Lowongan Kerja Dosen Unesa
About Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Universitas Negeri Surabaya – Unesa is a state university in Surabaya , Indonesia , which stands on December 19, 1964 . Rector in 2013 was Prof. . Dr. . Mucklas H. Samani , M.Pd. UNESA has 7 faculties : the Faculty of Sport Sciences , Faculty of Education , Faculty of Language and Arts , Faculty of Engineering , Faculty of Economics , Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences , and the Faculty of Social Sciences .
Since the Teachers’ Training College , State University of Surabaya turned into Surabaya ( Unesa ) based on Presidential Decree No. 93/1999 dated August 4, 1999 , Unesa has six faculties , namely ( 1 ) Faculty of Education ( FIP ) , ( 2 ) Faculty of Languages ??and Arts ( FBS ) , ( 3 ) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ( MIPA ) , ( 4 ) Faculty of Social Sciences ( FIS ) , ( 5 ) Faculty of Engineering ( FT ) , and ( 6 ) Faculty of Sport Sciences ( FIK ) . During its development , by decree of the Rector 050/J37/HK.01.23/PP.03.02/2006 number dated March 6, 2006 , the Department of Economic Education which was originally to be part of the FIS was officially changed to the Faculty of Economics ( FE ) , which is the seventh in faculty Unesa environment , and inaugurated on May 1, 2006 .
Department of developments occurred in FIP and FIS . FIP prior to 2005 only manage two majors , in 2006 with reference to the needs of the labor market , then the FIP develop study programs into the Department of Counseling Educational Psychology and Guidance . Being in 2008 with the enactment of the Law on National Education System that requires teachers to be highly qualified S – 1 , then the FIP develop Prodi D – 2 PGSD be PGSD Department , which while managing Prodi PGSD S – 1 , and the future will be developed Prodi Prodi – other according to labor market needs . So that began in 2008 , FIP manage 4 Majors .
FIS has developed quite significantly . In 2006 was divided into two faculties , namely FIS and FE . In the FIS manages three majors , while FE only manage a single department . In its development in 2008 , FE Management develops into majors , and in 2009 developed a study program into a 3-D Accounting Accounting Department which consists of Prodi D – 3 and S – 1 Accounting Accounting . For S1 Accounting study program recently received the first in a new generation of students 2009/2010 , as such since 2009 FE houses three majors .
Unesa up in 2009 has 7 faculties and one that manages 26 Graduate Programs , and consists of 66 Prodi . To date , the Department Unesa has never been shut held . With the development of the majors as mentioned above , the major growth in Unesa average of only 3 % . But in the future – Prodi Prodi potential to be developed into the majors , and majors become faculty , according to the needs of the community .
At the moment there are 30 majors shade 68 Prodi , with details : 1 ) Diploma Program consists of 14 , 2 ) Tier One ( S – 1 ) consists of 46 study programs, 3 ) Tier Two ( S – 2 ) consists of 10 Study Program , 4 ) Tier Three ( S – 3 ) ??consists of 3 Studies . The Prodi – study program serves as a study center ( center of study) to preserve , explore , and develop science and technology . In order to meet the quality standards demanded by stakeholders and the labor market , most of the Prodi – study program has made the process of accreditation .
Studies program at an accredited BAN Unesa as much as 79 % , the details of which gained category A 19 % , B 48 % , and 32 % C , and 35.71 % who have not been accredited , which means some new Prodi Prodi open and others are in nomination process of accreditation . Increased accreditation status needs to be done in order to obtain accreditation institution worth A. Prodi – study program that is not accredited is largely a study program that recently opened . The Prodi – study programs should be encouraged to undertake accreditation as soon as possible . Still the study program is not yet accredited by itself is one drawback when Unesa will compete with other universities , so it is necessary to immediately realize the hard work of the accreditation . On the other hand Unesa has the advantage , where in 2010 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences , has conducted four studies program of international class program , while there are three in the Graduate Study Program in 2010 which implement international class .
From the history of the institution , the State University of Surabaya ( UNESA ) originated from the embryo of integration courses BI and B – II in Surabaya in Guidance and Counseling in 1960 . Then in 1961 FKIP be integrated with the onset FKIP Airlangga University in Surabaya Malang Branch . In 1963 Airlangga FKIP again with IPG become integrated in Teachers’ Training College . After standing Teachers ‘Training College , Teachers’ Training College Guidance and Counseling into Malang Malang and break away from Airlangga University . At the Teachers’ Training College has many branches , among others Branch Surabaya , Madiun Branch , Branch Singaraja , and Kupang Branch . FKIP Surabaya Malang branch into Teacher Training Institute Surabaya Malang Branch .
