Penerimaan Calon Praja IPDN
About Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN)
Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri – IPDN is one of the official Institute of Higher Education in the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Indonesia, which aims to prepare cadres government, both at the local and at the national level. On October 10, 2007, in a cabinet meeting, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono decided to change IPDN into the Institute of Governance Studies (IIP) following the disclosure of cases of violence in IPDN.
Administration of education cadres in the Ministry of Home Affairs formed through a long process of history. Perintisiannya started since the reign of the Dutch East Indies in 1920, with the establishment of the Civil Service education school named Opleiding School Voor Inlandshe Ambtenaren (OSVIA) and Middlebare Opleiding School Voor Inlandsche Ambtenaren (MOSVIA). The graduates are needed and utilized to strengthen the administration of the Dutch East Indies. Future position of the Dutch Government, Dutch governance distinguished direct government led by the indigenous people or groups Binnenlands Bestuur Corps (BBC) and indirect government led by people or groups of offspring Inlands Bestuur Corps (IBC).
In the early days of independence, in line with the structuring of government mandated by the 1945 Constitution, the need for a cadre of the civil service melaksnakan tasks for the government both at central and local governments is increasing in line with the demands of the government administration. To meet the need for civil service cadre shortage, then in 1948 established educational institutions within the Ministry of Home Affairs ie Higher Secondary School (SMT) pangreh Praja which was later renamed the School of Administrative Government Employees (SMPAA) in Jakarta and Makassar.
In the year 1952, Ministry of Home Affairs Department organizes Course C (KDC) in Malang, with the aim to improve the skills of employees are ready to use the DD group in performing their duties. Along with that, in 1954 KDC also held in Aceh, Bandung, Bukittinggi, Pontianak, Makassar, Palangkaraya and Mataram. In line with the development of increasingly complex governance, broad and dynamic, the education officials in the Ministry of Interior to the level of the course is considered to be inadequate. Departing from this fact, prompted the government established the Academy of Public Administration (APDN) on March 17, 1956 in Malang, East Java. APDN APDN in Malang is the National Minister Decree No. based. Pend.1/20/56 dated 24 September 1956 which was inaugurated by President Soekarno in Malang, the first Director Mr. Raspio Woerjodiningrat. The First National APDN students graduate KDC is selectively recruited by considering the representation of provincial origin as government civil service cadre who graduates with a Bachelor of Arts (BA).
In further developments, APDN assessed graduates still need to be improved in an effort to better ensure the formation of a cadre of government “qualified leadership and administrative manager”, especially in carrying out the duties of government affairs public. This need prompted the government to hold the education officials in the Ministry of Home Affairs Bachelor level, then formed the Institute of Governance Studies (IIP) which is located in the city of Malang, East Java Joint Decree of the Minister of Interior and Minister of Education and Culture No.. 8 In 1967, subsequently confirmed by Presidential Decree No. 119 of 1967. Inauguration of the founding of IIP in Malang marked by the inauguration of President Soekarno on May 25, 1967.
In 1972 the Institute of Governance Studies (IIP), which is based in Malang, East Java moved to Jakarta through the Minister of Home Affairs Number 94 Year 1972. On March 9, 1972, the IIP campus located in Jakarta at the launch by President Suharto, who stated: “With the inauguration of the campus of the Institute of Governance Studies, will hopefully be a crater candradimukanya Interior Ministry to galvanize cadres strong government for the Republic Indonesia “
Along with the establishment of IIP which is an increase from the National APDN in Malang, then for cadre education at college level, the Ministry of Interior in stages until the decade of the 1970s formed in 20 APDN province other than those based in Malang, also in Banda Aceh, terrain, Bukittinggi, Pekanbaru, Jambi, Palembang, Lampung, Bandung, Semarang, Pontianak, Palangkaraya, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Mataram, Kupang, Makassar, Manado, Ambon and Jayapura.
In 1988, with consideration to ensure the establishment of national insight and control the quality of education through the Ministry of Home Affairs Decree No. Rudini. 38 Year 1988 on the Establishment of the National Academy of Public Administration. National APDN both the D III program located in Jatinangor, West Java Sumedang opening by Minister of Home Affairs dated August 18, 1990. National APDN by Presidential Decree No. upgraded. 42 of 1992 on the College of Public Administration, the status APDN be STPN with D III study program which was inaugurated by the President of Indonesia on August 18, 1992. Since 1995, bertititk starting from the desire and the need to further encourage career development in line with the increase in the employment system eselonering position of the Republic of Indonesia, the course was upgraded to D IV program. STPDN existence with professional education (program D IV) and the IIP undergraduate academic education (Strata), making the Department of the Interior has two (2) Education official roadside with the same graduate with class III / a.
National policy on higher education since 1999, among others, which provides that a department should not have two or more universities in conducting scientific same, then push the Interior Ministry to integrate STPDN into the IIP. Pengintegrasiaan STPDN IIP effort into intensive and programmed since 2003 in line with the issuance of Law no. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System. Integration manifested by the enactment of Presidential Decree Number 87 Year 2004 regarding the Merger STPDN into the IIP and the IIP as well change the name to the Institute of Governance Studies (IPDN). Purpose STPDN incorporation into tersebu IIP, in addition to meeting national education policy is also to improve the effectiveness of the civil service cadre education in the Ministry of the Interior. Presidential Decree No. later. 87 of 2004 followed up with the Ministry of Home Affairs Decree No.. 892.22-421 2005 on Merger Implementation and Operations Institute of Public Administration, accompanied by the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No.. 29 Year 2005 on the Organization and Work IPDN and Regulation of the Minister of the Interior 43 In 2005 on the Statute IPDN and other regulations.
