Lowongan Kerja Telkom Property – PT. Graha Sarana Duta Seleksi Surabaya



Lowongan Telkom Property Surabaya

About Telkom Property – PT Graha Sarana Duta

PT Graha Sarana Duta – TelkomProperty was founded on 30 September 1981, to provide Office Building, Building Maintenance and Care Services Bank Duta. In line with the company’s business development, The Company then developed a portfolio of construction services to the area and is believed to establish a branch office of Bank Duta and Bank Bukopin and a YAI Campus Building in Jalan Salemba, Jakarta.

On 25 NOVEMBER 2001, Company ownership was taken over entirely by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom), Limited. to manage the office buildings and property assets of PT Telkom, Tbk., previously managed by the Division of Telkom Property. Under the control of PT TelLimited. Tbk., The Company continues to develop into an integrated property company (integrated property development) and now has three business portfolio that is :

  1. Property Services among others Building Management, Partial Property Services, Office Space Leasing, Security Management and Space & Occupancy Management.
  2. Project Management seperti Office Fit Out & Inside, Building Renovation and Construction
  3. Property Development & Investment to Office Buildings, Residential Estates dan Technical Building

During the thirty years since it was founded by PT Bank Duta in 1981, The Company uses the last name ‘Ambassadors’ are adopted from the name of PT Bank Duta and use the Company logo created by PT Bank Duta. In 2011, Company management decided to do a re-imaging company (corporate rebranding) background by reason – for the following reasons :

Changes in vision and mission of the Company in 2010;
Changes to Corporate Property Portfolio Company’s Integrated (Integrated Property Development);
Want imaging Built Company; that the Company’s management is committed to transforming the company’s business in the performance aspect, culture, and competence of the company’s internal, to be able to compete with other businesses in the property industry Indonesia
Specific date or moment; in 2011, Company celebrates 30th anniversary (to thirty) from the date of incorporation on 30 September 1981; and 10 (ten) PT Graha Sarana years of ownership by PT Telkom Ambassador, Limited from the date of 25 NOVEMBER 2001.

With the approval of the shareholders of PT Telkom Tbk., The Company is now using the name of the Property as a Telkom brand new brand (new corporate branding) Company.

Company Contact

Telkom Property (PT. Graha Sarana Duta)
Menara Telkom Property, Annex Building, Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 10 , Jakarta Pusat 10110
E-mail : purel[at]telkomproperty.co.id
Phone +62 21 3800 900
Fax +62 21 348 30 653
Call Center +62 21 500 473

Jobs Available

PT Graha Sarana DutaTelkom Property are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic individuals for the following challenging positions as :

Mechanical Electrical (ME) Technician, Supervisor, and Chief Engineering

Jobs Description

General Requirements

  • Education:
    1. o SMK/STM majoring in Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics / Cooling
    2. o D3/Polytechnic majoring in Energy Conversion Engineering / Electrical Engineering (strong currents) / Electronics Engineering (weak current) / Mechanical Refrigeration and Air Syatem
    3. o S1 majoring in Mechanical Engineering Department of Energy Conversion / Electrical Engineering (strong currents) / Electronics Engineering (weak flow).
  • Experienced or Fresh Graduate
  • Have sufficient technical knowledge and technical ability.
  • Male / Female max 40 years old, intelligent, hardworking, able to work without supervision, mature, self-reliant, disciplined, honest, industrious, neat, clean, communicative, able to operate a computer, willing to work shifts and / or outside normal working hours, willing to carry out the work out of town placements.
  • Placements : Surabaya, and all over Indonesia

Sites Reference

  1. www.telkomproperty.co.id

Submit Application

Please submit directly your applications, CV, copy of ID Card, recent photograph, copy of acardemic certificate and transcripts through :

Walk in interview on 26 – 28 April 2013 with time range 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
(Written Test for 2 hours and interview for 30 minutes) at :

Learning Centre Telkom Area V Jatim
Jl Gayungan PTT No 17 – 19 Surabaya Jawa Timur.


  • The entire selection process is free of charge.
  • All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
  • Source

Lowongan Telkom Property Surabaya brougth to you by lokercpnsbumn.com