Lowongan Kerja RSUP Kariadi Semarang



Lowongan Kerja RSUP Kariadi

About RSUP Dr Kariadi Semarang

Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dokter Kariadi – RSUP Dr Kariadi is a government-owned hospital in the Indonesian city of Semarang, Central Java. In the implementation of medical education, Dr Doctor Kariadi affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine, University of Semarang Diponegoro.

Structurally, the department of dr. Kariadi the Technical Unit in the Ministry of Health which is subordinate and accountable to the Director General of Medical Services Ministry of Health who has the task to organize the effort of healing and restoration carried out in a harmonious, integrated, and sustained by the efforts of health promotion and prevention as well as efforts to implement referral and other efforts as needed.

In the period of 1919, Dr. N.F. Liem was initiated to replace and incorporate the City Hospital (Stadverband Ziekenhuis) with Assistant City Hospital (Hulp Stadverband Ziekenhuis) in Semarang became Centrale Begrliijke Ziekenninricting known as CBZ. On 9 September, resmilah CBZ takes stand after 5 years of development since 1920 with a capacity of 500 beds in large wards, which can accommodate 45 beds.

Van Leeuwen and Opzichter Ooiman as the planner and executor Mr. Wijanarko as far in advance has designed a separation between the clinic and inpatient space in addition to building a dormitory, kitchen, washing, laboratory, dispensary administrative offices and garages.

Housing built around doctors and hospital employees purposely to facilitate efficiency and emergency services in the past.

In the early days are few experts in the field penyalit, surgery, obstetrics and diseases of the womb, and prioritize the functions of medical services in the form of curative treatment dang paramedic education function. Along with the establishment of Army Hospital in Semarang, the expert eye, ENT, skin and genitals are also concurrently working there in the CBZ.

History of education in those days known as “Mantri Velplenger (ster) and Vroedrouw” has been known for its harsh discipline and tight-zuster zuster run by the Dutch, but reducing Bumiputra children to be a student there.

RSUP Dr Kariadi

Company Contact


Jobs Available

RSUP Dr Kariadi Semarang are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following positions :

Formasi Tenaga Kesehatan :

  1. Dokter Spesialis Paru
  2. Dokter Spesialis Bedah Thoraks dan Cardiovaskular
  3. Dokter Spesialis Bedah Anak
  4. Dokter Spesialis Jantung
  5. Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam
  6. Dokter Spesialis Obstetri dan Ginekologi
  7. Dokter Spesialis Bedah Onkologi
  8. Dokter Spesialis Radiologi
  9. Dokter Spesialis Anestesi (KIC)
  10. Dokter Umum
  11. Apoteker
  12. Psikolog Klinis
  13. Perawat
  14. Asisten Apoteker
  15. Analis Laboratorium
  16. Okupasi Terapis
  17. Fisioterapis
  18. Terapis Wicara
  19. Audiologi
  20. Perekam Medik

Formasi Tenaga Teknis / Administrasi :

  1. Teknisi Listrik
  2. Teknisi Mesin
  3. Teknis Bangunan
  4. Pramu Bakti
  5. Pramu Saji

Jobs Description

General Requirements :

  • Indonesian citizen (WNI).
  • Age as of 1 February 2018
    • D3 : minimum age of 20 years and maximum age of 35 years old.
    • S1 : minimum age of 23 years and maximum age of 35 years old.
    • Possess academic certificate/diploma with minimum accreditation B, issued by a state or private educational institution (PTN/PTS).
  • Willing to work in shifting system.
  • Willing to be relocated at Semarang.
  • Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) = 3.00.
  • Performance criteria:
  • Minimum height of 155 cm for Female and 160 cm for Male.
  • Ideal of weight/proportional and attractive appearance.
  • Not in a state of pregnancy at time of registration as evidenced by the laboratory test results (for Female applicants who has been married).
  • Passed in all selection process; administrative, performance test, written test, psychological test, skill and interview test, and medical test.
  • Have a good health (physically and mentally).
  • Never sentenced to prison or confinement under a court decision and already has permanent legal force, as an act of criminal.
  • Never engage in an activity / movement against Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the State and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Willing to obey all the rules that exist in RSUP Dr Kariadi, and could not smoke during work in RSUP Dr Kariadi.

Sites Reference

  1. www.rskariadi.co.id

Submit Application

Please register and sign in to RSUP Dr Kariadi e-recruitment website with link as follow :

Notes :

  • Closing date of registration is 3 March 2018>
  • Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process

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