Pendaftaran Pendamping Desa Provinsi Aceh



Lowongan Pendamping Desa Aceh

About Kementerian Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal (KPDT)

Kementerian Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal (KPKDT) or Kementerian Desa (Kemendesa) is the government that implementing in the field of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development chaired by the State Minister of Rural Development which is under and responsible to the President.


Duties of KPDT

  • Ministry of Rural Development has the task of conducting affairs in the field of development of underdeveloped areas in the government to help the President in running the state government.

Function of KPDTF

Ministry of Rural Development the following functions:

  1. Formulation and establishment of policies in the field of development of underdeveloped regions;
  2. Coordination and synchronization of policies in the field of development of disadvantaged areas;
  3. Management of property / wealth of the country is the responsibility of the Ministry of Rural Development; and
  4. supervision over the implementation of the tasks in Kementerian Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal.

Jobs Available

Pemerintah Provinsi Aceh are seeking the best Indonesian people to join as :

  1. Tenaga Ahli Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, berkedudukan di Kabupaten/Kota (kode 01);
  2. Tenaga Ahli Infrastruktur Desa berkedudukan di Kabupaten/Kota (kode 02);
  3. Tenaga Ahli Pembangunan Partisipatif berkedudukan di Kabupaten/Kota (kode 03);
  4. Tenaga Ahli Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Desa, berkedudukan di Kabupaten/Kota (kode 04);
  5. Tenaga Ahli Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna, berkedudukan di Kabupaten/Kota (kode 05);
  6. Tenaga Ahli Pengembangan Pelayanan Dasar, berkedudukan di Kabupaten/Kota (kode 06);
  7. Pendamping Desa berkedudukan di Kecamatan (kode 07);
  8. Pendamping Lokal Gampong/Desa berkedudukan di Gampong/Desa (kode 08).

Jobs Description

A. TENAGA AHLI PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DESA (Berkedudukan di Kabupaten/Kota) (Kode 01)

  • Education Stratas 1 or Diploma of all disciplines;
  • Minimal experience in the field of community development for the S-1 is 4 (four) years and D III is 6 (six) years;
  • Experienced in working with local government officials districts / cities;
  • Experienced community training, assistance and advocacy of rural communities as well as sensitivity to customs, mores also the cultural values of rural communities;
  • Computer literate minimal Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and Internet networks;
  • Able to facilitate and work together as a team;
  • Not located as a candidate for Civil Servants / Civil Servants, Government Apparatus or contract with other jobs;
  • Able to reside at the location of the assignment;

Maximum age 50 years (1 September 2015).

B. TENAGA AHLI INFRASTRUKTUR DESA Berkedudukan di Kabupaten/Kota) (Kode 02)

  • Education Stratas 1 or Diploma from all fields of civil engineering disciplines;
  • Minimal experience in the field of community development for the S-1 is 4 (four) years and D III is 6 (six) years;
  • Experienced in working with local government officials districts / cities;
  • Experienced in facilitating the planning, implementation and control of engineering work in the development of rural infrastructure;
  • Experienced community training, assistance and advocacy of rural communities as well as sensitivity to customs, mores also the cultural values ??of rural communities;
  • Computer literate minimal Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and Internet networks;
  • Not located as a candidate for Civil Servants / Civil Servants, Government Apparatus or contract with other jobs;
  • Able to facilitate and work together as a team;
  • Able to reside at the location of the assignment;
  • Maximum age 50 years (1 September 2015).

C. TENAGA AHLI PEMBANGUNAN PARTISIPATIF (Berkedudukan di Kabupaten/Kota) (Kode 03)

  • Education Stratas 1 or Diploma of all disciplines;
  • Minimal experience in the field of community development for the S-1 is 4 (four) years and D III is 6 (six) years;
  • Experienced in working with local government officials districts / cities;
  • Experienced in facilitating the management of village finances, draw up a budget plan of rural development;
  • Experienced facilitating participatory development, rural development and management of self-managed community-based supervision;
  • Experienced community training, assistance and advocacy of rural communities as well as sensitivity to customs, mores also the cultural values ??of rural communities;
  • Computer literate minimal Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and Internet networks;
  • Not located as a candidate for Civil Servants / Civil Servants, Government Apparatus or contract with other jobs;
  • Able to facilitate and work together as a team;
  • Able to reside at the location of the assignment;
  • Maximum age 50 years (1 September 2015).

C. TENAGA AHLI PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI DESA (Berkedudukan di Kabupaten/Kota) (Kode 04)

  • Education Stratas 1 or Diploma of all disciplines;
  • Minimal experience in the field of community development for the S-1 is 4 (four) years and D III is 6 (six) years;
  • Experienced in working with local government officials districts / cities;
  • Experienced in facilitating the development of BUMDes, Rural Economic Enterprises, micro-credit business development and marketing of business development in the village;
  • Experienced community training, assistance and advocacy of rural communities as well as sensitivity to customs, mores also the cultural values of rural communities;
  • Computer literate minimal Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and Internet networks;
  • Not located as a candidate for Civil Servants / Civil Servants, Government Apparatus or contract with other jobs;
  • Able to facilitate and work together as a team;
  • Maximum age 50 years (1 September 2015).

