Lowongan Kerja Dosen UIN Malang
About Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State University Malang (UIN Malang)
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State University Malang – UIN Malang is a reputable state-university in Indonesia under the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The University is based in Malang East Java. The University was established in 1961 and formerly known as a Tarbiah Faculty of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta branch Malang. In 1965, the Faculty was merger with IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State University Malang was launched in 2004. UIN Malang supported by 1 Graduate Program and 6 Faculties, namely Tarbiya (Education), Sharia (Islamic Law), Humanities and Culture, Psychology, Economics, and Science and Technology.
State Islamic University (UIN) Malang established by Presidential Decree. 50 dated June 21, 2004. Starting from the idea of ??the character of East Java to establish Islamic institutions of higher education under the Ministry of Religious Affairs, formed the Committee for the Establishment IAIN Surabaya Branch through Decree No. Religion. 17 of 1961 which served to establish the Faculty of Shariah based in Surabaya and Tarbiyah School is based in Malang. Both are faculty of IAIN Sunan Kalidjaga Yogyakarta branch and simultaneously inaugurated by the Minister of Religious Affairs on October 28, 1961. On October 1, 1964 also established the Department of Islamic Theology based in Kediri through Decree No. Religion. 66/1964.
During its development, the three branches of the faculty and structurally merged under the auspices of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sunan Ampel established under Decree No. Religion. 20 of 1965. Since then, the Faculty of Tarbiyah Malang is a branch faculty of IAIN Sunan Ampel. Through the Presidential Decree. 11 In 1997, in mid-1997 Faculty Tarbiyah IAIN Sunan Ampel Malang switch status to the College of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Malang coincide with changes in the institutional status of all faculty in the IAIN branches in Indonesia, amounting to 33 pieces. Thus, since then also STAIN Malang an autonomous Islamic higher education institutions are separated from IAIN Sunan Ampel.
In the strategic plan development as set out in the Strategic Development Plan STAIN Malang Ten Years Ahead (1998/1999-2008/2009), the second half of the period of development time STAIN Malang launched into the university changed its institutional status. Through the efforts of earnest and responsible proposal to be approved by university President through Presidential Decree No.. 50, dated June 21, 2004 and was inaugurated by the Minister, Prof. ad Interim. H.A. Malik Fajar, M.Sc with the Minister of Religious Affairs, Prof.. Dr.. H. Said Agil Husin Munawwar, M.A. on behalf of the President on October 8, 2004 with the name of the State Islamic University (UIN) Malang with its main task is to carry out higher education programs of Islamic religious sciences and general sciences. Thus, June 21, 2004 is the anniversary of the university.
Had called the Indonesian Islamic University, Sudan (UIIS) as the implementation of the cooperation between the Indonesian government and the Sudan, and was inaugurated by the Vice President H. Hamzah Haz on July 21, 2002 which was also attended by the Vice President of the Republic of Sudan and the Sudan government officials, specifically academic, the University is developing a science is not only derived from scientific methods such as logical reasoning through observation and experimentation, but also sourced from Al-Quran and Hadith, hereinafter referred to paradigm integration. Therefore, the position of the Qur’an, the Hadith to be very central in the knowledge integration framework.
Institutionally, until recently the university has six (6) faculty and Graduate Program, namely: (1) Tarbiyah Faculty, Department of Islamic Education (PAI), Department of Education Social Sciences (IPS), and the Department of Elementary School Teacher Education ( primary education), (2) Sharia Faculty, Department of Al-ahwal al-Syakhshiyah, and Business Law Sharia (3) Faculty of Humanities and Culture, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Department of English Language and Literature, and the Department of Arabic Language Education (4) Faculty Economics, Department of Management, (5) Faculty of Psychology, and (6) Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Architecture and Engineering, and Graduate Program developed four (4) master study programs, namely: (1) Program Management Master of Islamic Education, (2) Arabic Education Master’s Program, (3) Master Program in Islamic Studies, and (4) Master of Education Elementary School Teacher (primary education). As for the doctoral program, Graduate develop two (2) courses: (1) Islamic Education Management Doctoral Program and (2) Arabic Education Doctoral Program.
Another special characteristic of this university as the implications of the model of scientific development is a requirement for all members of academic communities mastered Arabic and English. Through the Arabic language, they are expected to be able to do the study of Islam through its original sources, namely the Qur’an and Hadith through their English and be able to assess the general sciences and modern, as well as a global communication tool. Hence, the university is called bilingual university. To this end, developed ma’had or boarding school campus in which all first-year students must live in ma’had. Therefore, education at this university is a synthesis between tradition and ma’had universities or schools.
Through such education model, graduates are expected to be born cleric whose intellect predicated professional and professional scholars or intellectuals. The main characteristic of such graduates the figure is not only master the disciplines of each according to his choice, but also master the Qur’an and Hadith as the primary source of Islamic teachings.
Located in Jalan Gajayana 50, Dinoyo Malang with a land area of 14 hectares, the university modernize themselves physically since September 2005 to build the rector, faculty, administrative offices, classroom, library, laboratory, student, training, sport, bussiness center, polyclinic and of mosques and ma’had that already exist, with funding from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) through the IDB No. Approval. 41/IND/1287 dated August 17, 2004.
With a magnificent performance and modern physical and determination, spirit and strong commitment from all members of the academic community as he begged Allah’s approval and guidance, the University aspires to be a center of excellence and centers of Islamic civilization as well as implement the teachings of Islam as mercy to the universe nature (al-Islam li al-Alamin grace).
UIN Maliki Malang
Jalan Gajayana 50 Malang 65144
+62 341 551354
Jobs Available
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State University Malang are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic individuals for the following challenging positions (Non CPNS) as :
- Pengadministrasi Umum (KK.01)
- Perencanaan dan Keuangan (KK.02)
- Staf Perpustakaan (KK.03)
- Recepcionist (KK.04)
- Pengadministrasi Perundang-Undangan (KK.05)
- Urusan Mahasiswa Asing (KK.06)
- Dosen Farmasi (KK.07)
- Dosen Perbankan Syariah (KK.08)
- Dosen Manajemen (KK.09)
- Dosen Akuntansi (KK.10)
- Dosen Biologi (KK.11)
- Dosen Fisika (KK.12)
- Dosen Kimia (KK.13)
- Dosen Matematika (KK.14)
- Dosen Teknik Arsitektur (KK.15)
- Dosen Teknik Informatiks (KK.16)
- Laboran Farmasi (KK.17)
- Laboran Psikologi (KK.18)
- Laboran Bahasa (KK.19)
- Laboran Akuntasi (KK.20)
- Laboran Perbankan (KK.21)
- Laboran Microteaching (KK.22)
Jobs Description
Pengadministrasi Umum (KK.01) – 19 positions
- S1 Islamic Religion, Management, Public Administration, Humanities, Psychology, Sains and Technology, Education outside of school (PLS)
- GPA min 3.00
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably fluent in English
Perencanaan dan Keuangan (KK.02) – 7 Positions
- S1 Accounting, Finance Management, IESO
- Able to develop and evaluate the draft budget and program
- GPA min 3.00
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably Experienced
Staf Perpustakaan (KK.03) – 5 Positions
- D3/S1 Library
- GPA min 3.00
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably Experienced
Recepcionist (KK.04) – 2 Positions
- D3/S1 Public Relations
- S1 Public Administration, Humanities, Psychology, Communication Science
- GPA min 3.00
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Fluent in Arabic and/or English
- Female, and good looking
- Min height of 170 cm
- Preferably experienced
Pengadministrasi Perundang-Undangan (KK.05) – 1 Position
- S1 Law/Sharia
- GPA min 3.00
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Have a good knowledge of legislation
- Preferably experienced
Urusan Mahasiswa Asing (KK.06) – 2 Positions
- S1 Islamic Religion, Management, Public Administration, Humanities, Psychology, Communication Science
- GPA min 3.00
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Fluent in Arabic and/or English
- Preferably experienced
Dosen Farmasi (KK.07) – 3 Positions
- S2 Pharmaceutical, majoring in (a) Natural Product, Pharmaceutical Technology, (c) Pharmaceutical Community
- Pharmacists profession
- GPA min 3.00
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Perbankan Syariah (KK.08) – 6 Positions
- S2 Finance, Accounting, IESP (Banking)
- GPA min 3.25
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as lecturer and Understanding Sharia law
Dosen Manajemen (KK.09) – 3 Positions
- S2 Management (Marketing, Finance, or Human Resources)
- GPA min 3.25
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Akuntansi (KK.10) – 2 Positions
- S2 Accounting
- GPA min 3.25
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Biologi (KK.11) – 2 Positions
- S2 Biology, majoring in (a) Genetics and Molecular Biology (b) Plant Biosystematics
- GPA min 3.25
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Fisika (KK.12) – 1 Position
- S2 Physics field of remote sensing
- GPA min 3.25
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Kimia (KK.13) – 2 Positions
- S2 Chemical, majoring in (a) Inorganic chemistry (b) Analytical Chemistry
- GPA min 3.25
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Matematika (KK.14) – 2 Positions
- S2 Mathematics, majoring in (a) Computational Mathematics (b) Algebra and Combinatorics
- GPA min 3.25
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Teknik Arsitektur (KK.15) – 1 Position
- S2 Architecture Engineering field of Landscape Architecture
- GPA min 3.25
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Teknik Informatiks (KK.16) – 3 Positions
- S2 Informatics Engineering field of (a) Computer Science (b) Computer Engineering (C) Information System
- GPA min 3.25
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as lecturer
Laboran Farmasi (KK.17) – 1 Position
- S1 MIPA, Analytical Chemistry
- GPA min 3.00
- Have experience and expertise in operating laboratory instruments
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as Laboran
Laboran Psikologi (KK.18) – 2 Positions
- S1 Psychology
- GPA min 3.00
- Have experience and expertise in operating laboratory instruments
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as Laboran
Laboran Bahasa (KK.19) – 1 Position
- S1 Arabic Literature
- GPA min 3.00
- Have experience and expertise in operating laboratory instruments
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as Laboran
Laboran Akuntasi (KK.20) – 1 Position
- S1 Accounting
- GPA min 3.00
- Have experience and expertise in operating laboratory instruments
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as Laboran
Laboran Perbankan (KK.21) – 1 Position
- S1 Finance Management/Accounting
- GPA min 3.00
- Have experience and expertise in operating laboratory instruments
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as Laboran
Laboran Microteaching (KK.22) – 1 Position
- S1 PAI, IPS Education, PGMI, Penjaskes
- GPA min 3.00
- Have experience and expertise in operating laboratory instruments
- Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
- Preferably experienced as Laboran
General Requirements
- Able to Reading and Writing Al Quran
- Max age 35 years old per 1 August 2013
- Able to master the use of ICT in their field
- Preferably experienced
Documents Required
- Hand written application letter on lined foolscap (black ink) and signed on stamp duty Rp6000. Application letter addressed to Rektor Universitas Islam Negeri Mulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
- Legalized copy of academic certificate and transcript (1 piece each)
- Copy of Accreditation Letter
- Color photograph with blue background size 3×4 cm (2 pieces)
- Copy of valid ID Card
- Medical Certificate
- Working reference and other supporting documents (if any)
Sites reference
Submit Application
For those who are interested and posses the above required qualifications, please submit your applications above not later than 18 July 2013 (post stamps) to :
Rektor Universitas Islam Negeri Mulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Jl Gajayana 50 Malang 65144.
- Please mark a position code on top left corner of your application envelope.
- Applications received after these dates will not be considered.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process
- Source
Lowongan Kerja Dosen UIN Malang brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn