Lowongan PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia – KBI



Lowongan Kerja PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia

About PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia

PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (Persero) – PT KBI is the State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), which is wholly owned by the Republic of Indonesia, with ownership of the authorized capital of Rp 200 billion, divided into 200,000 (two hundred thousand) shares, each share with a nominal value of 1,000,000.00 (one million dollars), and from the authorized capital has been subscribed and taken part fully paid up, as many as 102,000 (two hundred thousand) shares or totaling Rp 102 billion.

At first the company named PT (Persero) Commodity Exchange Clearing and Collateral (KJBK) which was established on August 25, 1984, the registration of business services on physical commodities markets rubber, coffee and textile quotas. On 18 June 2001, the company name changed to Indonesian Derivatives Clearing House (Persero) or better known KBI designation PT (Persero), in accordance with the approval of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. C-02157ht.01.04.2001. The temporary permit operation of Clearing House, according the letter No.01 / VII / 2000 dated July 14, 2000 and for the Operating Company as a Clearing House on December 15, 2000, with futures contracts that are cleared and guaranteed penyelesaiannnya CPO, Coffee and olein.

Dated September 4, 2001, under the Head of Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (BAPPEBTI) 128 / BAPPEBTI / IX / 2001, KBI PT (Persero) to obtain a license as a definitive Clearing House and the decision is based on KBI PT (Persero) can run function is Clearing Guarantee, Settlement of all transactions in the futures contract that is registered by the Exchange Clearing Member.

KBI PT (Persero) approved changes in the constitution of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. C-2003 28936ht.01.04 11 November 2003 on Expansion Services Company, so it can also serve Clearing and Settlement Guarantee Transaction Exchange / Market commodity (Physical) and the Warehouse Receipt System.

On October 18, 2004, according to the Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade 650 / MPP / Kep / 10/2004 on the Provision of Physical Auction Markets with Immediate Delivery (Spot) and Submission Then (Forward) Agro Commodities, KBI PT (Persero) given the task to mengkliringkan and make settlement of transactions that occur in the Spot-Forward Auction Markets.

Based on the Director BAPPEBTI Np.55 / BAPPEBTI / KP / I / 2005 dated January 27, 2005 on the Alternative Trading System (SPA), KBI PT (Persero) had the duty to serve the Clearing and Settlement of Derivative Transactions On Index Futures and Foreign Exchange.

Based on Government Regulation (PP) 48, dated December 28, 2006, KBI PT (Persero) received additional State Capital of Rp.82 billion.

Furthermore KBI PT (Persero) to obtain approval as a warehouse receipt in accordance Registration Center Head BAPPEBTI Decision No.03 / BAPPEBTI / Kep-SRG / SP / PUSREG / 6/2009 dated June 16, 2009 regarding the approval of the Central Register to Indonesian Derivatives Clearing House (Limited ).

Meanwhile, pursuant to the Head BAPPEBTI 644 / BAPPEBTI / 12/2009 dated December 8, 2009 regarding the Single System Management SPA, KBI PT (Persero) designated as Manager (Administrator) SPA Single Monitoring System.


Company Contact

Kantor Pusat
Graha Mandiri Lantai 3,
Jl. Imam Bonjol No.61, Jakarta 10310.
Telp : 021- 39833053, 39833063,39833066/67,
Fax : 021- 39833065, 39833715
Website : www.ptkbi.com
E-mail : infokbi@ptkbi.com

Jobs Available

PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (Persero) have following positions to offer for the right person that can grow together as :

  • Senior Risk Management & Compliance

Job Description

Requirements :

  • Maximum age of 45 years old at the time of application submission.
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1).
  • Required experience for minimum 15 years in the field of risk management/compliance on futures trading/banking/capital market industry.
  • Possess certification in risk management, minimum level 2.
  • Fluent in English, both oral and written.

Sites Reference

  1. www.ptkbi.com

Submit Application

If you are interested and competent in accordance with the requirements, please email your updated CV to :


Notes :

  • Application will be treated strictly confidential.
  • Please do remember only applicants who fulfill criteria above will be selected
  • Source

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