D. TENAGA AHLI PENGEMBANGAN TEKNOLOGI TEPAT GUNA (Berkedudukan di Kabupaten/Kota) (Kode 05)

  • Education Stratas 1 or Diploma of all disciplines;
  • Minimal experience in the field of community development for the S-1 is 4 (four) years and D III is 6 (six) years;
  • Experienced in working with local government officials districts / cities;
  • TTG is experienced in facilitating the development, promotion and utilization of TTG TTG in order to empower the village;
  • Experienced community training, assistance and advocacy of rural communities as well as sensitivity to customs, mores also the cultural values of rural communities;
  • Computer literate minimal Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and Internet networks;
  • Not located as a candidate for Civil Servants / Civil Servants, Government Apparatus or contract with other jobs;
  • Able to facilitate and work together as a team;
  • Able to reside at the location of the assignment;
  • Maximum age 50 years (1 September 2015).

E. TENAGA AHLI PENGEMBANGAN PELAYANAN DASAR (Berkedudukan di Kabupaten/Kota) (Kode 06)

  • Education Stratas 1 or Diploma of all disciplines;
  • Minimal experience in the field of community development for the S-1 is 4 (four) years and D III is 6 (six) years;
  • Experienced in working with local government officials districts / cities;
  • Experienced in facilitating the planning, implementation and supervision of the activities of basic services (education, health, family empowerment, poverty alleviation, empowerment of women and children, empowerment of citizens with disabilities and marginalized groups, the handling of social conflicts, the development of rural information;
  • Experienced community training, assistance and advocacy of rural communities as well as sensitivity to customs, mores also the cultural values ??of rural communities;
  • Computer literate minimal Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and Internet networks;
  • Not located as a candidate for Civil Servants / Civil Servants, Government Apparatus or contract with other jobs;
  • Able to facilitate and work together as a team;
  • Able to reside at the location of the assignment;
  • Maximum age 50 years (1 September 2015).

F. PENDAMPING DESA (Berkedudukan di Kecamatan) (Kode 07)

  • Education Stratas 1 or Diploma of all disciplines;
  • Minimal experience in the field of community development for S-1 with the relevant experience with community development projects of at least two (2) years or D III is 4 (four) years;
  • Having experience in the organization;
  • Has the knowledge, skills in community empowerment;
  • Able to conduct business assistance village economy
  • sensitivity to customs, mores also cultural values of rural communities and get to know cultures, traditions and local knowledge of local communities;
  • Computer literate minimal Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point) and Internet networks;
  • Not located as a candidate for Civil Servants / Civil Servants, Government Apparatus or contract with other jobs;
  • Able to facilitate and work together as a team;
  • Able to reside at the location of the assignment;
  • Maximum age 45 years (1 September 2015).

G. PENDAMPING LOKAL DESA (Berkedudukan di Desa (Kode 08)

  • Minimum Education Junior High School (JSS) or equivalent;
  • Preferably have experience of organizing and akitf in development and empowerment of rural communities at least 2 (two) years, such as training, social work, committee development and other activities relevant to the needs of community assistance;
  • Have sensitivity to customs, mores also cultural values of rural communities and get to know cultures, traditions and local knowledge of local communities including therein can communicate using the local language;
  • Residing in one of the villages in the site or in the village adjacent to the villages in the site;
  • Not located as a candidate for Civil Servants / Civil Servants, Government Apparatus or contract with other jobs;
  • Minimum age 25 years and maximum 45 years (1 September 2015).

Sites Reference


Submit Applcation

A. Applications addressed to:

Head of Aceh as the Community Empowerment Project Implementing Unit Heads and Development Program Rural Community Empowerment (P3MD) Aceh Province through PO BOX 777 P3MD ACEH, by attaching:

  1. Letter of application include identity / bio-data consists of name, place / date of birth, the name of the proposed position, the last educational qualifications in accordance with a predetermined majors and complete residential address (street, RT / RW, the Village / Village, District, Municipal / city, zip code and phone number / hp), complete with:
  2. Photocopy of valid diploma and transcripts in accordance with the required educational qualifications and authorized / certified;
  3. Curriculum Vitae (CV) as form : Link Download;
  4. Filling Form Pendaftaran : Link Download;
  5. Photographs size 3×4 3 (three) pieces of color (and the name written on the back of photo education);
  6. Photocopy of Identity Card (KTP) of 1 (one) sheet;
  7. Work reference letter or letter of work experience (for those who have never worked);
  8. Certificates, if applicable.
  9. Write the code position / positions proposed in the upper right corner of the envelope;
  10. Prospective applicants are not allowed to apply for more than one position / positions;
  11. Letter of application received since the announcement was issued and ending on August 10, 2015 (Cap Pos).
  12. Applicants who meet the requirements will be processed further and calling will be done via telephone or accessible to

B. Special to Local Companion position Gampong / Village application file may be submitted directly to the Office of Technical Assistants PNPM Rural District region, whereas for Urban region applicant’s documents submitted by PO. BOX. 777 P3MD ACEH.


  • Only shortlisted and passed screening applicants will be notified.
  • Source

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