Pendaftaran Pendamping Desa Provinsi Jawa Timur



Lowongan Pendamping Desa Jawa Timur

About Kementerian Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal (KPDT)

Kementerian Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal (KPKDT) or Kementerian Desa (Kemendesa) is the government that implementing in the field of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development chaired by the State Minister of Rural Development which is under and responsible to the President.


Duties of KPDT

  • Ministry of Rural Development has the task of conducting affairs in the field of development of underdeveloped areas in the government to help the President in running the state government.

Function of KPDTF

Ministry of Rural Development the following functions:

  1. Formulation and establishment of policies in the field of development of underdeveloped regions;
  2. Coordination and synchronization of policies in the field of development of disadvantaged areas;
  3. Management of property / wealth of the country is the responsibility of the Ministry of Rural Development; and
  4. supervision over the implementation of the tasks in Kementerian Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal.

Jobs Available

Penerintah Provinsi jawa Timur are seeking the best Indonesian people to join as :

  1. Kode 001 – Pendamping Lokal Desa = 2.777 orang, penempatan di desa
  2. Kode 002 – Pendamping Desa = 703 orang, penempatan di Kecamatan
  3. Kode 003 – Tenaga Ahli Pemberdayaan Masyarakat = 4 orang, penempatan di Kabupaten
  4. Kode 004 – Tenaga Ahli Pembangungan Partisipatif = 9 orang, penempatan di Kabupaten
  5. Kode 005 – Tenaga Ahli Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Desa = 6 orang, penempatan di Kabupaten
  6. Kode 006 – Tenaga Ahli Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna = 29 orang, penempatan di Kabupaten
  7. Kode 007 – Tenaga Ahli Infrastruktur Desa = 4 orang, penempatan di Kabupaten
  8. Kode 008 – Tenaga Ahli Pengembangan Pelayanan Dasar = 29 orang, penempatan di Kabupaten

Jobs Description

Requirtements :

  • Having knowledge in community empowerment dankemampuan
  • Experienced in working with government officials
  • Have experience in organizing the Rural Community
  • Computer literate at least Microsoft Office (MS Word, Excel MW) and Internet networks (except code 001)
  • Educational background :
    • Minimal junior (Code 001)
    • S1 with relevant experience with community development projects and D3 at least 2 years of relevant experience with community development projects at least 4 years (code 002)
    • S1 with relevant experience with community development projects at least 4 years and D3 with relevant experience with community development projects of at least 6 years (code 002,003,004,005,006,007 and 008)
    • S1 and D3 all disciplines (except 007 of Civil Engineering S1 and D3)
  • Age:
    • 25 years s / d 45 years (Code 001)
    • Maximum age 45 years at the time of registration (code 002)
    • Maximum age of 50 years when registering (Code 003,004,005,006,007 and 008)
  • Able to communicate both orally and in writing in Indonesian
  • Able to reside in a location assignment
  • For local companion precedence of the local District residents

Sites Reference


Submit Application

A cover letter addressed to: SATKER P3MD East Java province, accompanied by:

  1. A copy of the last diploma and transcripts (which already legalized)
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  3. Terbary passport photo size 4X6 1 sheet
  4. Copy of ID 1 sheet
  5. Certificate of work experience (attach proof of reference company or agency authorized to issue)
  6. Certificate or a certificate of training experience / social organization related to empowerment

Complete application and attachments sent to:

PO BOX 4025 / SBS / 60400

or by online through :


  • Include the position code on the top right of the envelope
  • Applications received later than the date of August 14, 2015
  • For local assistant village (code 001) application may be submitted to: Board / Department / Office of Community and Rural Empowerment Accompanying each district (at the top right of the envelopes include subdistrict and district residence / domicile)
  • For further information, please contact: Satker P3MD Jawa Timur, Jl A. Yani 152 C Surabaya Telp. (031) 827 3674
  • Source

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