In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 1 of 2009 on the amendment of Presidential Decree Number 87 Year 2004 regarding the Merger School of Public Administration in the Institute of Governance Studies into IPDN, Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 36 Year 2009 on the Statute of the Institute of Public Administration and the Minister of Affairs No. 39 of 2009 on the Organization and Administration of the Institute of Public Administration. That IPDN is one component in the Ministry of Home Affairs for the implementation of higher education kepamongprajaan. Along with carrying out the duties and functions of higher education kepamongprajaan well as taking into account the challenges, opportunities and strategic choices to be faced in the next five years, IPDN Strategic Plan 2010-2014 prepared by considering the achievement of programs and activities undertaken in the development agenda of the last five years (2005 ¬ 2009), as well as the condition of the scope of internal and external dynamics IPDN.
President of the Republic of Indonesia on April 9, 2007 issued a policy by setting 6 (six) revamping the immediate steps taken to build an organizational culture that barn for IPDN. Policy support Presiders dad Parliament.
To implement the policy of reform, the Minister of Home Affairs has issued a series of policies Yaku: 1. Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 1 of 2007 on Settling IPDN; 2. Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 890.05-506 2007 on the Establishment of Government Cadres Education Implementation Team;
In the next phase, set of Presidential Regulation No. 1 of 2009 on the amendment of Presidential Decree No. 87 Year 2004 on High School Merger Into Public Administration Institute of Governance Studies into IPDN mandates kepamongprajaan structuring higher education system includes the type of education, educational patterns, curriculum, organization education providers, staff and students as well as financing. Higher education kepamongprajaan than held in the Campus IPDN Jatinangor Center, and Campus Cilandak IPDN in Jakarta, jugs held in the campus area IPDN organizes specific courses as an integral and inseparable ticlak.
To be eligible to the Institute, in IPDN has established two (2) Faculty of Faculty of Political Government consisting of 2 (two) major departments of Government Policies and Programs for Community Empowerment; School of Government Management consisting of four (4) departments of the Department of Management Apparatus Resources, Department of Regional Development, Regional Finance Department, and the Department of Civil Registration.
IPDN campus in the area by the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 39 of 2009 on the Organization and Administration of IPDN set: Campus IPDN Manado, IPDN Campus Campus Makassar, Pekanbaru IPDN campus, and Campus IPDN Bukittinggi, who subsequently by the Ministry of Home Affairs Number: 892.1 In 2009 ¬ 829 set IPDN campus construction site in the area, namely: in the Minahasa District of North Sulawesi province, in Gowa in South Sulawesi, Rokan Hilir in Riau Province, and in Agam regency of West Sumatra province, as well as the development is currently being prepared Campus IPDN in Pontianak in West Kalimantan province, Campus IPDN in Mataram in West Nusa Tenggara Province and Campus IPDN in Jayapura Papua province.
IPDN campus in the area since 2009 has conducted educational operations with a capacity of 100 Praja Praja each campus with the establishment of the Department / Program: first, IPDN campus in the district. Agam held a Regional Financial Studies, IPDN campus in the district. Rokan Hilir organized programs of regional development studies, IPDN campus in the district. Gowa organized Community Empowerment Program, whereas in Minahasa planned IPDN campus study program organized Civil Registration.
Starting in 2010 concentrated on the policy Kepamongprajaan Education Diploma Program IV (D-IV) in the se ¬ semester I, II, 111, IV, V and VI after I entered VI and VIII semesters implemented majors and transfer to Tier One Program (S-1 ). On Campus IPDN held in Jakarta Cilandak Strata Two Masters (S-2) and Strata Three (S-3), as well as professional programs kepamongprajaan research and community service activities.

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Jobs Available
Kementerian Dalam Negeri Republik Indonesia in the Academic Year 2014/2015 opened an opportunity for the son / daughter of Indonesian citizens to be:
Calon Praja IPDN
Jobs Descripton
- Indonesian citizens;
- Selection of participants aged at least 16 (sixteen) years and a maximum of 21 (twenty-one) years at the time of registration
- Certified as low as High School (SMA) or Madrasah Aliyah (MA) with the following provisions:
- a) The average value of Certificate of Graduate Study (STTB) of at least 7.00 (seven point zero zero);
- b) The average value of Certificate of Graduate Study (STTB) for the Province of Papua and West Papua Province stipulated minimum 6.50 (six point five zero).
- Height registrants at least 160 cm for men and women registrants at least 155 cm;
- For men and women applicants are not tattooed tattoos or scars;
- For male applicants no pierced ears pierced or former members or other entity, except for the provision of religious / cultural;
- Do not use glasses / contact lenses;
- Never been married / mating, pregnancy / childbirth and can not marry / married during the study;
- Willing to comply with any Rules of Life Praja and willing to refund the entire cost of education that has been issued by the government due to resign, dismissed and / or violate the rules of education; and
- Willing to be dismissed if the crimes, consume and buy or sell drugs, do fights, beatings, beatings, and perform immoral acts.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Registration is done electronically via the official website of selection of candidates receiving Praja IPDN:
- Closing date : 12 October 2015
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
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