Lowongan CPNS Kabupaten Karawang – Formasi, Persyaratan, Penerimaan, Pendaftaran
About Kabupaten Karawang
Kabupaten Karawang is a district in the province of West Java, Indonesia. The capital is Karawang. Karawang district bordering Bekasi and Bogor in west Java Sea in the north, to the east Subang, Purwakarta district in the southeast, as well as in the southern Cianjur district has an area of 1737.53 km2, with a population of 2,125,234 inhabitants (census 2010) the mean density of 1,223 people per km2.
Karawang regency most of the broad coastal plain, lies on the northern coast and the deposition of sedimentary rocks formed by loose materials, especially marine sediments and volcanic alluvium. While in the middle of the hills are mostly formed by sedimentary rocks, while in the south there is a mountain with an altitude Sanggabuana ± 1,291 m above sea level.
General population is the use Sundanese Sundanese. Karawang district in the northern regions, such as in the district and sub-district Batujaya Pakisjaya, District Subdistrict Tempuran cilamaya, they use rough Sundanese, some of the vocabulary they use is ‘Aing’ (bhs. Sunda standard curing / servant), ‘nyanéh’ (bhs. standard Sunda maneh / anjeun), nyanéhna (bhs. Sunda standard manéhna / anjeunna), nyaranéhna (bhs. Sunda standard maranéhna / aranjeunna), manyaho (bhs. Sunda nyaho standard / light). But in the southern area of Karawang district, they use standard Sundanese.
Karawang district has a population of diverse livelihood, but in some districts, the majority of its people are farmers or pirates because Karawang district is paddy rice-producing areas.
Jobs Available
Pemkab Karawang open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as :
Formasi CPNS Kabupaten Karawang 2014
Jumlah | |||
1 | Guru Kelas Pertama | S.1 PGSD | III.a |
2 | Guru Agama Islam Pertama | S.1 PAI | |
3 | Guru Penjaskes Pertama | S.1 Penjaskes atau S.1 Pendidikan Olahraga | III.a |
4 | Guru Bimbingan Konseling Pertama | S.1 Pendidikan Bimbingan Konseling | III.a |
5 | Guru PPKN Pertama | S.1 PPKN | III.a |
6 | Guru Penjaskes Pertama | S.1 Penjaskes | III.a |
7 | Guru Matematika Pertama | S.1 Pendidikan Matematika | III.a |
8 | Guru Geografi Pertama | S1 Pendidikan Geografi | III.a |
9 | Guru Geografi Pertama | S.1 Pendidikan Geografi | III.a |
10 | Guru Bahasa Inggris Pertama | S.1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris | III.a |
11 | Guru Bimbingan Konseling Pertama | S.1 Pendidikan Bimbingan Konseling | III.a |
12 | Guru PPKN Pertama | S.1 PPKN | III.a |
13 | Guru Bahasa Indonesia Pertama | S.1 Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia | III.a |
14 | Guru Matematika Pertama | S.1 Pendidikan Matematika | III.a |
15 | Guru Sosiologi Pertama | S.1 Pendidikan Sosiologi | III.a |
16 | Guru Bimbingan Konseling Pertama | S.1 Pendidikan Bimbingan Konseling | III.a |
17 | Guru PPKN Pertama | S.1 PPKN | III.a |
18 | Guru Akuntansi Pertama | S.1 Akuntansi | III.a |
19 | Guru Tata Boga Pertama | S.1 Tata Boga | III.a |
20 | Guru Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan Pertama | S.1 Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan | III.a |
23 | Guru Tanaman Pangan Pertama | S.1 Tanaman Pangan | III.a |
24 | Dokter Pertama | Dokter Umum | III.a |
25 | Perawat Pelaksana | D.III Keperawatan | II.c |
26 | Bidan Pelaksana | D.III Bidan | II.c |
27 | Asisten Apoteker Pelaksana | D.III Farmasi | II.c |
28 | Pranata Laboratorium Kesehatan Pelaksana | D.III Analis Kesehatan | II.c |
29 | Perekam Medik Pelaksana | D.III Rekamedik | II.c |
30 | Perencana Pertama | S.1 Ekonomi Pembangunan | III.a |
31 | Verifikator Keuangan Pelaksana | D.III Akuntansi | II.c |
32 | Pranata Laporan Keuangan Pertama | S.1 Akuntansi | III.a |
33 | Penyuluh Pajak Daerah Pertama | S.1 Perpajakan | III.a |
34 | Analis Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pertama | S.1 Teknik Informatika/ Sistem Informasi/ Ilmu Komputer | III.a |
35 | Pranata Komputer Pelaksana | D.III Teknik Informatika/ Sistem Informasi/ Ilmu Komputer | II.c |
36 | Statistis Pertama | S.1 Statistik | III.a |
37 | Analis Kimia Pertama | S.1 Teknik Kimia | III.a |
38 | Arsiparis Pelaksana | D.III Kearsipan/Keperpustakaan | II.c |
39 | Auditor Pertama | S.1 Teknik Sipil | III.a |
40 | Auditor Pertama | S.1 Akuntansi | III.a |
41 | Pengawas Bangunan Pertama | S.1 Teknik Sipil | III.a |
42 | Pengawas Jalan dan Jembatan Pertama | S.1 Teknik Sipil | III.a |
43 | Penyuluh Pertanian Pertama | S.1 Pertanian | III.a |
44 | Pengawas Ketenagakerjaan Pertama | S.1 Hukum | III.a |
