Lowongan Kerja Walk in Interview Bank Mandiri



Walk in Interview Bank Mandiri

About PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk was established on October 2, 1998, as part of a restructuring program implemented by the government of Indonesia.

Bank Mandiri as one of the leading banks in Indonesia to provide services to clients which include business segment Corporate, Commercial, Micro & Retail, Consumer Finance and Treasury & International. Bank Mandiri also offers capital markets services, Islamic banking and insurance through Mandiri Securities, Bank Syariah Mandiri and AXA Mandiri.

Bank Mandiri currently employs 24 294 employees with 1296 branches and 7 branch offices / representatives / subsidiaries abroad. Bank Mandiri distribution services are also equipped with 6496 ATMs, and electronic channels including Internet Banking, SMS Banking and Call Center 14000.

Since its establishment, the bank has worked hard to create a strong management team and professionals who work based on the principles of good corporate governance which has been internationally recognized. Asiamoney magazine gave awards for our commitment to provide for the implementation of Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Award for the category of Best Overall for Corporate Governance in Indonesia and Best for Disclosure and transparency.

Company Contact

Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto Kav. 36-38
Jakarta 12190 Indonesia
Telp: 14000, +62-21-52997777
Fax: +62-21-52997735

Jobs Available


For those of you who have the spirit and high motivation, Male / Female with minimum educational D3 minimum GPA of 2.75 and a maximum age of 24 years (for fresh graduate) or 26 years (for the experienced), Bank Mandiri provides an opportunity for a career as:

  1. Frontliner
  2. Assistant Relationship Manager
  3. Secretary
  4. Credit Administration staff
  5. Collection Staff
  6. and other positions available

Jobs Description

Come to the Career Expo and proceed Mandiri Walk In Interview with a CV, copies of diplomas and transcripts and photographs to:

8-9 Februari 2013
Pukul 09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Lower Lobby Balai Sidang Jakarta Convention Center
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta 10270


  • Participants are not charged
  • The selection process was also carried out in several cities across Indonesia. For more information, click on the careerwww.bankmandiri.co.id
  • Mandiri Call 14000
  • Terdepan, Terpercaya. Tumbuh bersama Anda

Walk in Interview Bank Mandiri by lokercpnsbumn