Pengumuman Penerimaan CPNS Banyuwangi



Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS Banyuwangi

About Kabupaten Banyuwangi

Kabupaten Banyuwangi is a district in the province of East Java, Indonesia. The capital is Banyuwangi. This district is located in the eastern tip of Java Island, bordering Situbondo in northern Bali Strait in the east, Indian Ocean in the south, and Jember and Bondowoso in the west. Ketapang port connecting Java with Gilimanuk Port in Bali.

Banyuwangi is the largest district in East Java, even in Java. The extent of 5782.50 km ^ 2. Its area is quite diverse, from the plains to the mountains. Border region with the regency, there are a series of Ijen Plateau with Mt roar peak (3,282 m) and Mount Merapi (2,800 m) crater there are both active volcanoes.

The southern part of the plantation there, a relic from the days of the Dutch East Indies. On the border with the southern part of Jember, is a conservation area which is now protected in a nature reserve, the Meru National Park and Perhutani. Sukamade is an area of ??sea turtle development. Blambangan Peninsula there are also nature reserves, the National Park Alas Purwo.

East coast of Banyuwangi (Bali Strait) is one of the largest fish producer in East Java. Muncar contained in the fishing port.

Banyuwangi history can not be separated from the history of the Kingdom Blambangan. In the mid 17th century, Banyuwangi is part of the Hindu Kingdom Blambangan led by Prince Tawang Alun. At this time administratively VOC assume Blambangan as his power region, on the basis of the handover eastern Java (including Blambangan) by Pakubuwono II to the VOC. Though Mataram could never master Blambangan area which was then the last Hindu kingdom in Java. However VOC never actually plugging its power until the end of the 17th century, when the British government to establish trade relations with Blambangan. The area now known as “complex Inggrisan” is a former British trading post. [Need reference]

VOC immediately moved to secure their authority over Blambangan in the late 18th century. This sparked a major war for five years (1767-1772). In the battle there is a fierce battle called Bayu bellows as a last attempt to escape the kingdom Blambangan from the shackles of VOCs. Bayu bellows battle took place on December 18, 1771 is finally set as the anniversary of Banyuwangi. Unfortunately, this war is not widely known in the history of the Indonesian struggle against Dutch Company. But in the end the VOC was the one who gained the victory with the appointment of R. Wiroguno I (Mas Alit) as the regent of Banyuwangi first and mark the collapse of the empire Blambangan. But sporadic resistance still occurs despite Blambangan people have mastered Blambangan VOC. It can be seen in the absence of the sugar mill built by the VOC at the time, in contrast to other districts in East Java.

The history of the famous fictional character is the daughter of Sri Tanjung killed by her husband in the river because her husband would feel the fetus in the womb is not a child but a result of infidelity when he left to the battlefield. With a promise to her husband oath princess said: “If the blood that flows in this river fetuses Fishy indeed this is not your son but if it smells good (fragrant) then this baby is your son”. Then immediately the blood that flows into the river smell fragrant, then the husband menyesalah known as Raden Banterang this and called it as Banyuwangi.

Another historical figure is Minak Djinggo, the Duke of Blambangan who rebelled against the Majapahit kingdom and be crushed by the messenger of Majapahit, namely Damarwulan. But the real name is not Minak Djinggo original name of the duke Blambangan. The name given by some people as a form of Majapahit palace banter to Brhe Wirabumi who is the son of a concubine of King Hayam Wuruk. For the people Balambangan Damarwulan stories unfounded. The story is just a form of propaganda Mataram who never managed to control territory Blambangan then supported by the Hindu kingdom of Mengwi in Bali.

