Lowongan Kerja RSUD Lahat
About Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Lahat
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah – RSUD Lahat was founded in 1919 by the Dutch, derived from the provision of P3K barracks for workers who make a railway tunnel between Lahat and Tebing Tinggi. Form of barracks buildings are then developed after several Dutch health workers and Indonesia helped health problems and accidents that occur in the process of building the tunnel. The whole building barracks have now no longer exists.
Until 1992, the Regional General Hospital Hospitals Lahat Class D status and on 26 February 1993 was upgraded to Class C, because it has been qualified as a hospital with a 4 Specialties Association, according to the decree. Menkes No. 198 / Menkes / SK / II / 1993. In 2001 the General Hospital Lahat turned into the Office of Health Care RSD Lahat. And has changed its name back to the Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Lahat in 2008 until now. In accordance with the plan to change the status of the hospital and of the results of the feasibility study, the General Hospital of Lahat in the draft Strategic Plan of Business Public Service Board area (BLUD) -SKPD Year 2013-2017, a decree Lahat No: 103 / KEP / hospitals / 2013 March 8th, 2013 has been shaped into the SKPD who Applying Financial Management Public Service Board (PPK-BLUD) Fully after fulfill administrative requirements and other requirements have been determined. Along with this has been carried out development in various fields among which the Building ICU, ICCU, NICU Building VIP, VVIP and which will be implemented Fencing Hospital, as well as development plans Office Hospital lahat, building clinics, building pharmaceutical, building Radiology, House OK elective and Making DED for building plans nutrition installation, building Haemodialysis, Central Medical Gas building and other support.
Regional General Hospital is located in Lahat Lahat, Lahat regency which itself is located in a position between 3,250 up to 4,150 south latitude and 102.370 up to 103.450 east longitude. Lahat regency consists of 22 sub-district
Contact Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Lahat
Address : Jl. Letnan Jendral Harun Sohar No. 28 Kabupaten Lahat
Phone : 0731-321785
Website :
Jobs Available
In order to meet the manpower needs in the RSUD Lahat, it will be held recruitment NON civil servants who implement the Financial Management Public Service Board (PPK-BLUD).
Formation :
- Asisten Apoteker
- Perawat
- Perawat Hemodialisa
- Bidan
- Radiografer
- Analis Kesehatan
- Elektromedik
- Okupasi Terapi
- Penyusunan Abstraksi & Bantuan Hukum
- Humas & Informasi (Public Relation)
- Pengumpul & Pengelola Laporan Keuangan
- Administrasi
- Administrasi
- Tenaga Teknis
- Instalasi Listrik
- Supir Ambulan
- Ketertiban & Keamanan
- Juru Masak
Job Description
General requirement :
- Indonesian citizen and domiciled in South Sumatra Province.
- Age Maximum 35 Years / August 31, 2016.
- Physically and mentally healthy.
- Good behavior and Not Involved Activities that are prohibited by the Act.
Administrative Requirements:
- Written own application letter (Letter CAPS), Format may be downloaded Click Here
- Photocopy of diploma legalized.
- Photocopy of Transcript legalized.
- Photocopy of identity card.
- KIR of Government Doctors.
- Colored Fhoto fitting size 3 x 4 cm 3 pieces.
- SK photocopy of Hospital Director (For Applicants at No. 2 and 4).
- Photocopy of Certificate of Registration / STR (For Applicants at No. 1 s.d 8).
- Photocopying Haemodialysis Nurse Certificate (For Haemodialysis Nurse Applicants).
- Photocopying APN (For Applicants Midwife).
- A driver’s license photocopy (Ambulance Driver To Applicants).
- Photocopy of the Accreditation College / University legalized, with a value of at least B Accreditation (For Applicants with Qualification S1).
- Security guard Photocopy Basic Training Certificate (For Applicants Power Order and Security).
All files are arranged like the above sequence is then inserted in the Map Paper violin with color:
- GREEN for senior secondary education / vocational school
- YELLOW for education D3
- RED for education level S1
Sites Reference
Submit Application
For those who are interested and meet the requirements, please register online via the following page:
- Closing date : 13 August 2016.
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be followed up.
- Source
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