Pengumuman Pendaftaran Pendamping Desa Kementerian Desa



Lowongan Kerja Pendamping Desa

About Kementerian Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal (KPDT)

Kementerian Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal (KPKDT) or  Kementerian Desa (Kemendesa) is the government that implementing in the field of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development chaired by the State Minister of Rural Development which is under and responsible to the President.


Duties of KPDT

  • Ministry of Rural Development has the task of conducting affairs in the field of development of underdeveloped areas in the government to help the President in running the state government.

Function of KPDTF

Ministry of Rural Development the following functions:

  1. Formulation and establishment of policies in the field of development of underdeveloped regions;
  2. Coordination and synchronization of policies in the field of development of disadvantaged areas;
  3. Management of property / wealth of the country is the responsibility of the Ministry of Rural Development; and
  4. supervision over the implementation of the tasks in Kementerian Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal.

Jobs Available

Kementerian Desa – Kemendesa are seeking the best Indonesia citizen to fill :

  1. Pendamping Lokal Desa (PLD)
  2. Pendamping Desa Pemberdayaan (PDP)
  3. Pendamping Desa Teknik Infrastruktur (PDTI)
  4. Tenaga Ahli Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa (TA-PMD)
  5. Tenaga Ahli Infrastruktur Desa (TA-ID)
  6. Tenaga Ahli Pembangunan Partisipatif (TA-PP)
  7. Tenaga Ahli Pengembangan Ekonomi Desa (TA-PED)
  8. Tenaga Ahli Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna (TA-TTG)
  9. Tenaga Ahli Pelayanan Sosial Dasar (TA-PSD)

Jobs Description

1. Pendamping Lokal Desa (PLD)


  • The educational background of at least upper secondary education (high school) or equivalent;
  • Having experience of rural development activities and / or community empowerment at least 2 (two) years;
  • Have the knowledge and ability in organizing the implementation of programs and activities in the village;
  • Having experience in capacity building, regeneration and community organizing;
  • Understanding the system of participatory development and village government;
  • Having the ability to communicate both orally and in writing;
  • Having the ability and able to cooperate with government officials Village;
  • Able to operate computer minimal Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and the internet;
  • Able to work full-time as per standard operating procedures and prepared residing at a job site; and
  • When registering a minimum age of 25 (twenty five) years and a maximum of 45 (forty five) years.
  • Are barred from any political party official and / or engaging in political activities that could interfere with the performance.

2. Pendamping Desa Pemberdayaan (PDP)


  • The educational background of all the sciences at least a Diploma III (D-III);
  • Having work experience in the field of Rural development and empowerment of communities or at least 4 (four) years for D-III and 2 (two) years for Tier 1 (S-1);
  • Have the knowledge and ability in organizing the implementation of programs and activities in the village;
  • Having experience in capacity building, regeneration and community organizing;
  • Experience in facilitating inter-agency cooperation at the level of the village community;
  • Understanding the system of participatory development and village government;
  • Having the ability to provide training and guidance covers aspects of facilitation of training events, facilitating regeneration and master the methodology of adult education;
  • Having the ability to communicate both orally and in writing;
  • Having the ability and able to cooperate with government officials Village;
  • Able to operate computer minimal Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and the internet;
  • Able to work full-time as per standard operating procedures and prepared residing at a job site;
  • When registering a minimum age of 25 (twenty five) years and a maximum of 50 (fifty) years; and
  • Are barred from any political party official and / or engaging in political activities that could interfere with the performance.

3. Pendamping Desa Teknik Infrastruktur (PDTI)


  • The educational background of science degree in civil engineering at least a Diploma III (D-III);
  • Having work experience in the field of infrastructure development village at least 4 (four) years for D-III and 2 (two) years for Tier 1 (S-1)
  • Having knowledge and abilities in planning, implementation, management and maintenance of infrastructure activities in the village;
  • Having experience in capacity building, regeneration and community organizing;
  • Understanding the system of participatory development and village government;
  • Has the experience to provide training and technical assistance in a simple construction;
  • Having the ability to communicate both orally and in writing;
  • Having the ability and able to cooperate with government officials and villagers in the village;
  • Able to operate computer minimal Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and the internet;
  • Able to work full-time as per standard operating procedures and prepared residing at a job site;
  • When registering a minimum age of 25 (twenty five) years and a maximum of 50 (fifty) years;
  • Are barred from any political party official and / or engaging in political activities that could interfere with the performance.

4. Tenaga Ahli Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa (TA-PMD)


  • The educational background of all field of at least S-1 (Tier-1);
  • Having work experience in the field of development and the village or community empowerment least five (5) years;
  • Have the knowledge and ability in organizing the implementation of sectoral programs and activities;
  • Having experience in capacity building, regeneration and community organizing;
  • Experience in facilitating cooperation between institutions of society;
  • Able to perform policy analysis of the implementation of programs in the region;
  • Understanding the system of participatory development and district administration;
  • Having the ability to provide training and guidance covers aspects of the preparation of simple modules, facilitating delivery of training, the facilitation of regeneration and master the methodology of adult education;
  • Having the ability to communicate both orally and in writing;
  • Having the ability and able to cooperate with the government officials of the district / city;
  • Able to operate computer minimal Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and internet
  • Able to work full-time as per standard operating procedures and prepared residing at a job site
  • When registering a minimum age of 30 (thirty) years and a maximum of 50 (fifty) years and
  • Are barred from any political party official and / or engaging in political activities that could interfere with the performance.

5. Tenaga Ahli Infrastruktur Desa (TA-ID)


  • The educational background of science degree in Civil Engineering minimal S-1 (Tier-1);
  • Having work experience in the field of development and the village or community empowerment least five (5) years;
  • Have the knowledge and ability in organizing the implementation of sectoral programs and activities specifically involved in infrastructure development;
  • Have experience in community empowerment and community organizing;
  • Experience in facilitating cooperation between institutions of society;
  • Able to perform policy analysis of the implementation of programs in the region;
  • Understanding the system of participatory development and district administration;
  • Having the ability to provide training and guidance related to village infrastructure development;
  • Experienced in planning, implementation and control in engineering work;
  • Having the ability to communicate both orally and in writing;
  • Having the ability and able to cooperate with the local governments Regency / City;
  • Able to operate computer minimal Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and the internet;
  • Able to work full-time as per standard operating procedures and prepared residing at a job site;
  • When registering a minimum age of 30 (thirty) years and a maximum of 50 (fifty) years; and
  • Are barred from any political party official and / or engaging in political activities that could interfere with the performance.

6. Tenaga Ahli Pembangunan Partisipatif (TA-PP)


  • The educational background of all field of at least S-1 (Tier-1);
  • Having work experience in the field of development and the village or community empowerment least five (5) years;
  • Have the knowledge and ability in organizing the implementation of sectoral programs and activities in the development of the rural economy;
  • Having experience in participatory village development and development planning cycle Regency / City;
  • Experience in facilitating cooperation between institutions of society;
  • Able to perform policy analysis of the implementation of programs in the region;
  • Understanding the system of participatory development and district administration;
  • Having the ability to provide training and guidance in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of participatory development;
  • Having the ability to communicate both orally and in writing;
  • Having the ability and able to cooperate with the local governments Regency / City;
  • Able to operate computer minimal Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and the internet;
  • Able to work full-time as per standard operating procedures and prepared residing at a job site;
  • When registering a minimum age of 30 (thirty) years and a maximum of 50 (fifty) years; and
  • Are barred from any political party official and / or engaging in political activities that could interfere with the performance.

7. Tenaga Ahli Pengembangan Ekonomi Desa (TA-PED)


  • Educational background preferably in the field of economics minimal S-1 (Tier-1);
  • Having work experience in the field of development and the village or community empowerment least five (5) years;
  • Have the knowledge and ability in organizing the implementation of sectoral programs and activities in the development of the rural economy;
  • Having experience in the development of the rural economy;
  • Experience in facilitating cooperation between institutions of society;
  • Able to perform policy analysis of the implementation of programs in the region;
  • Understanding the system of participatory development and district administration;
  • Having the ability to provide training and mentoring the development of the rural economy;
  • Having the ability to communicate both orally and in writing;
  • Having the ability and able to cooperate with the local governments Regency / City;
  • Able to operate computer minimal Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and the internet;
  • Able to work full-time as per standard operating procedures and prepared residing at a job site;
  • When registering a minimum age of 30 (thirty) years and a maximum of 50 (fifty) years; and
  • Are barred from any political party official and / or engaging in political activities that could interfere with the performance.

8. Tenaga Ahli Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna (TA-TTG)


  • Educational background preferably in the field of science and technology in agriculture / fisheries / livestock / forestry / tourism minimal S-1 (Tier-1);
  • Having work experience in the field of development and the village or community empowerment least five (5) years;
  • Have the knowledge and ability in organizing the implementation of sectoral programs and activities in the development of appropriate technologies;
  • Having experience in the development of appropriate technology for socio-economic development of the village;
  • Experience in facilitating cooperation between institutions of society;
  • Able to perform policy analysis of the implementation of programs in the region;
  • Understanding the system of participatory development and district administration;
  • Having the ability to provide training and guidance in the field of appropriate technology to rural areas;
  • Having the ability to communicate both orally and in writing;
  • Having the ability and able to cooperate with the government officials of the district / city;
  • Able to operate computer minimal Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and the internet;
  • Able to work full-time as per standard operating procedures and prepared residing at a job site;
  • When registering a minimum age of 30 (thirty) years and a maximum of 50 (fifty) years; and
  • Are barred from any political party official and / or engaging in political activities that could interfere with the performance.

9. Tenaga Ahli Pelayanan Sosial Dasar (TA-PSD)


  • Educational background preferably in the field of education or health sciences at least S-1 (Tier-1);
  • Having work experience in the field of Rural development and empowerment of the community or at least 5 (five);
  • Have the knowledge and ability in organizing the implementation of sectoral programs and activities in the development of education and health;
  • Having knowledge about the minimum service standards in the field of education and health as well as experience in the development of education and health;
  • Experience in facilitating cooperation between institutions of society;
  • Able to perform policy analysis of the implementation of programs in the region;
  • Understanding the system of participatory development and district administration;
  • Having the ability to provide training and coaching development of education and health;
  • Having the ability to communicate both orally and in writing;
  • Having the ability and able to cooperate with the government officials of the district / city;
  • Able to operate computer minimal Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and the internet;
  • Able to work full-time as per standard operating procedures and prepared residing at a job site;
  • When registering a minimum age of 30 (thirty) years and a maximum of 50 (fifty) years; and
  • Are barred from any political party official and / or engaging in political activities that could interfere with the performance.

Sites Reference


Submit Application

For those who are interested and meet the requirements, the registration of the Professional associate personnel conducted through online to the following address:


  • Applicants who proved to populate the data incorrectly disqualified.
  • Women will be given priority if there is a value equal to male participants.
  • Source

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