
Lowongan Kerja RSUD Kota Malang
About Pemerintah Kota Malang
Kota Malang is a city located in the province of East Java, Indonesia. Malang is the second largest city in East Java province, Indonesia. It has a history dating back to the ancient Mataram Kingdom. The city population at the 2010 Census was 820,243 (BPS, 2010).[1] During the period of Dutch colonization, it was a popular destination for European residents. The city is famous for its cool temperature and the surrounding country regions of Tumpang, Batu, Singosari, and Turen. People in East Java sometimes call it “Paris of East Java.” Malang was spared many of the effects of the Asian financial crisis, and since that time it has been marked by steady economic and population growth.

The history of Malang Regency could be revealed through the Dinoyo inscription 760 AD as the primary official document to support the birth of Malang before a new inscription was discovered in 1986, which is so far not yet revealed. According to the inscription, it was concluded that the 8th century was the beginning of the existence of Malang Regency’s government due to the birth of King Gajayana’s ruling of his kingdom in Malang. From the Dinoyo inscriptions, it is noted that the inscription used the “Candra Sengkala” or “Cronogram” Calendar, and stated that the birth date of Malang Regency was on Jum’at Legi (sweet Friday) of 28 November 760 AD.
The city was incorporated into Mataram Sultanate in 1614, then transferred to Dutch colonial rule. Malang was modernized under the Dutch; its cool climate which results from its elevation, along with its proximity to the major port of Surabaya, made it a popular destination for the Dutch and other Europeans. In 1879, Malang was connected to Java’s railroad network, further increasing development and leading to increased industrialization.
Along with growth came urbanization. The government could not satisfy the population’s needs for affordable housing, which lead to the building of shanty towns along the rivers and rail tracks. Up until today, the shanty towns still exist; although some have been transformed into “better” housing.
Malang city which lies at an altitude of 440-667 meters above sea level, is one of the tourist destinations in East Java because of the potential of natural and climatic owned. It lies in the midst of Malang Regency astronomically located 112.06 ° – 112.07 ° East longitude and 7.06 ° – 8.02 ° south latitude, with boundaries as follows:
- North: Singosari and district. Karangploso Malang
- East: District of Ferns and Overlapping District of Malang
- South side: District and Sub-District Tajinan Pakisaji Malang
- West side: District and Sub-District Wagir Dau Malang
And surrounded by mountains, namely:
- Mt.Arjuno in the North
- Mount Semeru in the east
- Gunung Kawi and Panderman in the West
- Kelud in the South
Jobs Available
Pemerintah Kota Kota Malang invites qualified candidates to fullfill the position as follows (which will based in RSUD Kota Malang) :
- Dokter Spesialis Bedah
- Dokter Spesialis Patologi Klinik
- Perawat Terampil
- Bidan Terampil
- Pekarya Kesehatan
- Pranata Laboratorium Kesehatan Pelaksana
- Operator Mesin Instalasi Penyehatan Lingkungan
- Nutrisionist Terampil
- Teknisi Elektromedis Pelaksana
- Juru Bangunan
- Perekam Medis Terampil
- Asisten Apoteker
- Binatu Rumah sakit
- Pengemudi ambulance dan Mobil Jenazah
- Petugas Kebersihan
- Petugas jaga Keamanan
- Pengadministrasi Umum
- Teknisi IT
- Petugas Humas
- Resepsionis
Job Description
- The application letter is addressed to the Director of RSUD Malang, handwritten in black ink, on double striped folio paper, with stamp 6000 and signed by applicants (see sample format);
- Curriculum Vitae and signed (no stamp)
- Photocopy of valid ID card of 1 sheet;
- Maximum age of applicant is 35 years old on June 1, 2017 except for Specialist Doctor formation;
- Health Certificate from doctor from government institution (hospital / puskesmas)
- Information / work experience from government / private institutions (if any);
- Photocopy of the SD certificate up to the last according to the qualification of the formation following the transcripts, for the diploma and the last value trankrip must be legalized (original stamp and signature) by the authorized person;
- Photocopy of accreditation of study program (majors) accredited at least B by BAN-PT or authorized institution on accreditation of educational institution (for D-III, S1 and S2 graduates);
- Certificate of Registration (STR) for the current D3 / S1 / S2 Health graduate
- Photocopy of professional certificate authorized by authorized official for graduates of S.1 and S.2 Health;
- Copy of Training Certificate owned (for Nurse and Midwife Mandatory have valid BLS certificate);
- Copy of special training certificate
- Special midwives should attach a copy of KTA IBI
- Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) or minimum cumulative grade:
- . D-III / S.1 and S2 = 2.75 for the country
- . D-III / S.1 and S2 = 3.00 for private
- . SMA / equivalent = 7.00
- Fill out the declaration willing not to resign if passed the selection (see example);
- The statement should not be pregnant in the first year of work
- The latest 4×6 color photograph is 2 pieces and on the back is the applicant’s name;
- If any of the conditions specified above are not met, it is declared ineligible and declared void;
- Application file belongs to the committee.
- The specific requirements of each formation can be found on the source page
Sites Reference
Submit Application
- Applicants include all the completeness of the registration requirements into the folio size brown folder addressed to : KETUA PANITIA SELEKSI TENAGA NON PNS RSUD KOTA MALANG Jl. Rajasa No. 27 Kelurahan Bumiayu Kota Malang Kode POS 65135 dengan mencantumkan identitas nama pelamar, kualifikasi pendidikan, dan nama jabatan formasi, kode formasi yang dipilih pada pojok kanan atas.
- Application files sent via POS (not serving the delivery of files directly).
- Anyone who has sent the file before this announcement is made is considered to have never submitted the file and is welcome to resend it via POS.
- Application file received by Non-PNS Selection Committee of Malang City Public General no later than 3 May 2017.
- Applicants who pass administrative selection will be announced on May 6, 2017 through the Official website of RSUD Malang with website address : dan
- All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.
- Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.
- Source
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