Lowongan Kerja UB Non PNS
About Universitas Brawijaya (Unibraw)
Universitas Brawijaya – UNIBRAW – UB is a state higher education institutions in Indonesia, established in 1963 in Malang through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Science No. 1 dated January 5, 1963, then ratified by Presidential Decree no. 196 in 1963 and then January 5, designated as the birthday of the UB. The number of students currently more than 55 thousand people from various strata start Diploma, Bachelor, Master programs and doctoral programs in addition to programs Specialist scattered in 15 faculties and 2 equivalent education program faculty.
On January 10, 2009, UB obtained accreditation from the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education. [10] On the next accreditation September 11, 2014, UB regain accreditation A. 29 November 2007, UB Director General of Higher Education approval to become autonomous college ,
UB has a central campus is in Malang (Ketawanggede, Puncak Dieng, Griyasahanta), and a branch in Kediri, Kasembon, Jakarta, and Probolinggo for education and research. In 2013, there were 143 courses consisting of Diploma 3 (D3): 4; Diploma 4 (D4): 4; Bachelor (S1): 64; Masters (S2): 39; Doctoral (S3): 14; Specialist 1 (Sp1): 15; Profession: 3. The number of new students in 2014 that a total of 13 237 students and all students are 59 469 people, while in 2014 as many as 8427 graduate students. For Bidikmisi beasisw program, UB receives 1,500 students annually and add to the cost of Rp 200,000 per month from that given by the government. Whereas other scholarship total of Rp 27.6 billion per year. Currently there are three International accredited faculty of Economic and Business, Agricultural Technology, and Administrative Sciences. As for all faculties, institutes, and the unit has been certified ISO management. UB has a vision to become a World Class Entrepreneurial University continues to develop and improve internal and external campus to realize the vision.
The main campus land area of 58 hectares located in the western city of Malang, precisely on Jalan Veteran. Buildings in the campus in general Java architecture. For efficient use of campus land, buildings UB mostly 3-storey building even in some faculties floored 7 or more. 8-story headquarters building with a very distinctive building, currently a mascot UB. Overall UB has a land area of 1,813,664 m2 of assets (181 ha). Of the land area of 58 hectares located in the city of Malang and is the main area of the university’s activities. A land area of 73 ha of land lab and field trials in East Java province outside the city of Malang, namely in Cangar, Jatikerto, Dau and Sumberpasir. While the rest, covering an area of 92 ha, located in Lampung and an experimental land for agriculture.
Jobs Available
Universitas Brawijaya are looking for qualified candidate to fill the position:
Penerimaan Tenaga Kependidikan Tetap Non Pegawai Negeri Sipil
Formasi Bidan Rumah Sakit Universitas Brawijaya Tahun 2015
Job Description
- Indonesian Citizen.
- Background in Diploma or Bachelor Degree (D3/S1) in Midwifery.
- Grade Point Average (GPA)
- D3 = 2,75.
- S1 = 3.00.
- Not exceed 30 years of age for Diploma degree (D3) and 32 for Bachelor degree (S1) by 31 December 2015.
- Minimum 3 years of experience in the related field.
- Have basic training APN, CPU, and training support maternal emergencies.
Application should contains the below documents :
- Handwritten application letter, signed and addressed to Rektor Universitas Brawijaya;
- Authenticated copies of Degree certifications and transcripts;
- Current photograph 3×4 (4 sheets);
- Statement letter : not being under contract with the other agencies / universities.
Sites Reference
Submit Application
Please send directly all required applications above and put it in blue paper folder on office hour (08:00 – 15:00 WIB) to :
Sekretariat Panitia – Bagian Kepegawaian Gedung Rektorat Lt 4 Universitas Brawijaya,
Jl. Veteran Malang Phone 0341-551611, psw 108, 109 and 141.
- Closing date 21 August 2015.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process
- Source
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