Pengumuman Pendaftaran PPIH Arab Saudi


PPIH Arab Saudi

Rekrutmen PPIH arab Saudi

About Panitia Penyelenggara Ibadah Haji (PPIH)

Panitia Penyelenggara Ibadah Haji – PPIH is the committee responsible for providing services in both Central perhajian, Saudi Arabia and embarkation. PPIH Central Hajj Committee is responsible for providing services perhajian placed in the Ministry of Religion Center. PPIH Officer Haji Saudi Arabia is responsible for coaching, public services, religious guidance, health care and protection of pilgrims in Saudi Arabia deployed in three areas, namely employment; Jeddah, Madinah and Makkah and Jeddah Hajj Mission office. Embarkation Officer Haji PPIH is responsible for the development, public services, religious guidance, health care and protection of pilgrims at each embarkation.

PPIH Arab Saudi

The officer who accompanies the assembly (kloter officer) is assigned for 41 days, while Saudi Arabia Daker PPIH Jeddah and Medina 76 days, 66 days Daker Makkah. Embarkation Officers stationed at each embarkation Embarkation as many as 13, and the length of Hajj flight operations was 30 days at the time of departure and 30 days at the time of discharge.

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam after the creed, prayer, charity and fasting. Hajj is a form of an annual ritual performed Muslims worldwide who are able to visit and carry out some activities at several places in Saudi Arabia at a time known as the Hajj season (month of Dhul-Hijjah). This is different to worship Umrah can be performed at any time.

Core activities of the pilgrimage began on the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah when Muslims spend the night in Mina, standing at Padang Arafah on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah, and ends after throwing jumrah on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah. Indonesian society is also commonly called the feast of Eid al-Adha as Hari Raya Haji because it coincides with the celebration of this pilgrimage

Contact PPIH Arab Saudi
Teknis Urusan Haji, Annex Konsulat Jendral RI
Turky Ibn Abdul Aziz No.200
Al Andalus District/1
Phone: (+966) 669 2118
Fax: (+966 12) 667 0836

Jobs Available

Teknis haji konsulat jenderal RI Jeddah open registration of candidates for the pilgrimage season with the formation conditions and the following requirements:

  1. Petugas Administrasi;
  2. Pengawas Transportasi
  3. Teknisi Komputer;
  4. Teknisi Listrik;
  5. Mekanik;
  6. Pengemudi;
  7. Pelayanan umum (petugas lapangan).

Jobs Description

Requirements :

  • Nationality Negara Indonesia (citizen)
  • Islamic religion and good morals;
  • Being able to speak Indonesian and Arabic / English;
  • Having konduite both for those who had served as a summer power;
  • Aged between 25 candidates s.d. 50 years (on the date of May 1, 2016), based on the ID / Certificate / Birth Certificate;
  • Prospective candidates have a high school diploma or its equivalent by showing the original or certified copy of the original, unless the registrant power driver / hygiene;
  • Able to work during the operational organization of the Hajj in 1437H;

Sites Reference


Submit Application

Fill out the registration form and stuffing bio online at : and upload the entire file and registration requirements (in JPEG format) as follows:

  1. Iqamah and a valid passport with the original show;
  2. Driving license (SIM) small / large for the registrant force the driver by showing the original;
  3. The latest color photograph of size 3 × 4 cm 4 pieces and the size of 2 × 3 sm 1 sheet, with a red background;
  4. A health certificate from a doctor; and
  5. Permit from the sponsor (Kafil) stating that the relevant personnel are allowed to work as the season and include a phone number Kafil, legalized by Ghurfah Tijariah (Chamber of Commerce) or Umdah (headman)
  6. For further information, please visit the website or contact the office Technical Haji Consulate General in Jeddah, tel: 012-6692118.


  • Stages Recruitment Mukimin Hajj season in Saudi Arabia
  • Registration opens April 24 – May 5, 2016.
  • Written test conducted on May 8, 2016.
  • Applicants for driver’s skills test, secretariat, technicians, mechanics, and hygiene will be conducted from 9 – May 10, 2016.
  • Graduation test will be announced on Wednesday (18/05)
  • Source

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