Lowongan Kerja Lembaga Sensor Film
About Lembaga Sensor Film (LSF)

Lembaga Sensor Film – LSF is an institution that is responsible for determining the status on the films in Indonesia. A film can only be released if it is declared “pass censorship” by LSF. LSF also have the same rights to the billboard-advertisement films, such as movie posters. In addition to the pass mark censorship, film censorship institution also specify the age of the audience for the film classification is concerned.
Entering the Era of Information Technology The only thing that has not changed in this world is change itself. So is the technology in the field of movies also changed along with the times. Films that previously could only be recorded on celluloid through a mechanical camera, now can be recorded with a very effective and efficient through digital camera on video tape, even for home use can already be recorded on a video disc. One thing that should not be overlooked is the result of sudden changes without proper preparation in the political situation in Indonesia 1998-2001, Indonesian society inevitably trapped in the atmosphere of euphoria.
In a fairly short time it has grown to excess desire to live freely without responsibility. As a result, the film world was contaminated with the spirit, and the production of the film step by step boldly displays are actually less worth scene. Up at a time where the culmination has reached its peak, the Indonesian people were surprised and realized that many changes need to be done to improve our film world, especially with regard to the ethical and moral aspects in making and presenting or showing the film to the public.
There is a more fundamental change, that first one should come to the cinema to watch a movie, the movie is now attending audience wherever he was just with a light touch on the TV remote control plane. Facing the fact that, the vision, mission and function LSF inevitably have to be updated to be able to follow the development of information technology is so rapid progress.
Dated December 5, 1900 was recorded as one of the important dates in the history of cinema in Indonesia, because on that date Bioscope Nederlandsche Maatschappij (Dutch Cinema Company) began operating theaters at a house in Kebun Jae, Tanah Abang (Manage), next to the train factory (workshop car) Fuchss Maatschappij. Along with the development of the cinema business is better known by the public as a business idoep image, the Dutch government has issued an ordinance in 1916 regulating the movie and how movie business.
Cinema, in line with the development tonil, getting plugged in his footsteps and bring the influence of the Dutch people’s lives. Rules are made and loosely applied by the colonial government, resulting in a lot of people who think cinema has a bad influence to the indigenous people, including changing views inlanders against white gentlemen in power. Sir Hesketch Bell gave his testimony through books Administration in the Far East, 1926 issue … the way in Asia, not one man who stands just agree that the impact of the film is very sad for the authority of the Europeans in the Far East.
Before cinema presents a good part of the white community, many peoples of color do not know the moral failure among terrtentu in Western society … Realizing the bad influence of film and cinema, especially in the eyes of the colonial government the authority to attack them psychologically, too many Ordinance 1916 -this time was renewed as stated in the Official Gazette 1919 337, 1919 688, 742 and 1922. However, these reforms still have not included the detailed limits for films that are allowed or denied.
New in Film Ordinance 1925 (Ordinance Film 1925, Staadblad 477), enacted January 1, 1926, the renewal is done about the problem by increasing the Film Commission is a regional nature are central to the entire Dutch East Indies. The Commission consists of 15 people, including four European women, indigenous women 1, 4 nationals not Europe. Ordinance film was renewed again in 1925 by Films Ordinance 1926 (vide Staadblad No. 7), which four years later updated again by Film Ordinance 1930 (vide Staadblad No. 447), and finally perfected back through Ordinance 1940 movie film spawned Commisie (vide Staadblad No. 507), which requires that all films screened in theaters before (to the public) must be censored first.
Jobs Available
Lembaga Sensor Film are seeking the best candidates to join as position below :
- Anggota Lembaga Sensor Film
- Tenaga Sensor Pusat
Jobs Description
Calon Anggota LSF
- Indonesian citizen aged 35 years and the lowest highest 70 years;
- Loyal to Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945;
- Minimal S1 or the equivalent;
- Understanding the principles, purposes, and functions of the film;
- Have the skills and knowledge within the scope of the task of censorship;
- Have an understanding of national and regional cultures; and
- Can carry out their duties full time.
Tenaga Sensor LSF Pusat
- Citizen of the Republic of Indonesia;
- Loyal to Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945;
- Minimum education D3 or the equivalent;
- Understanding the principles, purposes, and functions of the film;
- Competence in the field of censorship in accordance with the provisions of the legislation;
- Have an understanding of national and regional cultures;
- Being able to assess the content of the film;
- Can carry out their duties full-time basis; and
- Obtain permission from the Agency / Institute for Prospective Power Sensor Government Center from the State Civil Apparatus (ASN).
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Cover letter addressed to Panitia Seleksi Anggota Lembaga Sensor Film dan Tenaga Sensor Pusat, without the stamp, sent to :
Sekretariat Lembaga Sensor Film
Gedung Film Lt. 6, Jalan MT. Haryono Kav 47-48 Jakarta Kode pos 12770
Atau melalui email :
- Application file is sent to the Panitia Seleksi, with the name of the applicant and Application Code, sent no later than August 13, 2014 via email / postal stamp
- Selection administration made to applicants who have submitted an application file in accordance with;
- Applicants who passed the administrative selection will proceed with assessment papers and interviews;
- Candidate Members of the Film Censorship Board which passed the selection amounts to two times the amount of the Film Censorship Board membership, to be presented by the Minister to the President;
- President appoints 17 Members of LSF after consultation with the House of Representatives;
- Center Power Sensor Candidates who passed the selection for 34 (thirty four) shall be appointed by the Minister;
- Applicants who passed the selection as a candidate member of the Film Censorship Board and Power Sensors Center will be mailed and announced through the website: and, as well as bulletin boards Secretariat of the Film Censorship Board;
- Determination / decision of the Panitia Seleksi Member and Film Censorship Center Power Sensors are final and can not be contested.
- Other things are not set to be determined and announced later.
- Each applicant shall abide by and follow all conditions set.
- Source
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