Pengumuman Pendaftaran Calon Anggota Bawaslu



Lowongan Anggota Bawaslu

About Badan Pengawas Pemilu

Badan Pengawas Pemilu (Bawaslu) is the agency charged with overseeing the implementation of elections throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

Bawaslu established pursuant to Act No. 22 of 2007 Section 70 of the General Election.

The number of members Bawaslu 5 (five) people. Bawaslu membership consists of professionals who have the ability to conduct surveillance and are not members of political parties.

The work of the members supported by the Secretariat Bawaslu Bawaslu. Bawaslu Secretariat headed by the Head of the Secretariat.

Bawaslu Secretariat established pursuant to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 49 of 2008.

Bawaslu Secretariat has the task of providing technical and administrative support to the Bawaslu.
Bawaslu Secretariat consists of a maximum of 4 (four) parts, and each section consists of at most 3 (three) Sub Section.

Jobs Available


Badan Pengawas Pemilu Republik Indonesia mengundang Warga Negara Indonesia yang terbaik untuk mendaftarkan diri menjadi :

Calon Anggota Bawaslu Provinsi

Jobs Description

The following requirements:

a. Citizen of Indonesia;

b. At the lowest end of the enrollment age of 30 (thirty) years;

c. Loyal to Pancasila as the state, the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945, and Proclamation August 17, 1945 which stated in writing;

d. Have integrity, strong personal, honest, and fair;

e. Have the ability and expertise relating to election administration and supervision of elections;

f. Least educated (graduate) S-1;

g. Domiciled in the territory of each province as evidenced by the identification cards;

h. Being able to physically and spiritually;

i. Resigned from political office, public office, and State Owned / Regional Owned Enterprises at the time of registering as a candidate;

j. Never been sentenced to imprisonment by a court decision that has legal force for committing a criminal act punishable by imprisonment of 5 (five) years or more;

k. Willing to work full time;

l. Willing is not political positions, positions in government and State Owned / Regional Owned Enterprises during the period of membership if elected Bawaslu Province;

m. Not in the bond of marriage with a fellow organizer of the election.

Application for registration of stamp duty (Rp 6.000, -) by attaching:

a. Copy of valid ID card;

b. Recent color photograph size 4 x 6 (5 pieces);

c. Application letter, signed on the stamp;

d. Curriculum vitae, signed on the stamp;

e. Written waiver loyal to Pancasila as the state, the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945, and Proclamation made August 17, 1945 and signed on paper stamped;

f. Copy of formal education diploma of education primary school / Islamic elementary schools up to Higher Education (S1) which was passed by the competent authority;

g. Description of the knowledge and skills: a copy of the certificate, or publication and / or paper which may indicate that the candidate has the knowledge and expertise related to the conduct of elections and election monitoring;

h. Certificate of good health and spiritual health based on the results as evidenced by medical certificates from government hospitals, including health center;

i. Statement of resignation from political office, public office, and State Owned / Regional Owned Enterprises at the time of registering as a candidate:

1) A written statement of resignation from political office, public office, and State Owned / Regional Owned Enterprises, signed on the stamp;

2) The decision of the competent authority of dismissal for positions of political candidates, public office, and State Owned / Regional Owned Enterprises.

j. Never waiver or is no longer a member of a political party within the last five years;

k. Certificate was never sentenced to prison by a court decision has gained legal force for committing a criminal act punishable by imprisonment of 5 (five) years or more issued by the district court;

l. Waiver is willing to work full time, signed on the stamp;

m. Waiver would not occupy positions in government and State Owned / Regional Owned Enterprises during the period of membership if elected, signed on the stamp;

n. Waiver is willing to resign if married to a fellow organizer election signed on the stamp.

Sites Reference


Submit Application

Form the administration requirements can be obtained at the Secretariat of Candidate Selection Team Members Bawaslu province in the province or can be downloaded from Website:

Letter of application and registration documents to Candidates for the Provincial Bawaslu put in an envelope and addressed to the Chairman of the Selection of Candidate Members Bawaslu each province and delivered directly to the Secretariat of the Selection Team Members Bawaslu Provincial Secretariat Team Selection in each province.

Time of receipt of the registration document delivered directly to the Secretariat of the Selection Team Member Provincial Bawaslu accordance with the schedule set by the Selection Team Member Provincial Bawaslu in each province.


  • Download Announcement of Candidates for Admission Selection Bawaslu 2012 Province: Click Here
  • Candidates Registration Format Bawaslu Province: Click Here
  • Guidelines for Preparation of Papers Prospective Members Bawaslu Province: Click Here
  • Feedback Form-Enter Society: Click Here

Candidates for Admission Schedule Bawaslu Province as follows:

Schedule I: for DKI Jakarta, Banten, East Java, West Sumatra, Central Kalimantan, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and West Nusa Tenggara: Click Here

Schedule II: for the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Central Java, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Gorontalo, North Maluku: Click Here

Schedule III: for the Province of Riau Island (Riau), Nusa Tenggara, Riau, South Sumatra, Lampung, the Pacific Islands, North Sulawesi, Jambi: Click Here

Schedule IV: for the province of Aceh, Bengkulu, Maluku, West Papua: Click Here

Lowongan Anggota Bawaslu provided by lokercpnsbumn