Banyuwangi Kab

Jobs Available

Nomor : 810/1564 /429.202/2014
Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS)
Kabupaten Banyuwangi (Banyuwangi Kab)
Formasi Tahun Anggaran 2014

Based on the letter of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform Number: 247 2014 Date July 25, 2014 About the Civil Service Formation Banyuwangi Regency Fiscal Year 2014, that the Government will accept the candidate Banyuwangi Regency Regional Civil Servants (CPNSD) as many as 51 people, with the details as the following:

  • a. Kelompok Jabatan Fungsional Tertentu Ahli : 4 orang
  • b. Kelompok Jabatan Fungsional Tertentu Terampil : 10 orang
  • c. Kelompok Jabatan Fungsional Umum : 37 orang


1. Kelompok Jabatan Fungsional Tertentu Ahli

  • Pengantar Kerja Pertama
  • Pengawas Ketenagakerjaan Pertama
  • Penyuluh Pertanian Pertama

2. Kelompok Jabatan Fungsional Tertentu Terampil

  • Bidan Pelaksana
  • Perawat Pelaksana

3. Kelompok Jabatan Fungsional Umum

  • Teknisi Komputer
  • Pranata Laporan Keuangan
  • Analis Pendapatan Daerah
  • Analis Pelaporan dan Transaksi Keuangan
  • Analis Tindak Lanjut LHP
  • Analis Bidang Pengawasan
  • Analis Hukum
  • Analis Pakan Ternak
  • Analis Penyakit Menular
  • Analis Pembangunan
  • Analis Organisasi
  • Analis Media dan Jurnalistik
  • Analis Prasarana Kota dan Pedesaan
  • Analis Pertambangan
  • Analis Kimia
  • Analis Pengembangan Kelembagaan Air
  • Analis Bangunan dan Perumahan
  • Arsitek
  • Analis Pengembangan Sistem Informasi

Jobs Description

a. Indonesian citizen.
b. Aged height – height 35 (thirty five) years and as low – low 18 (eighteen) years commencing on the date of registration
c. GPA for Accreditation of Higher Education with a minimum of 3.00
GPA for Higher Education Accreditation B with a minimum 3.25
GPA for Higher Education Accreditation C with a minimum 3.50

Submit Application

1 Each applicant is required to have an address in an e-mail
2 Each applicant must file a Registration Admission to National Portal http: //panselnas.menpan.go.idguna get a User Name and Password.
3 After obtaining the User Name and Password applicants register for OnLineke Portal BKN
4 Each applicant must write your own cover letter on folio paper using black ink stripes without a seal, addressed to the regent of Banyuwangi (example attached application), enclosing:
a. Proof of Registration / Online Registration;
b. Black and white photograph size 4 x 6 cm. sebanyak3 (three) pieces and written behind the applicant’s full name;
c. Photocopy of valid / certified Identity Card (KTP) is still valid 1 (one) sheet;
d. Photocopy of diploma / Certificate of Graduate Study (STTB) as well as a list of values (transcript) certified competent authority 1 (one) sheet;
e. Certificate of Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions in question 1 (one) sheet;
f. Envelope size 110 x 230 mm and the full address of the applicant as well as written on the top right corner is written reply CPNS (for the delivery of a number of participants)
5. Application documents incorporated into the brown envelope, on the top right corner of the envelope and write GROUP POSITION TITLE CODE and sent through the post office closest to the product service “KIRIMAN KHUSUS CPNS” service registered with the hermit without postage addressed to:

Tim Pengadaan CPNSD Kabupaten Banyuwangi Tahun 2014
Badan Kepegawaian dan Diklat Kabupaten Banyuwangi
Jln. KH. Agus Salim No. 20 A Banyuwangi 68411


  • CPNS TKD test will be performed with the CAT system. CAT training material CPNS: Click Here
  • Registration of selection candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) in 2014 will be opened from 20 August to 3 September 2014
  • Once passed and has submitted the file to the determination of NIP then resigned the fines must be paid by cash to the State concerned.
  • Registration Information and Terms of Banyuwangi CPNS 2014 you can see the official website of the Civil Service Agency Banyuwangi Regency (Banyuwangi): However, such information will only be available after the vacancy CPNS 2014 Banyuwangi Regency (Banyuwangi) officially opened.
  • Source

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