Lowongan Kerja Tenaga Pendamping Program Kota Tanpa Kumuh Provinsi NTT



Lowongan Kerja Tenaga Pendamping P2KP NTT

About Program Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Perkotaan (P2KP)

Program Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Perkotaan – P2KP is a government program that is in substance seeks to reduce poverty through empowering the community and other local stakeholders, including local government and local groups concerned, so as to awaken “the independence movement of poverty reduction and sustainable development”, which is based on noble values and principles principles of universal.


The problem of poverty in Indonesia is very urgent to be addressed. Especially in urban areas, one common feature of the physical condition of the poor is not having access to basic infrastructure and facilities adequate environment, with quality housing and neighborhoods that are far below the standards of qualifications, as well as the livelihoods of uncertainty.

It is realized that during this time many more see the issue of poverty is at the level of symptoms that may be seen from the outside or on the surface level, which include multiple dimensions, both dimensions of political, social, economic, and other assets. In everyday life dimensions of poverty such symptoms appear in many forms, such as, among others:

  • Political dimension, often appear in the form of its organization is not capable to fight for the aspirations and needs of the poor, so that they are completely eliminated from the process of making important decisions that concern them. As a result, they also do not have sufficient access to the key resources needed to organize their lives properly, including access to information;
  • Social dimension not often appear in the form of the integration of the poor into the existing social institutions, cultural terinternalisasikannya that damage the quality of human poverty and their work ethic, as well as the fading values ??of social capital;
  • Environmental dimension often appears in the form of attitudes, behaviors, and worldview that is not oriented towards sustainable development that tends to decide and implement activities that are less sustainable and environmental protection and housing;
  • Economic dimension appears in the form of low income and unable to meet their basic needs to the extent feasible; and
  • Assets dimensions, characterized by low ownership to the poor people that are able to live their capital, including asset quality of human resources (human capital), working equipment, capital funds, shelter or housing, and so on.

Characteristics such as those above poverty and the economic crisis have been aware of all the parties that the approach and the way chosen in poverty reduction during this needs to be fixed, that is towards the strengthening of the institutional community. Empowerment of community institutions is needed in order to build a civil society organization that is really capable of being a container struggles of the poor, who are independent and sustainable in voicing their aspirations and needs and are able to influence decision-making processes related to public policy at the local level, both social aspects , the economy and the environment, including housing and settlement.

Strengthening community organizations is also particularly focused on strengthening its role as a driving force in the ‘institutionalized’ and ‘civilize’ the values ??of humanity and society (values ??and principles in P2KP), as the core values ??underlying the activity poverty reduction by local people. Through community institutions are expected no more groups of people who are still trapped in the cycle of poverty, which in turn are expected to be created within the city more livable housing in the settlements that are more responsive, and a social system that is more self-perform the principles of sustainable development.

To the institutional community built by and for the community, then be trusted to manage the endowment P2KP participatory, transparent and accountable. The fund is used by communities to finance poverty reduction activities, which are decided by the people themselves through deliberation residents, either in the form of a revolving loan fund or endowment for the community self-reliance stimulant for activities that directly benefit society, such as improving infrastructure and basic facilities housing and settlement.

The model is expected to contribute to solving the problem of poverty is multi-dimensional and structural, particularly with regard to the dimensions of political, social, and economic, as well as in the long term could provide a better asset for the poor to increase their income, improve quality housing and settlement and expressed their aspirations in the decision making process. To achieve these things, then the process of community empowerment, namely by intensive mentoring activities in each target village.

Through community institutions and providing direct aid to the people of the target villages, P2KP enough to encourage and strengthen the participation and concern of local communities organized in poverty reduction. That is, the potential poverty alleviation programs as “social movement”, namely; of, by and for the community.

Contact P2KP
Jl. Danau Toba F 3 No. 8, Jakarta Pusat 10210

Jobs Available

Program Penanganan Kawasan Kumuh Perkotaan (P2KKP) Companion require workers who have the ability to process facilitation / community facilitation and competence in accordance with the needs of the program consists of:

  1. Fasilitator Teknik (FT)
  2. Fasilitator Ekonomi (FE)
  3. Asisten Korkot Sosial (CD)
  4. Asisten Korkot Manajemen Keuangan (MK)

Jobs Description


  • Minimum Bachelor / S1 Civil Engineering / Architecture for (FT)
  • Minimum Bachelor / S1 Department of Economics, Accounting / Management / Finance for (FE, Askot MK)
  • Mastering Accounting and bookkeeping simple
  • Minimum Bachelor / S1 All Programs for (FS)
  • Minimum Computer proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)
  • Preferred experience Work in the Field of Community Empowerment (for FT, FE)
  • For Askot Candidate MK, MK Askorkot preferably before and / or Economic Facilitator PNPM / P2KP at least 3 years and have a good performance as judged Korkot and OC / OSP
  • For Candidate Askot CD, preferably Askorkot before and / or Senior Facilitator PNPM / P2KP at least 3 years and have a good performance as judged Korkot and OC / OSP
  • Ready to be placed in the Adjacent Area The province of East Nusa Tenggara
  • Preferred has or can use the bike and have SIM C
  • Has a track record of Good Moral, Motivation is high and can work in a team

Documents Required:

  1. An application letter, CV and current HP No.
  2. Copy of diploma and Transcript
  3. Reference Job (when it has worked before)
  4. Copy of valid ID
  5. Pas Photo size 4×6 cm
  6. Copy of SIM C

Sites Reference

  1. www.p2kp.org

Submit Application

If these criteria perfectly describe you, please send all documents above and addressed to :

Kepala Satker Pengembangan Kawasan Permukiman
c/q. OSP-7 Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur
Alamat Kantor : Jl. Sam Ratulangi I No. 08 Kupang- NTT, Telp/Fax (0380) 832971,843192
E-mail : osp7ntt@yahoo.co.id, Website: www.p2kp.org ¦www.pnpm-perkotaan.org


  • Closing date : 18 April 2016
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted
  • Source

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