Pengumuman Penerimaan Dosen Univesitas Negeri Surabaya



Lowongan Kerja Dosen Unesa

About Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Universitas Negeri Surabaya – Unesa is a state university in Surabaya , Indonesia , which stands on December 19, 1964 . Rector in 2013 was Prof. . Dr. . Mucklas H. Samani , M.Pd. UNESA has 7 faculties : the Faculty of Sport Sciences , Faculty of Education , Faculty of Language and Arts , Faculty of Engineering , Faculty of Economics , Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences , and the Faculty of Social Sciences .

Since the Teachers’ Training College , State University of Surabaya turned into Surabaya ( Unesa ) based on Presidential Decree No. 93/1999 dated August 4, 1999 , Unesa has six faculties , namely ( 1 ) Faculty of Education ( FIP ) , ( 2 ) Faculty of Languages ??and Arts ( FBS ) , ( 3 ) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ( MIPA ) , ( 4 ) Faculty of Social Sciences ( FIS ) , ( 5 ) Faculty of Engineering ( FT ) , and ( 6 ) Faculty of Sport Sciences ( FIK ) . During its development , by decree of the Rector 050/J37/HK.01.23/PP.03.02/2006 number dated March 6, 2006 , the Department of Economic Education which was originally to be part of the FIS was officially changed to the Faculty of Economics ( FE ) , which is the seventh in faculty Unesa environment , and inaugurated on May 1, 2006 .

Department of developments occurred in FIP and FIS . FIP prior to 2005 only manage two majors , in 2006 with reference to the needs of the labor market , then the FIP develop study programs into the Department of Counseling Educational Psychology and Guidance . Being in 2008 with the enactment of the Law on National Education System that requires teachers to be highly qualified S – 1 , then the FIP develop Prodi D – 2 PGSD be PGSD Department , which while managing Prodi PGSD S – 1 , and the future will be developed Prodi Prodi – other according to labor market needs . So that began in 2008 , FIP manage 4 Majors .

FIS has developed quite significantly . In 2006 was divided into two faculties , namely FIS and FE . In the FIS manages three majors , while FE only manage a single department . In its development in 2008 , FE Management develops into majors , and in 2009 developed a study program into a 3-D Accounting Accounting Department which consists of Prodi D – 3 and S – 1 Accounting Accounting . For S1 Accounting study program recently received the first in a new generation of students 2009/2010 , as such since 2009 FE houses three majors .

Unesa up in 2009 has 7 faculties and one that manages 26 Graduate Programs , and consists of 66 Prodi . To date , the Department Unesa has never been shut held . With the development of the majors as mentioned above , the major growth in Unesa average of only 3 % . But in the future – Prodi Prodi potential to be developed into the majors , and majors become faculty , according to the needs of the community .

At the moment there are 30 majors shade 68 Prodi , with details : 1 ) Diploma Program consists of 14 , 2 ) Tier One ( S – 1 ) consists of 46 study programs, 3 ) Tier Two ( S – 2 ) consists of 10 Study Program , 4 ) Tier Three ( S – 3 ) ??consists of 3 Studies . The Prodi – study program serves as a study center ( center of study) to preserve , explore , and develop science and technology . In order to meet the quality standards demanded by stakeholders and the labor market , most of the Prodi – study program has made the process of accreditation .

Studies program at an accredited BAN Unesa as much as 79 % , the details of which gained category A 19 % , B 48 % , and 32 % C , and 35.71 % who have not been accredited , which means some new Prodi Prodi open and others are in nomination process of accreditation . Increased accreditation status needs to be done in order to obtain accreditation institution worth A. Prodi – study program that is not accredited is largely a study program that recently opened . The Prodi – study programs should be encouraged to undertake accreditation as soon as possible . Still the study program is not yet accredited by itself is one drawback when Unesa will compete with other universities , so it is necessary to immediately realize the hard work of the accreditation . On the other hand Unesa has the advantage , where in 2010 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences , has conducted four studies program of international class program , while there are three in the Graduate Study Program in 2010 which implement international class .