Furthermore, based on the Decree of the Minister of PTIP No. 182 of 1964 , stand Surabaya Teachers’ Training College . The inauguration was held on December 19, 1964 at 08.00 am , on the road 72-74 Kayoon Surabaya . When the Surabaya Teachers’ Training College has five faculties , namely the Faculty of Education ( FIP ) , Teacher Training Faculty of Social Sciences ( FKIS ) , Faculty of Arts Teaching Literature ( FKSS ) , Faculty Teaching exact sciences ( FKIE ) , Teacher Training Faculty of Engineering Sciences ( FKIT ) . Then increased by one faculty again , based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. : 042/O/1977 High School Sports ( STO ) to integrate with the name Surabaya Teachers’ Training College Teacher Training Faculty of Sport Sciences ( FKIK ) .
Furthermore , there is a development and change its name to the Faculty of Education ( FIP ) , Faculty of Social Science Education ( FPIPS ) , Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ( FPMIPA ) , Faculty of Education and Language Arts ( FPBS ) , Faculty of Technical Education and Vocational ( FPTK ) , and the Faculty of Physical Education and Health ( FPOK ) .
Based on Presidential Decree No. . 93 In 1999 , the Surabaya Teachers’ Training College turns into a State University of Surabaya . As per the decision of the senate meeting on October 12, 1998 , which agreed that the name of the post – conversion Surabaya Teachers’ Training College , State University of Surabaya is abbreviated UNESA . In English , agreed their mention is the State University of Surabaya . UNESA is an institution that has a dual mission that still has a base as LPTKs ( Workforce Education Institutions ) . UNESA still hold the primary mission , which organizes educational programs and non-education programs , so it remains UNESA served as a producer of educational personnel for preschool education , elementary education , and secondary education . According to Presidential Decree No. RI . 93 In 1999 , UNESA has the task of :
Based on the extension of the mandate and change , UNESA still has six faculties who also underwent a name change , the Faculty of Education ( FIP ) , Faculty of Language and Arts ( FBS ) , Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ( MIPA ) , Faculty of Social Sciences ( FIS ) , Faculty of Engineering , and the Faculty of Sport Sciences ( FIK ) .
In 2006 or seven years after the conversion , UNESA open a new faculty , the Faculty of Economics . It was appropriate letter issued Director General of Higher 761/D/T/2006 Number of Open School of Economics Unesa dated February 16, 2006 , and Rector Decree No. Unesa . Separation 050/J37/HK.01.23/PP.03.02/2006 on Economic Education Programs and Courses His studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Economics and Open dated March 16, 2006 . So now UNESA has seven faculties .
Contact Unesa
Jl. Ketintang, Surabaya 60231
T: (031) 8280009,8280383,8280675 F: (031) 8280804
Jl. Lidah Wetan, Surabaya
T: (031) 7532160 F: (031) 7532112
Jobs Available
Universitas Negeri Surabaya invites the best candidates to join and fill the Lectures in :
Dosen Tetap Non PNS
- Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan
- Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni
- Fakultas MIPA
- Fakultas Ilmu Sosial
- Fakultas Teknik
- Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan
- Fakultas Ekonomi
Jobs Description
General requirements:
- Devoted to God Almighty
- Loyal to the Pancasila as the state, the Constitution 45 and the Homeland
- Not been convicted of a criminal offense by a court decision that has been legally binding permanent
- Healthy physical, spiritual, drug free and able to perform duties as a lecturer
- Civil servants are not bound as a lecturer / lecturer on non-civil servants of other colleges and / or as a permanent employee at another institution
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please send your application by post to the address:
Bagian Kepegawaian Univesitas Negeri Surabaya
Kampus Unesa Jalan Ketintang Surabaya
drop to : Box application prepared in Gedung Rektorat E1 Universitas Negeri Surabaya.
- Applications received up to the date of March 14, 2014 (postmark) and the committee received a maximum of 17 March 2014.
- For more registration procedures please download the file: Klik Disini
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