Lowongan Dosen Untirta
About Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (Untirta)
Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa – Untirta is PTN (State University) located in the Province of Banten, Indonesia. With its main campus in Serang and the Faculty of Engineering is located in Cilegon.
Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa – Untirta begins with the establishment of the Education Foundation Tirtayasa on 1st October 1980 by Notary Act No: 1 of 1980 , later improvements and reaffirmed by deed Ny. R.Arie Soetardjo , No. 1 , dated March 3, 1986 .
Tirtayasa word ( Sanskrit meaning Flowing Water ) is taken from the name of National Hero from Banten , namely Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa ( Presidential Decree No. 045/TK/1070 ) . Original name was Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Abul Fatih Abdul Fatah , heir to the throne of the Sultanate of Banten – IV . Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa National Hero medals awarded since the Dutch colonial adamantly opposed and successfully brought glory and gold Sultanate of Banten .
The initial step Tirtayasa Education Foundation established the School of Law ( STIH ) in 1981 followed by the establishment of the College of Teacher Training and Education ( STKIP ) in 1982 . Coinciding with pendiran STKIP , the Foundation established the Krakatau Steel Cilegon SekolahTinggi Techniques ( STT ) STT hereinafter join Tirtayasa Education Foundation for the preparation of the establishment of the University of Serang – Banten Tirtayasa .
University Tirtayasa Serang Banten is an amalgamation of STIH , STT and STKIP based on Decree No. Mendikbud ; 0596/0/1984 , dated 28 November 1984 , it transformed the status of each high school to the Faculty of Law , Faculty of Engineering , and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling ) .
Along with community expectations Banten , from year to year Tirtayasa University faculty develop and establishment of new courses are marked with the establishment of the Faculty of Agriculture based on Decree No. Mendikbud : 0123/0/1989 , dated March 8, 1989 , and the Faculty of Education Minister of economy by Decree No. : 0331/0/1989 , dated May 30, 1989 .
Socio-political changes that occurred in Indonesia has also affected the changes in the Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University . Inspired by the development of private universities Untirta as less significant and the spirit of the reform era has encouraged the Executive Board and the Chairman of the Faculty at the University Tirtayasa and Tirtayasa Education Foundation Board and the support of the proposed nationalization of Banten Sultan University Ageng Tirtayasa to the central government through the Ministry of Education . Furthermore, on 13 October 1999, Presidential Decree No. get out ; 130/1999 on Higher Education Preparation Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa State University . The hard work and determination of the leadership and management of the Foundation Untirta then in 2001 by Presidential Decree No. 32 dated 19 March 2001 to the University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa be officially designated State PerguruanTinggi definitive .
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University as the new public universities continue to make changes and improvements , both in institutional , academic , as well as in the field of student affairs and cooperation .
Fundamental changes in the field of organization and administration of the minister is the stipulation and the Statute of the University 023/J43/d.1/SK/IV/2003 Number Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa by the Minister of Education Decision No. 10 of 2007 . Similarly, changes and improvements in academic faculty in particular the establishment of and new majors , construction of educational facilities , the development and improvement of the quality of teachers and other educational personnel , the development of ICT to support education and academic excellence , development and improvement of library facilities to the e – library and e – journals strengthening the academic atmosphere on campus , as well as improving the quality of education through a system of quality assurance and self-evaluation ( quality Assurance and Self evaluation ) .
University Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa current academic education programs and vocational education programs . Academic Education Program consists of Bachelor of Education Program ( S1 ) and 1 by 6 faculty Megister Education Program ( Graduate ) , namely ( 1 ) Faculty of Law , ( 2 ) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education , ( 3 ) Faculty of Engineering , ( 4 ) Faculty of Agriculture , ( 5 ) Faculty of Economics , ( 6 ) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences , and ( 7 ) Graduate . Department / Study Program which is currently owned as many as 21 for Undergraduate and Prodi Prodi to 3 Megister Program and the Diploma Program Economics with details :
Bachelor ( S1 ) includes : FH 1 department ( Department of Law ) ; 3 Department of Guidance and Counseling with 7 Prodi ( Department of Education covers Prodi PLS , PGSD and PGPAUD ; Department of Education Languages ??included Prodi Diksastrasia and English ; Department of Mathematics and Science Study Program includes Biology ) ; 5 FT Majors ( Majors T. machines , electro T. , T. Civil , T. Chem Industries T. , and T. Metallurgy ) ; 3 FAPERTA Department ( Department of Agribusiness ; Agrotechnology , and fisheries ) ; FE includes 3 courses ( Department of Management ; Accounting Department ; Department of Economic Development ) ; Includes 2 Department of Social Politics ( Department of Public Administration and Communication Studies ) . Faculty Graduate Program held Megister ( S2 ) with 3 Studies Program , namely ( Prodi Instructional Technology , Education Program with Indonesian and Legal Studies ) .
In addition to Academic Education Program as described above , the University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa also held that the Vocational Education Program Diploma Program . Faculty who hold the Diploma Program , Faculty of Economics consists of Accounting Department , Prodi Marketing / Marketing , Taxation Prodi , Prodi Finance and Banking . Faculty of Engineering with 1 Prodi Prodi namely Computer Engineering and Multimedia . Computer Engineering Program and Multimedia in the academic year 2011/2012 was transferred to the Bachelor degree ( S1 ) another course in the Faculty of Engineering .
Human resources and university student possessed Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa until the month of August 2012 consisted of 498 persons Lecturer civil , administrative personnel and 177 civil servants .
Contact Untirta
Jalan Raya Jakarta KM. 04 Pakupatan
Kota Serang – Banten
No. Telp : 0254-280330
No. Fax : 0254-281254
Jobs Available
Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa is looking for qualified personnel to with high motivation, initiative and integrity to fill in the following positions:
- Calon Dosen Tetap
Jobs Description
General Requirements :
- Copy of valid ID
- Cover Letters handwritten using black ink
- Copy of diploma and Transcript S1, S2 and S3 have been accredited and certified by the competent authority
- Age between 18-35 years
- Power Lecturer GPA S1, S2 and S3 at least 2.75
- Latest Photo Pas color size 3×4 cm 3 pieces
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please submit your application to :
Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Melelaui Rektor Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa and send to :
PO BOX 2801 Serang 42124
- Closing date 11 June 2014 (post marks).
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process
- Source
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