Lowongan P2SEDT Jatim
About Program P2SEDT
P2SEDT – Various efforts have been made over the years that have not spread to the rest of society, so impressed the government has not done a systematic development in underdeveloped regions. One of the causes is not berperannya government institutional and institutional community is well developed for the planning, implementation, or operation. Other side, strengthening institutional capacity (capacity building) to guarantee the success of development programs in underdeveloped regions is still limited well done regarding the range, intensity, or substansinya.
Therefore in 2010 the Ministry of Regional Development Acceleration MISSED through instruments MISSED Regional Economic Social Development (P2SEDT) provide Social Assistance (Bansos) as Operational Support for community agencies that previously mentioned Kader Actuators A Nation Development (KPPSB) starting next year 2010 called Kader village, in order to support efforts to increase the institutional capacity of government and society in underdeveloped regions.
Efforts to increase the institutional capacity required in order to support the optimal touch all walks of life. Therefore, it is a must to be done in an orderly institutional capacity building. This effort is a continuation Kelembaga strengthening community through activities P2SEDT in 2009 in an attempt to bolster results MISSED District development program conducted by the Ministry of Regional Development MISSED including other programs, whether performed by the ministry or agency, or performed by local governments.
Jobs Available
Pengumuman Kerja P2SEDT Provinsi Jawa Timur Periode Kerja April 2013
Kementerian Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal Republik Indonesia
Perusahaan Jasa Konsultan Nasional who are working on projects accelerated socio-economic development of disadvantaged areas (P2SEDT) in East Java Province, Regency (Bondowoso, Situbondo, Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan), require skilled professionals for the position of:
- Assistant Provincial power (TPP) Provincial
- Companion Power District (TPK) in the Regency
- Power Facilitator (TFD) in Region Respective District
Jobs Description
General requirements:
- Experience working on projects based on community empowerment
- Have concern for the disadvantaged areas and understand the system of governance, development planning and budgeting
- Have the capacity to express ideas, listen carefully and be able to work in a team
- Capable of working with local governments and communities
- Residing or willing to be placed in the area / village targeted
Special requirements
- S1, 5 years experience (TPP)
- S1, 1 year experience / D3 Experience 2 years / 3 years experience in high school (TPK)
- 0 years of experience S1 / D3 0 years experience / high school 1 year of experience (TFD)
- Able to operate MS Word, Excel, Power point and internet (TPP and TPK)
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those interested and meet the requirements, please submit an application (TPP code Rate / TPK.TFD, as well as provincial and district) comes with: CV, diploma last, ID, TIN (TPP), 3 pieces color photograph (4X6 cm), Bank and the account number and other support files to :
PO BOX 6186 Jakarta
Email :
Closing date
- April 27 2013
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