From the history of the institution , the State University of Surabaya ( UNESA ) originated from the embryo of integration courses BI and B – II in Surabaya in Guidance and Counseling in 1960 . Then in 1961 FKIP be integrated with the onset FKIP Airlangga University in Surabaya Malang Branch . In 1963 Airlangga FKIP again with IPG become integrated in Teachers’ Training College . After standing Teachers ‘Training College , Teachers’ Training College Guidance and Counseling into Malang Malang and break away from Airlangga University . At the Teachers’ Training College has many branches , among others Branch Surabaya , Madiun Branch , Branch Singaraja , and Kupang Branch . FKIP Surabaya Malang branch into Teacher Training Institute Surabaya Malang Branch .

Furthermore, based on the Decree of the Minister of PTIP No. 182 of 1964 , stand Surabaya Teachers’ Training College . The inauguration was held on December 19, 1964 at 08.00 am , on the road 72-74 Kayoon Surabaya . When the Surabaya Teachers’ Training College has five faculties , namely the Faculty of Education ( FIP ) , Teacher Training Faculty of Social Sciences ( FKIS ) , Faculty of Arts Teaching Literature ( FKSS ) , Faculty Teaching exact sciences ( FKIE ) , Teacher Training Faculty of Engineering Sciences ( FKIT ) . Then increased by one faculty again , based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. : 042/O/1977 High School Sports ( STO ) to integrate with the name Surabaya Teachers’ Training College Teacher Training Faculty of Sport Sciences ( FKIK ) .

Furthermore , there is a development and change its name to the Faculty of Education ( FIP ) , Faculty of Social Science Education ( FPIPS ) , Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ( FPMIPA ) , Faculty of Education and Language Arts ( FPBS ) , Faculty of Technical Education and Vocational ( FPTK ) , and the Faculty of Physical Education and Health ( FPOK ) .

Based on Presidential Decree No. . 93 In 1999 , the Surabaya Teachers’ Training College turns into a State University of Surabaya . As per the decision of the senate meeting on October 12, 1998 , which agreed that the name of the post – conversion Surabaya Teachers’ Training College , State University of Surabaya is abbreviated UNESA . In English , agreed their mention is the State University of Surabaya . UNESA is an institution that has a dual mission that still has a base as LPTKs ( Workforce Education Institutions ) . UNESA still hold the primary mission , which organizes educational programs and non-education programs , so it remains UNESA served as a producer of educational personnel for preschool education , elementary education , and secondary education . According to Presidential Decree No. RI . 93 In 1999 , UNESA has the task of :

Based on the extension of the mandate and change , UNESA still has six faculties who also underwent a name change , the Faculty of Education ( FIP ) , Faculty of Language and Arts ( FBS ) , Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ( MIPA ) , Faculty of Social Sciences ( FIS ) , Faculty of Engineering , and the Faculty of Sport Sciences ( FIK ) .

In 2006 or seven years after the conversion , UNESA open a new faculty , the Faculty of Economics . It was appropriate letter issued Director General of Higher 761/D/T/2006 Number of Open School of Economics Unesa dated February 16, 2006 , and Rector Decree No. Unesa . Separation 050/J37/HK.01.23/PP.03.02/2006 on Economic Education Programs and Courses His studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Economics and Open dated March 16, 2006 . So now UNESA has seven faculties .

Contact Unesa

Jl. Ketintang, Surabaya 60231
T: (031) 8280009,8280383,8280675 F: (031) 8280804

Jl. Lidah Wetan, Surabaya
T: (031) 7532160 F: (031) 7532112

Jobs Available

Universitas Negeri Surabaya invites the best candidates to join and fill the Lectures in :

Dosen Tetap Non PNS

  1. Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan
  2. Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni
  3. Fakultas MIPA
  4. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial
  5. Fakultas Teknik
  6. Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan
  7. Fakultas Ekonomi

Jobs Description

General requirements:

  • Devoted to God Almighty
  • Loyal to the Pancasila as the state, the Constitution 45 and the Homeland
  • Not been convicted of a criminal offense by a court decision that has been legally binding permanent
  • Healthy physical, spiritual, drug free and able to perform duties as a lecturer
  • Civil servants are not bound as a lecturer / lecturer on non-civil servants of other colleges and / or as a permanent employee at another institution

Sites Reference


Submit Application

Please send your application by post to the address:

Bagian Kepegawaian Univesitas Negeri Surabaya
Kampus Unesa Jalan Ketintang Surabaya
drop to : Box application prepared in Gedung Rektorat E1 Universitas Negeri Surabaya.


  • Applications received up to the date of March 14, 2014 (postmark) and the committee received a maximum of 17 March 2014.
  • For more registration procedures please download the file: Klik Disini

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