
Lowongan Kerja RSUD Sleman
About Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Sleman
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah – RSUD Sleman is an Organization Unit (SKPD) in the Government of Sleman district, located in a strategic point of Yogyakarta-Magelang highway or road Bhayangkara 48, Murangan, Triharjo, Sleman. As the first hospital owned Sleman District Government, and has a long history since the Dutch colonial era, Japan up to independence.

1977 was officially declared as the Government General Hospital with type D by the Decree of the Head Office of the Ministry of Health of Yogyakarta Province No. 01 065 / Regional Office / 1977, dated November 5, 1977. Changes in class D to class C was obtained on February 15, 1988. While the increase in class C to class B Non-Education acquired since 2003 until today.
Commencing December 27, 2010, Sleman District Hospital has been officially designated as BLUD with full status, based Sleman Regent Decree No. 384 / Kep.KDH / A / 2010, on the Application of Financial Management Regional Public Service Board at the General Hospital of Sleman , Full BLUD determination as this is expected to be a major impact on improving the performance of services, finances and benefits to society significantly.
In the aspect of quality management, Sleman District Hospital has gained seritifikat ISO 9001: 2000 in 2008 which has been updated to version 9001: 2008 in 2010. It is planned that in 2012 this has been done renewal. Besides improving services also pursued through assessment accreditation as evidenced by the issuance of a certificate from the Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals Number: KARS-Sert / 92 / X / 201, with accredited status: PASS LEVEL FULL, which applies three (3) years from the date October 12, 2011 until October 12, 2014. The KARS recognition is basically a recognition of compliance to the standards have hospital services that include 16 (sixteen) services consists of: Administration and Management; Medical Services; Emergency Services; Nursing services; Medical records; Pharmaceutical Services; K3; Radiology services; Laboratory services; Room service operations; Infection control services in hospitals; High-Risk Perinatal Services; Medical Rehabilitation Services; Nutrition services; Intensive care; and the Blood Service.
The position of Regional General Hospital Sleman by decree number 48 of 2009, concerning descriptions of tasks, functions and working procedures of the General Hospital of Sleman, the supporting elements of local government headed by the director of the under and responsible to the Regent through the Local Secretary. Sleman District Hospital has the tasks of the regional administration in the field of public health services. Sleman District Hospital in carrying out this task, the following functions:
- formulation of technical policy areas of public health services;
- implementation of the tasks of public health care field;
- public service delivery of public health care field;
- execution of other tasks given by the Regent in accordance with its duties and functions.
Contact RSUD Sleman
Address : Jl. Bhayangkara No. 48 Sleman DI Yogyakarta
Phone : (0274) 868437
Website :
Email :
Jobs Available
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Sleman – RSUD Sleman are currently taking applicants for the following positions:
Rekrutmen Pegawai BLUD Non Pegawai Negeri Sipil
RSUD Sleman Tahun 2015
Formation :
- Dokter Umum
- Apoteker
- Psikolog
- Perawat
- Bidan
- Perekam Medis
- Pranata Laboratorium Kesehatan
- Radiografer
- Sanitarian
- Teknisi Transfusi Darah
- Teknisis Sarana Medis
- Pramu Sterilisasi Alat Medis (CSSD)
- Pranata Teknologi Informasi
- Perencana Fisik Bangunan
- Penyusun Laporan Keuangan
- Pengadministrasi Jamkes Center
- Pengelola Kerja Sama
- Pembuku
Job Description
General Requirements
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI), preferably have valid ID Card Sleman;
- Devoted to God Almighty;
- Maximum age of 35 years old for D3/S1 and 30 years old for SMA or equivalent by 1 January 2016;
- Have educational qualifications in accordance with the position;
- Hand-written cover letter with black ink addressed to Direktur RSUD Sleman (without stamp duty);
- Physically and mentally healthy as evidenced by a medical certificate from doctor who has a practice license (SIP);
- Have a diploma from an accredited study program of at least C at the time of issued diplomas, special for SMK applicants minimum accredited B;
- Have a good behavior as evidenced by SKCK of the Local Police Office/POLRES (submitted after passing the final selection);
- Registered as job seekers as evidenced by the Seeker Identity Card (Kartu Kuning / AK.1) of the
- Local Labor Department Office (submitted after passing the final selection);
- Affidavit does not require appointed as a permanent employee or candiate civil servant (submitted after passing the final selection);
- Affidavit was never dismissed with no respect as civil servants or private employees (submitted after passing the final selection);
- Affidavit was never sentenced to prison by a court decision that has had permanent legal force (submitted after passing the final selection);
- Affidavit willing not bound contract with other parties (submitted after passing the final selection);
- Have good communication skills;
- Affidavit would not marry in the first year of work.
Application should contains the below documents :
- Hand-written application letter with black ink addressed to Direktur RSUD Sleman dated 23 November 2015 (without stamp duty);
- Curriculum Vitae (signed without stamp duty);
- Legalized copies of diploma and academic transcripts;
- Copy of valid ID Card (legalized from village to district);
- Passport photograph 4×6 (2 sheets);
- Medical certificate from doctor who has a practice license (SIP);
- Copy of certification accreditation;
- Affidavit would not marry in the first year of work.
Sites Refrerence
Submit Application
Please send all required applications above to :
Direktur RSUD Sleman
Jl. Bhayangkara No 48 Triharjo Sleman 55514.
Closing date 26 November 2015 (postmark).
All applications will be treated confidentially.
Only short listed candidates will be notified.
Note :
- All application files must be put in a stopmap and a sealed brown envelope.
- Please write Name, Education, Position in your stopmap and envelope.
- Source
Lowongan Kerja RSUD Sleman brougth to you by