Pengumuman Penerimaan Kadet Akademi Angkatan Laut Tahun 2012
About AAL
Program revenues Naval Academy Cadets is one of the strengths of personnel development activities to meet the needs of officers who are prepared to man the Army organization.
Successful achievement of revenue targets Cadets AAL, is determined by the implementation of the campaign / publication and selection, which refers to the applicable provisions in the revenue officer’s career soldiers and executed in a coordinated manner with the orientation to obtain a qualified candidate AAL Cadets from all regions in proportion.
As the elaboration of program acceptance and guidance on the implementation of Cadets receiving AAL FY 2011 at both the regional and central levels, should be made in the implementation of the plan (Renlakgiat) on admission of Cadets AAL.
Admission requirements Naval Academy Cadets
- Indonesian citizen.
- Faithful and devoted to God Almighty.
- Loyal to the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945.
- Aged at least 17 years and 9 months and a maximum of 22 years of education at the opening date of August 1, 2011.
- Physically and mentally healthy.
- Not losing the rights to soldiers based on court decisions that have permanent legal force.
- Man, not a member / former prajuirt military / police and military servants.
- Certified High School / Science MA program or equivalent, with the provisions of the UAN as follows:
- Graduates of 2007 s.d. Of 2010. Passed National Final Examination with an average value of not less than 6.5 (out of 10 subjects). For candidates who use glasses / contact lenses with a maximum size of 1 diopters, the average value of not less than 7.5.
- Graduates of 2011 will be determined later.
- Has never been married and could not marry during the first education.
- Has a height of at least 167 cm and weight balanced according to applicable regulations.
- Willing to undergo the Association Office of the First (IDP) for 10 years.
- Willing to be placed on the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
- There should be a letter of consent from a parent / guardian.
- For those who obtained a diploma from another country, must get approval from Kemdiknas.
- Not tattooed / pierced and tattooed ex-/ ex-pierced ears or other body member, except those caused by the provision of religious / customary.
- Willing to comply with corruption-free rule, either directly or indirectly. If found to be violating the law as intended, then it must be willing and did not pass or removed from Dikma, if the breach is discovered in the future at the time of his education first. Examples of the blank is not the ability to bribe / corruption as in the example No. 2.
Sites Reference
Announcement / registration / Call: 1 Feb s.d. March 25, 2011
For online registration, please to page: