75% of gross revenues are confirmed by the issuance of Government Regulation No. 28 Year 2005 on tariffs of non-tax state revenue (non-tax revenues) in the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology;
Based on the evaluation of development KPU / USO undertaken by the Government, obtained a recommendation that the scheme based construction procurement is less than optimal;
Based DIPA DGPT Fiscal Year 2006, the construction of KPU / USO USO appropriate contribution comes from Special Use Permit No. 2006 184/MK.02/2006 dated May 2, 2006 and again clarified by the Ministry of Finance No. S-118/MK.2 / 2006 dated 5 September 2006;
Government revamp procurement based development schemes into the scheme of universal service provision based service provision based on the evaluation of the consequences of development can not permit the implementation of a special use tax revenues in 2006;
Balai Telekomunikasi dan Informatika Perdesaan
Menara Ravindo Lantai 5
Jl. Kebon Sirih No.75
Jakarta Pusat
Telephone: (021) 3193 5916
Jobs Available
BPPPTI invites the best Indonesian people to join as following positions below and which will based on representative officess in all over Indonesia :
- Area Manager (AM)
- Asisten Manager Program & Anggaran (AMPA)
- Asisten Manager Monitoring & Evaluasi (AMME)
- Asisten Manager Administrasi & Umum (AMAU)
- Staff Pelaksana (SP)
Jobs Description
Area Manager (AM)
- Male/Female, with max age 36 years old
- S1 (Preferably S2) majoring in Management/Finance/Marketing/Informatic Engineering/Industrial Engineering with GPA min 2.75
- Domiciled in its working area
- Preferably experience in their field
- Mastering in Ms Office
- Have a good communication skills
Asisten Manager Program & Anggaran (AMPA)
- Male/Female with max age 35 years old
- S1 majoring in Management/Accounting/Finance/Business Administration/Informatics Management with GPA min 2.60
- Domiciled in its working area
- Preferably experience in their field
- Understanding and mastering about SIMAK BMN and government accounting
Asisten Manager Monitoring & Evaluasi (AMME)
- Male/Female, with max age 35 years old
- S1 in Management/Accounting/Finance/Business Administration/Management Informatics with GPA min 2.6
- Based in the working area (as evidenced by KTP)
- Preferred experience in the field
- Have the ability to evaluate, assess, and monitor the development of appropriate field assignment.
Asisten Manager Administrasi & Umum (AMAU)
- Male/Female, with max age 35 years old
- S1 Management / Accounting / Business Administration / Informatics Management, with GPA min 2.6
- Based in the working area (as evidenced by KTP)
- Preferred experience in the field.
- Have a good technical skills in the areas of office administration, archieves and equipment management, and general services
Staff Pelaksana (SP)
- Male/Female, with max age 35 years old
- D3/S1 majoring in Accounting/Business Administration/Management/Informatics Management/Economics/Finance Management with GPA min 2.6
- Based in the working area (as evidenced by KTP)
- Fresh Graduate (preferably experienced in their field)
- Proficient computer (min MS Word and MS Excel), creative and communicative
General Requirements
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
- Domiciled in working area of representative office
- Good behavior evidenced by valid SKCK
- Health as evidenced by a valid medical certificate from RSUD or Puskesmas (6 months)
Required documents
- Scan of lates diploma
- Scan of academic transcript
- Scan of latest 4×6 colored photograph
- Scan of SKCK
- Scan of Medical certficate
- Curriculum Vitae
- Scan of working experience letter (if any)
- Scan of the organization certificate or relevant certificate (if any)
- Scan of ID Card
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Should you are interested, please submit your application to :
Domiciled area and email list :
Closing date
- 4 November 2012
- All Files are delivered as zip or rar file with maximum size 5 Mb.
- Registration closed on 4 November 2012 at 24.00 WIB.
- Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
- Pengumuman Penerimaan Pekaperda BPPPTI Kemkominfo 2012 : Click Here
- Source : Click Here
Lowongan BPPTI Kemkominfo provided by lokercpnsbumn