Lowongan Kerja Hakim AdHoc MA
About Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia
Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia – MA RI or Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia is a high state institutions in Indonesia which is the constitutional system of judicial power holders. The Supreme Court supervises the judicial bodies in the general courts, religious courts, military courts, administrative courts. The Supreme Court consists of the leadership, members of the judges, clerks (panitera), and a secretary. Leaders and judges of the Supreme Court is the supreme judge and the number of judges at most 60 (sixty) people. Chairman of the Supreme Court elected from and by the Supreme Court justices, and was appointed by President.
Mahkamah Agung have the authority:
- Mahkamah Agung to decide the appeal against the decision of the court of appeal or the final level of all courts
- Mahkamah Agung rules materially test against regulations under the Act
- Highest oversight of the administration of justice in all courts in the administration of judicial power
The Mahkamah Agung consists of the Chief Judge, Registrar of the Mahkamah Agung, and the Secretariat of the Mahkamah Agung. Leaders and judges of the Mahkamah Agung is the supreme judge. the number of justices at most 60 (sixty) people.
The authority of the Mahkamah Agung based on the legislation in force include: first, the authority to examine and decide the appeal, the dispute about the authority of the judge, and the request for reconsideration of the decision that has binding; second, the authority to test the legislation under the Act against the Constitution; Third, give consideration to the petition for clemency. In addition, the Mahkamah Agung may give information, considerations, and legal issues advice to state institutions and government agencies
Jobs Available
Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia open the opportunity for Indonesian Citizen (WNI) who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for :
Pengumuman Penerimaan Calon Hakim Ad Hoc Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial dan Mahkamah Agung RI
Tahun 2015
Jobs Description
- Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia;
- Fear of God Almighty;
- Loyal to Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945;
- Minimum age of 30 (thirty) years and a maximum age of 57 (fifty seven) years for CalonHakim Ad Hoc Industrial Relations Court and 62 (sixty-two) for the year Judge Ad Hoc At the Supreme Court on 1 April 2016;
- Authoritative, honest, fair, and behave beyond reproach;
- Educated as low as Tier One (S1) for prospective Judge Ad Hoc Industrial Relations Court, and a Bachelor of Law (SH) for prospective Judges Ad Hoc in the Supreme Court;
- Experienced in the field of industrial relations at least 5 years;
- Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia;
- Not holding concurrent positions as: member State Agency; regional head / head area; members of legislative bodies central / regional; government employees; TNI / Polri; political party official; lawyers; mediator / conciliator / arbiter; or administrators union / trade union or employers’ organization;
- PHI adhoc judges who still sit and have been an extension of one time can participate in the selection of ad hoc Judge Candidates in the Supreme Court long as they meet the requirements. And Judge ad hoc in the Supreme Court are still sitting and has an extension of 1 times, candidates can not participate in the selection of judges ad hoc in the Industrial Relations Court;
- Willing to reimburse the costs of the selection and education if resigned as Judge Ad Hoc Industrial Relations Court and Judge Ad Hoc At the Supreme Court at the value set by the Committee.
Sites reference
Submit Application
Please submit your application to :
Panitia Seleksi Calon Hakim Ad Hoc Pusat/Daerah via: employers’ organization (APINDO) for applicants from the elements of the employer; and the organization of trade unions / labor unions to applicants of the elements of workers.
Documents required:
- Photocopy of birth certificate or birth certificate legalized know;
- Curriculum vitae;
- Photocopy of Identity Card is still valid;
- Health certificate from a doctor or health center Government Hospital;
- Letter of good conduct from the police;
- Photocopy of the last formal education diploma which has been legalized by the competent authority, as in 2 (two);
- Color photographs and newest, red background, size 4 × 6 cm, a total of 4 (four) pieces; and
- Document evidence of experience in the field of industrial relations at least 5 (five) years (cumulative)
- Statement letter would be placed throughout Indonesia on stamped paper Rp. 6000, –
- Statement of not holding concurrent positions as: member State Agency; regional head / head area; members of legislative bodies central / regional; Government Employees; TNI / Polri; political party official; lawyers; mediator / conciliator / arbiter; or administrators union / trade union or employers’ organization on paper stamped Rp. 6000, -.
- Statement letter would reimburse the costs of the selection and education if resigned as Judge Ad Hoc Industrial Relations Court and Judge Ad Hoc At the Supreme Court at the value set by the Committee on stamped paper Rp. 6000, -.
- Candidate registration Judge Ad Hoc Industrial Relations Court and the Supreme Court. began on July 23, 2015 s.d. July 31, 2015 on weekdays at 09:00 to 15:00 local time. And selection is carried out in stages, covering administration selection, written tests, psychological test, interview, education and training.
- Selection of Candidates for Judge Ad Hoc Industrial Relations Court and the Supreme Court:
- Selection of administration in each province and in the center to get the 30 people nominated by the ranking assessment, with a composition of 15 persons from the SP / SB and 15 persons from the APINDO to follow the written selection process;
- The results of written test based assessment of the National ranking as much as 276 people, to follow the psychological test and interview selection process;
- Selection psychological test and interview to obtain 138 nominations, and then follow the stages of education and training.
- Registration of candidates for the Ad Hoc Judge in the Industrial Relations Court Regional Selection Committee, held at the Provincial Employment Office address, registration of candidates for the Ad Hoc Judge at the Supreme Court in the Central Selection Committee, at the address of the Ministry of Labor, Jalan Gatot Subroto Plot 51, South Jakarta.
- Form the proposed organization and participant data can be obtained at the office of the Provincial Employment Office or the Ministry of Labour or website:
- The whole administrative requirements included in a sealed envelope with a plain brown color and a code list or Mobile phone number on the top right corner of the application form and the Envelope Mail.
- To Judge Ad Hoc Industrial Relations Court: IRC Code and for Candidate Judge Ad Hoc At the Supreme Court .: Code MA
- Prospective application file Ad Hoc Judge Industrial Relations Court and the Supreme Court will not be returned;
- In the process of selection of participants is free of charge;
- Only the selection of participants who meet the administrative requirements will be called upon to participate in the next selection process;
- Selection of participants were asked to ignore the parties that promise to help the success or graduation in the selection process.
- Pengumumam administration graduation announcement can be found at the Department of Employment Board each province and on the website of the Ministry of Labor RI
- The selection committee’s decision is final and can not be contested.
- Administrative selection, written tests, psychological test, interview and training, place and time of implementation will be decided later.
- To view the full announcement, please go the page : Source
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