Lowongan Tenaga IT Universitas Indonesia (UI)



Lowongan Kerja UI

About Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Universitas Indonesia – UI is a state university in Depok, West Java and Salemba, Jakarta, Indonesia. Universitas Indonesia is the oldest tertiary-level educational institution in Indonesia (known as the Dutch East Indies when UI was established).

One of UI’s flagship programs is the UI GreenMetric World University Ranking[4] to show the extent to which a university worldwide is ‘green’ and become the role model of a sustainable society.

UI is generally considered the most prestigious university in Indonesia, together with Bandung Institute of Technology and Gadjah Mada University

UI is modern campus, comprehensive, open, multi-cultural, and humanistic disciplines that include extensive. The current UI simultaneously always trying to be one of the university’s leading research or academic institutions in the world. As a research university, the efforts of the highest achievements in the discovery, development and diffusion of knowledge regionally and globally has always done. Meanwhile, the UI also deepen commitment in its efforts in the field of academic development and research activities through a number of existing disciplines dilingkupnya.

UI founded in 1849 and is a representation of educational institutions with the history of the oldest in Asia. Has produced over 400,000 alumni, UI continuously continue its important role in the national and world level. However UI can not escape from its current mission to be a high-quality educational institutions, research standards of the world and maintain standards in a number of international journals prestige number one.

With the title as the country’s best campus, UI is actively developing a global partnership with many world-renowned universities. Some universities that currently has an agreement with UI include: Washington University, Tokyo University, Melbourne University, Sydney University, Leiden University, Erasmus University, Kyoto University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Australian National University, Columbia University and the National University of Singapore. In addition, current UI also strengthen its cooperation with several education associations and research include: APRU (Association of Pacific Rim Universities) with the role of Board of Director, AUN (ASEAN University Network), and ASAIHL (Association of South East Asian Institution of Higher Learning).

Geographically, the position of the UI campus is located in two distant areas, college campuses Salemba and Depok. The majority of the faculty are in Depok reaches land area of ??320 hectares with a green campus atmosphere because only 25% of land used as a means of academic, research and student affairs. 75% of the UI can be said is a form of urban forest green area where there are 8 natural lakes. A promising area of ??academic feel of a tranquil and beautiful tradition.


Kantor Komunikasi & Protokol
Telp: 021-786 7 222 / 021-78841818 ext.100 103-4
Fax: 021-788 49 060

International Office

Telp: 021-786 7 222 ext.100 520/ 021-7 888 0139
Fax: 021-7 888 0139

Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Depok 16424


Telp: 021-3193 0371, 3193 0373, 3922977, 3927360, 3912477, 3153236
Fax: 021-3193 0372, 3157288, 3912477
Kedokteran Gigi
Telp: 021-3193 0270, 315 1035
Fax: 021-3193 1412

Kesehatan Masyarakat
Telp: 021-786 4975, 786 4976, 786 4979
Fax: 021-786 3472, 7864975

Ilmu Keperawatan
Telp: 021-78849120, 78849121
Fax: 021-7864124

Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Telp: 021-786 3436, 786 3437, 727 0013
Fax: 021-727 0012

Telp: 021-7863504-5, 78888430
Fax: 021- 727 0050

Ilmu Komputer
Telp: 021-7863419
Fax: 021-7863415

Telp: 021-727 0003, 786 3442
Fax: 021- 727 0052

Telp: 021-727 2425, 727 2646
Fax: 021-727 0024

Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Telp: 021-786 3528, 786 3529, 727 0009 (Humas & Protokol)
Fax: 021-727 0038

Telp: 021-7270004-5, 786 3520, 786 3523, 787 4740
Fax: 021-786 3526

Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Telp: 021-727 0006, 787 2823
Fax: 021-787 2820, 727 0007

Telp: 021-310 0059, 392 4710, 392 9717
Fax: 021-3192 2269

Jobs Available

Universitas Indonesia are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following positions (will be placed in Gedung RIK or Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan UI) :

  1. Teknisi Komputer & Aplikasi (ITPC)
  2. Teknisi Jaringan (ITJR)
  3. Help Desk (ITHD)

Jobs Description

Teknisi Komputer & Aplikasi (ITPC)


  • Able to install the software, software management and troubleshooting.
  • Able handle hardware problems (printer, monitor, CPU, etc.)
  • Able overcome the problem of viruses, malware, spyware, etc.
  • Able to Installation, configuration, and installation of LAN, WLAN

Teknisi Jaringan (ITJR)


  • Understanding UNIX
  • Able to handle network problems (troubleshooting)
  • Able to perform the installation and configuration of network
  • Mastering TCP / IP
  • Mastering networking based on CISCO / HUAWEI

Help Desk (ITHD)


  • Able to manage complaints related to IT
  • Able to be coordinated with related technicians
  • Able to create reports and statistics

General Requirements

  • Male
  • D3/S1 from Computer field
  • Able to work full time

Sites Reference

  1. www.ui.ac.id

Submit Application

Please submit your comprehensive resume and kindly mark code of the position applied to :

Direktur Pembinaan SDM UI
Gd Pusat Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, Lt 8 Kampus UI Depok.

Closing date

  • 23 August 2013 at 16.00 WIB.


  • All application will kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be notified.
  • Source

Lowongan Kerja UI brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn