Lowongan PDAM Delta Tirta Sidoarjo



Lowongan Kerja PDAM Delta Tirta

About PDAM Delta Tirta Sidoarjo

Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum – PDAM Delta Tirta is one of the Local Government Owned Enterprises (BUMD) od Sidoarjo East Java.

Water services in the Sidoarjo region began in the Age of the Dutch East Indies by Waterleiding BEDRIJVEN. At the time of independence of its staff transferred to the Department of Public Works of East Java Province.

With the Provincial Regulation Dati I: No. 4/1976, dated July 10, 1976, the Government of Sidoarjo took delivery of as many as 1,904 customers units covering an area of ??Prohibition, Temple, South Temple, Porong, Gedangan, Waru, South Buduran, North Buduran, Tanggulangin Throughout, Kedurus, Driyorejo, Krian, Prambon, and Watu Write.

On July 5, 1978 issue Regency Regulation No. Sidoarjo regency 5/1978 on the Establishment of Regional Water Company (PDAM) and approved by the Governor of KDH. Of East Java, with Number: HK / 498/1978.

PDAM Delta Tirta Sidoarjo

Jobs Available

Pemerintah Kabupaten Sidoarjo are seeking the best candidates to join as position below :

Direksi PDAM Delta Tirta Kabupaten Sidoarjo
2015 – 2019

Jobs Description

I. General requirements

  1. Indonesian citizen.
  2. Fear of God Almighty.
  3. Education minimum Bachelor (S1).
  4. Have the skills, expertise and skills required.
  5. Physically and mentally healthy.
  6. Age not exceeding 55 years Date of Birth 30 September 1959 and thereafter for that comes from the taps, and 50 years who was born on 30 September 1964 and thereafter for which comes not from the taps.
  7. Never been sentenced to prison for a crime by a court decision that has legal force.
  8. Not been dishonorably discharged from public and private employment.
  9. Well-behaved and never caught a case of crime and or participate in a banned organization.
  10. Never engage in an activity that is against the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the State and the Government of Indonesia.
  11. For civil servants, employees taps, state, / enterprises, military and police able to resign from the Employee / Unity / korpsnya if elected to the Board of Directors of taps.
  12. Willing is not doubled as members of the Board of Directors in other public enterprises, state-owned and privately-owned companies.
  13. Willing to make a written statement on stamped paper to:
  14. The ability to change the selection cost of Rp. 25,000,000.00 (twenty five million dollars) if resign after passed.
  15. Ability does not become members and officials of political parties, if elected to the Board of Directors of taps.
  16. Statements about the validity of the documents and if it turns out it is known that the document was not true then the applicant is disqualified and / or willing to be sanctioned civil lawsuit and / or reporting the crime to the authorities in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

II. Specific Requirements

  1. Having work experience of 10 years for which came from taps or 15 years managing the company for not originating from PDAM (minimum level manager) as evidenced by a certificate (reference) from the previous company with good judgment signed by an authorized officer.
  2. Pass the water management training as evidenced by a certificate or diploma issued by an accredited institution. (preferably)
  3. Willing to work full-time.
  4. Creating and presenting papers on the business plan adjusting taps to the position applied for.
  5. Family relationships are not bound by the Regent / Vice Regent of the Board of Directors or the Supervisory Board, to the third degree vertically or laterally, including in-law and brother in law.
  6. If the applicant after it passed later proven that the documents submitted are not correct then be disqualified and penalized civil lawsuit and / or reporting the crime to the authorities in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

III. Registration Procedures

1) Applicants make application letter stamped Rp. 6000, – addressed to the Board of Directors Candidate Recruitment Committee taps “Delta Tirta” Sidoarjo (form cover letter as Appendix I) with the attached terms as follows:

  • a) Copy of valid ID card by 1 (one) sheet.
  • b) Copy of diploma and academic transcripts that have been legalized by the competent authority.
  • c) Certificate of Police Notes (SKCK) is still valid.
  • d) Health certificate from Government doctor.
  • e) recent color Passport photo size 4×6 3 (three) pieces.
  • f) Curriculum vitae with name / year of office and include the name and telephone number of employer / former employer as a reference.
  • g) The certificate or reference from the company work before.
  • h) Copy of certificate of training / education / charter award (if any).
  • i) Copy of certificate of passing water management training.
  • j) Writing a business plan on adjusting the taps with the position applied for.
  • k) A letter stamped on paper (form a Statement as Appendix II):
    • 1) Able to work full-time;
    • 2) Be able to change the selection cost of Rp. 25,000,000.00 (twenty five million dollars) if resign after passed;
    • 3) Able to not be a member or committee of any political party;
    • 4) Able and willing to not hold concurrent positions as a member of the Board of Directors in other public enterprises, state-owned and privately-owned companies.
    • 5) Be able to resign from the employee / unity / korpsnyai for civil servants, employees taps, the military and police, if elected to the Board of Directors taps
    • 6) Unbound family relationship with the Regent / Vice Regent or the Board of Trustees or Board of Directors, to the third degree vertically or laterally, including in-law and brother in law.
    • 7) A statement of the truth of the document and if it was known that the document was not true then the applicant is disqualified and / or willing to be punishable by a civil action and / or reporting the crime to the authorities in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

2) File an application included in a sealed envelope, on the front cover is written the name of the applicant, complete address and a contact phone number can be sent directly to the application working hours (07:00 s / d 15:30 pm) or sent by registered mail with a postmark date does not exceed 26 September 2014, the Board of Directors Candidate Recruitment Committee PDAM Delta Tirta Sidoarjo, Cq. Part of Economic Secretariat of the District. Sidoarjo, Jl. Governor Suryo No. 1 Sidoarjo, Tel. (031) 8055228.

IV. Stages of Recruitment

The process of recruiting candidates for the Board of Directors PDAM Sidoarjo is done through the following steps:

  1. Announcement.
  2. Registration / Entry application file.
  3. Selection of applicants administrative requirements.
  4. Announcements / notifications passed the administrative selection.
  5. If the announcement / notification that passed the administrative selection is less than 3 (three) people, then made ??an announcement to seek re new participants other than the participants who have passed the administrative selection.
  6. Participants who have passed the administrative selection no longer need to be selected, unless there is a change in requirements.
  7. If the announcement is not obtained over a minimum number of three (3) people who passed the administrative selection, then the next stage of the selection process remain to be implemented.
  8. The next stage of selection is the presentation of business insight, Test of English, Assessment Centre which is implemented by an appointed agency Committee on Recruitment and selection meant each performed with knockout and announced at each stage
  9. Test of Health and drug-free test
  10. Final Interview (Policy Direction and Development Strategy PDAM Delta Tirta customize the application letter (Appendix II) as Managing Director, Director of Administration & Finance, Director of Services and Operations Director) before the Recruitment Committee.
  11. Selection Announcement Final Stage
  12. Prospective Determination Directors (Decision placement positions into consideration the results of the selection and leadership so that applicants are designated as Managing Director, Director of Administration & Finance, Service Director and Director of Operations, Committee Decision as is inviolable).


  1. Selection is free of charge.
  2. Selection results will be announced via the Government website Sidoarjo (http://www.sidoarjokab.go.id), and the website PDAM Delta Tirta Sidoarjo http://www.pdamsidoarjo.co.id, or in PT.KARMACON-Drs. Http://www.jtanzillcareer.com J.Tanzil & Associates,
  3. Application file that has been entered is declared final, do not receive additional file requirements.
  4. Application file and attachments that have been entered into the committee belong Recruitment and irrevocable.
  5. That the committee’s decision is final and can not be contested.
  6. Contac person Phone. (031) 8055228.
  7. Source

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