Lowongan Kerja Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr Sardjito


RSUP Dr Sardjito

Lowongan Kerja Non PNS RSUP Sardjito

About Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr Sardjito

Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr Sardjito – RSUP Dr Sardjito is one of the largest public hospital in Indonesia. The Hospital is based in Yogyakarta and located in Jl Kesehatan Sekip Sleman Yogyakarta. RSUP Dr Sardjito has been operating in Indonesia since 1982 and operates under Directorate General of Health Efforts – Ministry of Health Republic Indonesia. RSUP Dr Sardjito is hospital type A, that means in addition to health care but also the teaching hospital. In 2007, RSUP Dr Sardjito obtained an award for “Problem Solving for Better Hospitals” and appraised by The Dreyfus Health Foundation – USA. The Hospital operates under Integrated Management Systems based on international standards of ISO 9001:2000.

RSUP Dr Sardjito

The idea of ​​a General Hospital and Education at one location for the training of doctors and specialists as well as for the development of research, first coined by Prof. Dr.. Sardjito in 1954, and also because of the perceived urgency of the need for the Government General Hospital (Hospital) in order to meet the need for public health services in the Province of Yogyakarta and Central Java, South Section.

The struggle for a new successful financial year 1970/1971 using the cost of the Ministry of Health with locations in Pingit, unfortunately after a review by the Ministry of Health considered inadequate. After further discussion it was moved to the development department with the name of the department Dr Sekip. Sardjito. The use of the name is to commemorate the struggle and Prof. services. Dr.. Sardjito.

Dr Dr. Sardjito established by decree of the Minister of Health RS no. 126/Ka/B.VII/74 dated June 13, 1974, which is a type B RSU management education by Dep.Kes. RI through Dir.Jen.Yan.Med. Its main task is to implement the public health services and referral system for the DIY and the southern part of Central Java, as utilized in the interests of the education of medical students and medical experts by the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UGM.

Based on the joint decree between Men.Kes. RI and P & K Minister of Republic of. 522 / Men.Kes/SKB/X/81 no. 0283a/U/1981 dated October 2, 1981 was the merger of RS UGM into the Hospital Dr. Sardjito by utilizing government facilities, good funding, equipment and personnel from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education & Culture and other related agencies. At the date of February 8, 1982 Hospital Dr. Sardjito has been officially opened by President of Indonesia Suharto.

Jobs Available

RSUP Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta are currently seeking for highly qualified Indonesian Citizens to fill the following positions :

  1. Pranata Transfusi Darah
  2. Pengadministrasi Umum
  3. Analis Kesehatan Pemula
  4. Arsiparis
  5. Pengadministrasi Keuangan
  6. Pengadministrasi Umum
  7. Asisten Apoteker Pemula
  8. Perawat
  9. Penyuluh Kesehatan Masyarakat Pemula
  10. Operator Telepon
  11. Nutrisionis Pemula
  12. Okupasi Terapis
  13. Ortotik Prostektik Pemula
  14. Pengemudi
  15. Radiografer
  16. Teknisi Elektromedik Pemula
  17. Administrasi Penerimaan Barang / Jasa
  18. Pengadministrasi Umum
  19. Teknisi Mesin
  20. Terapis Wicara
  21. Perawat Anesthesi
  22. Rohaniwan
  23. Apoteker Pemula
  24. Perawat
  25. Penyuluh Kesehatan Masyarakat
  26. Programmer
  27. Analis Data

Jobs Description


  • Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Minimum age of 18 (eighteen) years and a maximum of 35 (thirty five) years for D-4 and the Bachelor, and the highest 30 (thirty) years for Diploma PER-1 April 2017.
  • For applicants from State college GPA of at least 2.75 and to applicants of Colleges minimum GPA of 3.00.
  • Well-behaved and never sentenced to prison or jail.
  • Unbound and be or have been an employee of any agency and not joining formal education / non-formal.
  • Attractive
  • able-bodied
  • Non willing to be servants of Civil Servants (Non PNS) Contract Hospital DR.Sardjito and not demanding become CPNS / PNS.
  • For Graduates of Health Education Institutions Non minimal accredited B from BAN PT and to graduate from an accredited institution Health Education minimal PPSDM B of the Agency of Health Ministry of Health or BAN PT.

Sites Reference

  1. www.sardjitohospital.co.id

Submir Application

For those who are interested and meet persrayatan, then please register on-line through the website of the department of Human Resources Department Dr. Sardjito following:

Notes :

  • Applicants should consider charging steps carefully and cautiously. Charging error that does not correspond with the supporting documents may lead to failure of administrative selection.
  • Each applicant is only allowed to register on 1 (one) Formation and are not allowed to change the selection of Formation that has been loaded at the time of registration on-line.
  • Print the results of the on-line registration and stick to 1 (one) recent color photograph measuring 4 x 6 print out and sign the online application.
  • On-line registration will be processed after the application file is received by the Committee submitted via PO BOX 15000 55000 YK
  • Files that have been sent to Hospital Dr. Sardjito become the property of the Committee and shall not be refunded.
  • Not allowed to do double registration.
  • Applicants are encouraged to continue to monitor the development of information and Non PNS Contract Recruitment Hospital Dr. Sardjito Year 2017 through the website’s HR Department Hospital Dr. Sardjito (www.sdm.sardjitohospital.co.id).
  • Service Hotline at 0878 3619 2373 Day and Hours of Work.
  • Cost Health Tests and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory borne by the participants.
  • The committee decision is final and can not be contested.
  • If in the future the applicant proved to give false data, the graduation shall be canceled.

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