45 | Penilai Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Pertama | S.1 Perpajakan | III.a |
46 | Penguji Mutu Barang Pertama | S.1 Kimia Industri | III.a |
47 | Penyuluh Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Pertama | S.1 Teknik Industri | III.a |
48 | Pengendali Dampak Lingkungan Pertama | S.1 Teknik Lingkungan | III.a |
49 | Analis Tata Praja / Pemerintahan Pertama | S.1 Ilmu Pemerintahan/Administrasi Negara | III.a |
50 | Analis Hukum Pertama | S.1 Hukum | III.a |
51 | Penyusun Risalah Persidangan Pertama | S.1 Ilmu Pemerintahan/Administrasi Negara | III.a |
52 | Penera Pelaksana | D.III Metrologi dan Instrumen | II.c |
53 | Penguji Kendaraan Bermoto Pelaksana | D.III Otomotif / Teknik Mesin | II.c |
54 | Penyuluh KB Pertama | S.1 Kesehatan Masyarakat | III.a |
Jobs Description
I. Requirements
A. General Requirements
- Indonesian citizen.
- Age as low as 18 (eighteen) years and a maximum of 35 (thirty five) years per January 1st 2015 For those who are older than 35 (thirty five) year up to 40 (forty) years old by January 1, 2015 Teachers are given the opportunity to (teacher) who has had a service life of at least 17 ??years and 8 months per January 1, 2015 is continuously on public or private educational institutions in the region Bogor Regency.
- There was never sentenced to prison or jail based on court decisions that have had legal provisions that remain, as do a criminal act.
- There was never dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as PNS / Members of the Indonesian National Army / Members of Indonesian Police.
- Not located as Servant / Servant Candidates.
- Have the education, skills, expertise and skills required as well as an educational background from an accredited college or who has received permission operational / implementation of the Director General of Higher Education Ministry of Education, according to the available pool.
- Grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.75 for graduates of State Universities or Private.
- Physically and mentally healthy.
- Willing to be placed around the area of Karawang district.
- Willing to relinquish office administrators and members of political parties or if it passed as a civil servant.
B. Special Requirements
- Cover Letter handwritten in black ink on paper folio striped and signed stamped.
- Photocopy of diploma and Act IV (for educators) along with a valid transcript issued from Schools / Colleges accredited or has received permission operational / implementation of the Director General of Higher Education Ministry of Education, as well as legalized / authenticated by the competent authority.
- For Applicants with a diploma who has not listed its accreditation status, in order to attach a certificate from the college / faculty regarding the status of accreditation in the year of graduation.
- Color photographs size 4 x 6 cm by 3 (three) pieces, (a name and date of birth on the back of the photograph).
- Photocopy of Identity Card (KTP) which basih applicable.
- Results Print (Print out) registration number on line BKN.
- Especially for applicants formation doctors, midwives and nurses must attach a copy of Certificate of Registration (STR) and diploma nurses to S1 formation of Nursing (nurses).
- Applicants for Teachers (Teacher) aged 35 (thirty five) year must attach proof of appointment and evidence has been working continuously legalized by the work unit leadership.
- Write code on the cover of a cover formation in the upper right corner.
Registration CPNS Karawang
Register online through the portal Panselnas to get the registration link, username and password (Check your email) :
Then proceed to page: : to make the filling biographical data and choosing positions on the proposed agency .
- CPNS TKD test will be performed with the CAT system. CAT training material CPNS: Click Here
- For those applicants who passed the exam first and second stages, required to perform the proposed filing before becoming civil servant (NIP his set) by the Trustees of the Regional Personnel Officer to the State Personnel Board.
- Enrollment without charge.
- For those applicants who meet, or not meet the administrative requirements, the application file can not be taken back and become the property of the Committee.
- The calling applicants who meet the administrative requirements will be carried out through the Post Office.
- The things that have not been regulated in the technical guidelines will be set later by the committee.
- The committee’s decision can not be contested.
- Source
Lowongan CPNS Kab Karawang brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn